Friday, February 27, 2009

nearly got trapped in the lift....AGAIN!!!

i 'LUCKY' can I ever get! I actually got trapped in the lift for a short while after returning from my army unit. What happened is this. I went into the lift. So, I pressed my floor level and close the door. The door opened and I thought someone wanted to enter, but to my dismay, there was no one. So I closed the door again. The next few seconds which followed, really freak me out!! 

The lift didn't even travel to the 2nd floor. Just when the lift starts elevating, I can feel the lift come to a sudden stop. It stayed at the spot for a few seconds. Then, the lift went down to the ground floor and open its door. PHEW!! What an escape! It could well be my 3rd time being trapped in lift. My 1st time at my new block. =)
 *damn! i guess i'm fated to be trapped in lift lah, trap me!!*

For the past 2 weeks, I've been having the best time in my army life due to my superiors going overseas for course. I can be able to do work at relaxed pace and be spared of their nagging. But my mood was dampened by one regular. Haiz. *Not nice to discuss what she complained about me but nevertheless, it made me emo for that day*. But life's back to normal. Normal working day. Normal tiff with someone whom I don't quite like. 

Anyway, I really need to buck up on my fitness. If not, I'll really be having a real bad time when April comes when I need to do my IPPT. Hopefully jogging thrice a week will help. Jia you!!

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