Wednesday, April 28, 2010

JJ Wanderers..

my mind have been wandering around quite frequently. And as it wonders, my mind just keep thinking about more and more things. Can't seem to remove them out of my head either. Before I came over here, I thought as a single child, and being used to loneliness, staying alone at studio apartment won't matter much. But I was proven wrong! Because I'm the only child, I don't like to be alone, and I'm lonely not because I want to. But at home, at least I still can crap, or find my mum to have someone to talk to, physically. Now in my room, there's no one to talk to. And sometimes, you will long for someone to talk to.

One matter I gave some thoughts to, is whether to be contented with life or to be ambitious? For me, I'm pretty contented with life. Well, I've got doting parents and met great friends along my life.

In primary school, I have giap seng as my best friend. He's top in class and I'm last but that didn't stop him from being my friend. Had a great 4 years of primary school friendship, didn't met for 8 years (in secondary school, poly and army) until recently, and I hope this friendship shall continue for years to come.

Then comes to secondary school, I met shaun on the first day of school, we had no other friends from primary school in that secondary school and from then on, we had a great 3 years of havoc time with kelvin until shaun left for UK. And then, I've got kit, huat, bert, sont & juan who have been wonderful. Its hard to meet bert & sont that often nowadays as compared to kit & huat due to their busy schedule.

And then in poly, I was close with wai, shingo and kenny, till some unpleasant things happened between myself and shingo. But nevertheless, I got to meet yx & lil and with the 4 of us (wai, yx, lil & myself), our activities are always happening and fun.

And more recently in BMT, I got to meet terence & hz. Am still in good contact with terence but with hz, unpleasant things happened and I don't meet him nowadays. And also, my mu friends, kenny, rabbit, yin ki, cm, cj, jw, yx, kp, da kc & xiao kc. A nice bunch of people who showed me the detemination needed in life.

Last but not least, my 'family' that I know here in altitude. Kiong, mic, H, jx, linda & xh. If I can keep in close contact with all the great friends listed, shouldn't I be contented. Of course, not forgetting my parents.

But to be contented easily doesn't necessary spells good stuff. Because that means I don't have the fighting spirit. And that leads to the other scenario of being ambitious. You need to have fighting spirit to be ambitious, without fighting spirit, that should just be called wishful thinking. But then, with ambitious people, thats where I think people starts to lose themselves. 'Coz with one target achieved, people starts to aim for more and tougher targets and sometimes they lose themselves in it, make enemies because of their goals, lose loved ones. And at the end of the day, this isn't what they want. Ouch! Anyway, I think I really think too much le. I guess I'm really bored. :p

Thursday, April 15, 2010

me = pig!!

Yeah, like the title suggests..I'm really a pig. I'm supposed to wake up at 6 plus today. Prepare, and head off for lecture. But I overslept till 12 noon! Sleep at 5am? No excuse. Slept for 2 hours the previous day? No excuse either. The 2nd time I overslept since I came here. The first time was because of my laziness, I kept snoozing my alarm clock. This time round, I didn't even snooze my alarm clock at all! I just slept through the annoying noise of alarm clock. Nice one, JJ..really nice..
So, from tonight onwards, I'm going to have 3 alarms to make sure this won't happen again. An alarm clock, an alarm from handphone & an alarm from ipod touch. If this doesn't help...I really don't know what will help? Maybe someone crying out "Fire! Fire!" might help. =(

My post stops here. There's nothing interesting below. Till next post...
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Ever wondered if you have worked so hard for something and when you get it, you didn't want it THAT badly and start to regret. I can't remember when I heard this before or where exactly did I see this from. This made me give it some thoughts. And I find it pretty true. Let me state an example. I'm not sure if this is a good example to give. For example, you've known a girl. And you think you really like her alot. Then put in a lot of effort to try to know her, woo her and in the end, got together. But once you two are together. You realised you like her but not exactly in the form that you long for her to be your girlfriend, you just feel comfortable with her around, that's about it. And by then, it's already a few years into the relationship and starts to regret. What will you do? Tough situation isn't it?

