Friday, March 13, 2009

an interesting topic

I heard this interesting topic discussed on radio this morning while working in the office. The DJs were throwing this topic on "whether guys or gals are easier to understand" to the listeners. 

As the listeners poured in with their own opinions, both genders supported their own gender by saying they face more difficulties in understanding the other gender. And the evidence given for the shortcomings of both genders seems to me like its down to one general reason. For the guys, the gals listeners gave reason saying the guys don't like to express their true feelings, most of the topics are more to do with interests, hobbies, entertainment, news, etc. And for the gals, its more to do with saying one thing but meant another thing. 

Well, for the part said on guys, I can say that is the case for me. I don't quite show my true feelings all the time. Somehow, I'll hide it by saying lame things, keeping quiet. Why do I chose to hide in my own 'shell'. I don't know. Actually its not just that I don't really wanna say. It's more like the words sometimes come to my mind, but when I speak, I think twice, or thrice and decided not to say. Just don't have enough self-confidence in myself, don't quite know how to express. 

Anyway, what made me felt like blogging about a radio chat topic is because it brought me to think of her AGAIN..I thought I had put it behind me but somehow I didn't. Maybe I didn't approach this situation well enough. I mean, the sudden change of being good friends(not sure if its wishful thinking on my part, haha) to not contacting at all. Funny. How that incident can bring a change to our life, or rather just mine, haha!

At least, I learnt something out of the situation. To treasure friends even more. Just that I must learn to show that I treasure, because I can just kept it in my heart and looks 'cold', haha. Oh well, move on!

Anyway, enough of ranting le. Yet another long post. Hopefully no one will read this post. =)

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