Saturday, March 21, 2009

happiest day of the week =)

I'm NOT going to do operation on my arm le! YEAH!

YES! I'm absolutely overjoyed with the fact that I can cancel away the operation appointment for some correction surgery to my right arm. Well, after a long thought of considering to do the operation or not, and on Tuesday, I gave an answer to my specialist doctor on my decision to my right arm. The answer is YES. 'Coz he said after seeing him for 10+ years regarding my old injury which occured in primary school, its reached a time where I'm to decide whether to leave my arm as it is (which is, being able to bend to 90 degrees, no more no less), or to have an operation to try to correct the situation. 

However, what really caused me to ponder alot on my arm's situation is down to 4 reasons. 1 reason being, I go for the operation. Have a scar on my right arm (don't like my arm to have a scar, 'coz I dunno how big the scar can be, a very big scar looks ugly). Secondly, the doctor can't give me an answer to how much the operation can help in correcting my arm (improve a little bit, alot, he just can't promise me anything, doesn't have any definite answer, makes me unsure of the help I gain from the surgery). 2nd way to the situation will be, to go for the operation at a subsidised rate (operation cost to be covered fully) and be daring and just give it a go! So, it's up to me to decide which reason matters the most to me. 

But after agreeing to the operation, I thought about the operation and I'm just getting more uncertain about my decision as I go through the admin procedures required for the surgery and it got worst as soon as I saw the budget. It cost $7000+. It's too much to bear with the result of the surgery uncertain. Alot of 'what ifs' flew past my mind. Felt quite emo after the appointment. I need to double-check with unit's admin clerk whether the cost will be covered and whether my branch head allow me to go for the operation. 

So this afternoon, I went to check with the admin clerk, and her reply is because I'm a private patient, I will have to bear for the surgery cost. I'm not keen on having to pay for the operation because of uncertain result. And after knowing that I have to pay for the surgery if I were to go, made me more determined not to go for the surgery. After all, I can choose to correct my arm next time if I want, through referral from polyclinic rather than through my current doctor who charges me as private patient where it will cost a bomb. Anyway, this piece of news help me in making my decision. And so, I'm happy!

Had a good cycling exercise in gym during Games Day and went with the unit guys to the Adidas sale & Popular sale at the expo. Whoa! The Adidas sale is really quite an eye opener. We need to queue up in order to get into the hall. And the stuffs that were left when we went in were little. Its only the 1st day of the sale btw! It's either we're really slow, or that there wasn't alot of items on sale. But anyway, to be able to clear up most of their goods on the 1st day of supposedly 3 days sale is good news isn't it. 

I bought 2 models made of wooden plank at the Popular sale. 1 of which is Eiffel Tower. The other one comprises 1 guitar and a grand piano. I think I'm going to try paint it to make it lively as compared to the dull light-beige tone of the model. The display cabinet is going to be flooded when I really fix all the models I have on hand le. Gonna stop myself from buying any more models le. I've got no place in my room for another cabinet!! 

That's it for this week where it marks a mixture of good news for myself and a bad week for some guys in the unit. Hoping for next week to be a better one! =)

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