Friday, January 1, 2010

start the ball rolling, 2010!!

today marks the start of year 2010. Year 2009 was past. As the saying goes, don't dwell on the past. That is what I will do. But before throwing all the events that had happened in 2009, let's have a recap of the key events or decisions made.

It was during this period where I finally came to a decision as to what I want to study/do in the future. Whether my decision to study overseas is right or ambitious. We shall see. Nevertheless, I will try my best to make it a right one. This is one huge decision that I've made in 21 years, it will impact not just myself, but my parents as well. Now, its to look ahead and making the best out of the situation. I hope my goals are goals achievable and they won't deteriorate to dreams.

My ORD month. 2 years has finally past. And this is the time where i no longer need to hold green card and wear no. 3 and face computers whole day long! My time at the unit was much better than I thought. It was not a bad experience to many others' army experience. This is hugely due to the work I do at my unit. It was a slacking one. Which I have no idea why someone can still complain in the unit. We are a fortunate batch, so don't complain! And the ORD week has been a good week to end the 2 years of army. My buddy and I didn't create much problems to the ma'ams & sirs. Hence, the treatment we have was good.

I finally faced up to a situation which I have been hiding away. I didn't know where I picked up that bit of courage from, but I'm glad I did the right thing.

Went for two 10km runs. One is the Nike Human Race, the other being the New Balance Real Run. Both were great. I'm no runner but I'm no quitter. And in both race, I didn't stop much. Quite pleased with myself, considering it was only until this year where I began to jog.

30th/31st December:
A dinner & movie outing with my 2 closest cliques of friends. I hope I didn't screw things up. Alvin & Chipmunks 2 was not bad. I only planned to have a good laugh at the film and it provided me what I want.
I didn't plan to have a haircut on the last day of the year. It's nothing about superstitions. But I end up having a hairstyle which fit my 3 requirements. And I ended up a satisfied customer. All thanks to the hairstylist Joey.
Went for a jog after the haircut, I wanted to give up & stop halfway thru' the run but I picked up my determination and pushed myself to hang on & finish it.

Year 2010 will be a year about studies. 110% effort will be needed. And to reward myself, the best present shall be a trip to the Universal Studios in Sentosa. Wait for me!! I'll be coming!!

To end this post, happy new year to my friends! The upcoming year shall be a good one and will be a good one. =)

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