Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rampaging through E51..

I decided to take out my E51, with my singtel SIM card, and switch it on to check for any incoming new messages. No idea what I was hoping to see but I just felt like taking a look. And so, there isn't any new messages apart from a message from an Australian telecom company's greeting message. This phone has been through thick and thin with me for 1 plus year in NS and a few more months before I got Tattoo. So I decided to scan at my old messages in my inbox.

Looking through the old messages made me recall my life after my ORD where my oldest sms was dated. And as I looked through each and every message and start to delete them, the two 'outstanding' incidents bring back some unhappy memories in my plain and dull life. One incident was a case of forgetting a secondary school buddy's birthday. And my other 2 buddies and myself were discussing how to make it up to that buddy and try to think of ways to mend the situation. It was a good ending after all and I'm more than pleased. It's years of friendship we are talking about here.

And another incident was stopping the contact with one army friend. I made this decision after some of the things he said and now that I come to think of it, it might be just a rash decision by myself. It could be a wrong move on my part. Just like the case with shingo, I just could have done better on my part, I guess. Like clearing things up, be more frank.

Nevertheless, from these two incidents, I think I can take more positives than negatives from the experience. Like learning to handle friendship better. Perhaps the incidents are unhappy ones, but I think if you can learn from the experience, it ain't that bad eh. But last year wasn't just about bad moments. At least, I tried not to be a coward. Two years ago, I ducked away from you, hide in my own shell. I'm glad I decided to come out of my shell and face the fact.

This leads me to thinking why does human or rather myself, only get to learn only after certain things has happened. When things or people are by your side, or with you, normally tends to take things for granted, it will always be when you lose or going to lose something, then you will learn to treasure it more. Cheap. So cheap.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


it's been a while since I've wrote something. Missed you, blog! Haha..This week has been a pretty good week. I feel my luck is on a high. Very high indeed. First, it happens with the academic matters. My first report written in over 2 years plus was a 2.95 out of 5. Wasn't good at all. And this week, I got back my 2nd one. It was a 4.35 out of 5. Whoa! This wasn't anywhere near my expectations. I had lost all confidence in that module as I feel I couldn't achieve the results I want. This was the 1st of 2 pleasant surprises.

The other pleasant surprise was with my bio practical worksheet. It's a well-known fact that I suck extremely at bio, it's to the point of being atrocious. The worksheet wasn't done well in my opinion at all. I expected a mark of less than 2 out of 7. Yes, 2 or less out of 7, that was my expected results. It was THAT bad. I wasn't feeling good for the past week. I fear going for the coming practical and seeing such results. I have enough of such results in poly year 1 in Science and Food Preparation, i think i got results like 0.5 out of 5 before. It sucks. I wasn't someone confident in the first place, getting such results only make it worse. Anyway, enough of the sidetrack, back to my bio practical worksheet, I got it back in the lab. I looked at my results, I looked at the name on the worksheet. It's mine! Absolutely shocking! In a pleasant way, actually. I got 5 out of 7. It wasn't well done but comparing the actual result and my expected one, it definitely came as a shock. No joke.

And also, the celebration today. It was a memorable one. I'm not those that like to have a birthday party. My only birthday party was when I was still a kid and it was a mini gathering with relatives. Since then, my birthday have been a meal with good friends and having singing session, bowling, or catching a movie. Something simple, BUT I'm more than contented with such activities. First and foremost, to have friends to remember my birthday is good enough for me. It don't have to be a spectacular day, simple things are enough to make me feel happy. Because I believe in having things simple and it would be the company of THE FRIENDS that makes the day special. I don't long for any special treatment or any special way to celebrate. I might give the impression that I don't like to celebrate my birthday but it's because I don't want my friends to make that effort to plan. Planning isn't easy.

And today, it was a day of the simple things happening together. A dinner at "Little Hong Kong" at Sunnybank. Followed by, having a chocolate cheesecake at Mount Coot-tha, our favourite place during my first weeks in Brisbane with my friends. And on the way back, we saw the moon being soooo close to us. It's like the moon don't look like it's high up there at the sky, it looks more like a hot-air balloon actually. Not to mention, the sky was clear and stars are brightly lit. And I got a meaningful birthday card as well. All these events are simple but when you know that your friends take the effort to get things going. It's just touching. So, thanks to wee kiong, linda, mickey, H, jie xin, xiang hong and jie xin's sis (jie ying)! It's memorable and it definitely holds a place in my heart along with my 17th birthday. Great friends, great memories. I can be able to write my emotions down but it would be rare to hear it coming from my mouth.

Noticed that I removed the birthday on my facebook profile? I purposely removed it. I'm just a nobody on this world, I don't need so many wishes. I'm more than contented with wishes from true friends.