Tuesday, March 24, 2009

soon-to-be hobby =)

like the title suggest..I'm interested in picking up a new hobby! It's about keeping a pet at home. Dogs?? Nope. Cats?! Nah. Hamsters?!?!? Not either. Aiya, its fishes. 

Last Saturday, after having nasi lemak at katong with my parents, I passed by an aquarium shop. My parents & I went in to take a look. I've always like marine fishes, but didn't rear them because of the implications of having them. You see. The salt content of the salt water that the fishes stay in, must be of right proportion. There's other factors to take care of as well. Like nitrogen and the cleanliness of the tank. But today I was having the aqua-fanatic Alan about this topic. And there's another issue to take care of. Marine fishes need air-con to survive, as they require low temperature to live. That chiller/air-con will cost a bomb. But, I really like marine fishes, fishes like clown fish a.k.a nemo looks real nice under neon lights. It's as if their bodies can glow. Really very nice. However, as my understanding of myself with my own short attention span on interest/hobby, I doubt this sudden burst of interest will last. But I'm trying to change. Really! Starting with..my interest on guitar. Hopefully it will last really long. 

Anyway, I saw a rainbow after having my nasi lemak!! Wanted to take a shot of it with my dad's N95 BUT I forgot how to use a camera phone. Oh no!! I tried and tried until the rainbow decided enough's enough! It decided to fade away before i took a decent shot of it =((

*Clap hands clap hands* Its less than 4 months to my ORD le. Yay!! That means I DUN HAVE to face HIM after that. Hmm, HIM is a junior of mine. I dun like the way he brags about his 'knowledge'. I mean, don't make urself sounds so knowledgeable when u don't leh..he's always talking about how good he's with his programming knowledge. Like to say boastful stuffs and like to be a Lao Da (big brother). But then again, perhaps its just his case of insecurity or lack of self-confidence which is why he's using this way to 'protect' himself?? Maybe...I guess I gotta be more forgiving, and have more tolerance, which I don't have. Ok, I must try to accept others for what they are. Yes, I can!

And lastly, one thing that made my day! My dad went home after work, telling me that he was worried that he had lost the coin pouch that I got for his birthday this year. Luckily, he just left it in the car. It didn't dropped on the road or elsewhere. Whoa! It came as a shock to me! Firstly, relationship between him and myself aren't that good. I'm closer to my mum. Secondly, he seldom talk more about his feelings to us de. He's a da nan ren. A male chauvernistic (i think i spelt wrongly). But nevertheless, he's a good dad. Anyway, I was touched and really happy with his 'anxiety' over the misplacement of the pouch. I always feel really glad and assured that I got a present for family or friends as long as they like it. My insecurity will be out haunting me, making me think alot of unnecessary stuffs and thus as long the result i get from people is positive. I'll be really happy. 

Dunno wat I've been typing oso..should've change the title to juz random post instead..LOL

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