Ah..! Thought of another scenario. Say you aren't a very academic inclined student. Then you went to a open house by a university. From there, you've gained interest on a particular course. And to get in, you need good grades. So, you mug & mug and you've managed to get the grades necessary to get in. And you've got in! And so, you started studying that course and in the last year, you've realised this isn't what you want, how? Finish it & continue to work in the industry related to the course? You could be unhappy in the job. Finish it & work in another industry? If that's the case, what's the point of studying hard to do the course & work in somewhere irrelevant. But, that should be the better choice though.

My point is, sometimes you work real hard to get something you think you really want. But is that the thing you really want? Will you be really happy when you've achieved it? Will you regret that you've spent so much effort & you aren't that happy when you have it? I would say, follow your heart. Whatever it is, it's most important to be happy. So what if you are drawing huge salary, holding a high position in your company's hierachy with nice car & nice house but you've missed out on involvement in your family & gatherings with buddies because of work commitment. These are things where u can't buy with $$, would you be happy, even with lots of $$ with you?

Perhaps I'm reading too much into it. But then again, you will only know if you are happy with anything unless you've worked hard for it and put in effort to achieve it. Without trying, you wouldn't know. Hah. I just contradict myself, isn't it?

Hope no one reads till this sentence and hear my ranting.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter break..

It's been slightly over a week since my previous post but many things has happened. Let's talk about studies first. Got my 2nd assignment for Food Sensory back, got 9/10. Pretty pleased with it because it was worth my effort. But I felt jealous when i saw friends getting full marks. Because initially their answers weren't correct until we discussed answers. Now I know why kelvin don't like to share his answers to maths homework in secondary school. I can totally understand how it feels to work hard just to give answers away. But then, we cannot be selfish, isn't it?

The planned road trip for Easter to New South Wales was cancelled and was replaced with 2 day trips. But before the day trips start, we went for a singing session at SunnyBank & a trip down to Fortitude Valley a.k.a Brisbane Chinatown. The singing session was a tat too short 'coz we have 7 people and we only had 3 hours slot and during that time, dinner was provided as well. But it's good enough to be able to sing! Fortitude Valley was average, Singapore's Chinatown is much much better. There's only restaurants & pubs there. Anyway, it's popular for its clubbing lifestyle. After fortitude valley, we went to Mount Gravatt. The location of the mountain is good, as you can see a large area of Brisbane. But the lookout was partly blocked by the vegetations and it wasn't as good a lookout as Mount Coot-tha.

Here comes the day trips. First, on Sunday, we went to this lake which is about 30 mins drive from home. That place is really WOW! The water is clear. Surroundings are peaceful, a really nice place to chill. And then, we went to Red Cliffe. Yes, you didn't see wrongly. It is Red Cliffe. There's a beach over there, just like Surfers' Paradise. But once you're there, you'll know why Surfers' Paradise has the word 'paradise' and Red Cliffe have the word 'red'. Surfers' Paradise is really like a paradise as the scenery is great and the water is gorgeous. But Red Cliffe has slightly muddy water, carparks there aren't the best either. It's hard to move around.

Next, was the Monday trip to Byron Bay & Mount Tamborine. Byron Bay is located on the outskirt of New South Wales. So, by car, it took us 2 hours to get there from Brisbane. We left at 3am, in the hope of getting there for sunrise. So, there we set off with all 7 of us in our 'uniform', which is our personalised t-shirt. But things didn't go too well, as the engine oil for one of the cars was used up. And we took a bit of time at the petrol station before we head off. We were running out of time for sunrise as we can see the sky starting to turn bright as we cruise on the highway.

But nevertheless, we reached Byron Bay, and get to see part of the sunrise. The beach over there is heavenly. Perhaps there's other places where there's nice beaches. But this is definitely one of the best scenery attraction that I've ever been to. And as we scout around the whole bay, the view from the lighthouse is even better. Pictures should be up on Facebook soon. But after Byron Bay, things didn't go too well. H returned to his car, feeling emo. And some traffic hiccups happened on our way to Mount Tamborine, in Gold Coast. And in Mount Tamborine, H & jx had a quarrel. That made the trip not as wonderful but nevertheless, I was happy with my first road trip ever. Now that I've enjoyed myself, it's time to immerse into studies.