Friday, March 27, 2009

had a great day today!

this week has been a pretty good week so far. I enjoyed today very much. I was informed yesterday that I'll be having lunch outside with my WITS team. This meant 2 good news for me. Good news 1- No cookhouse food for me today=) This week's lunch is really pretty awful!! I'm never someone who doesn't like to finish his food. But ARGH! really can't stand the food. 
Good news 2- Today's dine-out is using the $$ we won through WITS awards. The lunch is a meal at a hotel. AND no need to start work straight after lunch!! Whee!!

Anyway, really had a lot of food during today's buffet. Who ask me to be big mouth and say I always don't like to waste food. So, I really ate all that I can. Haha. Felt really full after the meal though. I felt quite bloated. But perhaps because of my good mood today, my food was all digested by 3 hours. And I felt like eating again. Not forgeting the guys in the office for tempting me with hot & spicy chips while I'm still feeling bloated. Thanks ah! 

Received bert's message enquiring about meeting tonight. He planned to watch FanBoy. But eventually the plan was changed to eating zi char at a coffeeshop near my house. The food's really nice though. Love this dish called Coffee Pork Ribs. Yummy! Eventually, we met up in the end with kit as well. Had zi char. And went for a movie at Leisure Park after that. We watched The Unborn. It is a PG-rated film which I think should be rated as NC-16 for some scenes in the show. By the way, it's my 1st horror film at the cinema with the guys. We bought the tickets for the movie at 8.30pm when the show starts at 8.05pm. Missed quite a bit of the show, but its still a relatively nice show though. Got a few disturbing scenes. Never watch horror films with them 'coz huat don't quite like it but anyway, I learnt something today! Bert's quite scared with horror film 'coz he was grabbing kit's hand real hard!! But its funny lah. It's that kind of wanna see the disturbing scene yet got that bit of fear loh. Quite cute lah. Haha =) On the way out of Leisure Park, I saw this gal from my course. Dunno her name. Just know that she's from azuan's class. 

To people reading my blog, try searching for this video call 'Hotel 626' on youtube. Its an online game and its video is quite..erm...____ *fill in the space by watching it lo* =P 
*don't watch it with the speakers on if u think u're not really a 'brave' person. I was watching it as i type this post. At this late hour, I got a slight shock. 

I think i saw HER today after the 3 of us went to get concession at train station. Saw a really familiar back-view as we approach the traffic lights. She rushed to cross the road. We didn't. Part of me wanted to rush to cross as well, but part of me says don't. I told the guys after that. They were saying i think too much. Really? Perhaps. As we approach the bus terminal, I was searching if she was around. But, she wasn't. Maybe its just someone that look like her?! I thought i forgot about her? Or didn't I? Hmm...


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