Sunday, July 17, 2011

Back to school...soon.

The 1 month holiday is about to end. School's going to restart and it will be 1 more year of business education for me. Well, the year that has just past was challenging. Getting used to business modules isn't a smooth ride. But when has life been one? Nevertheless, i tried to take it in my stride. And attempt to approach the modules with determination. To make it worthwhile for all my mum's $$ in this course and to prove i'm of some use. At least not 100% useless bah! Hah.

Last semester was the semester which i feel i truly put in enough effort to feel satisfied apart from the secondary school 'O' Level days. 算是对得起自己吧! Results does equates to the amount of effort you put in. It really does. And so, out of the 4 modules, i had Distinction for 2 modules. Lovely! A High Distinction for Retail Marketing & Distribution, awesome!!! Wasn't expecting any High Distinction for my modules and it came as a pleasant surprise. I'm overjoyed and it spurred me to put in more effort in the upcoming semester and the 2 other semesters as well. But here's the bad news! I only got a Pass for Entrepreneurship. By far, my worse result in Curtin. I know i won't do well for that module. But certainly a Pass was unthinkable but I still did it. Bleh. It made me utterly disappointed and the good results for the other 3 modules won't make up for it at all.

I can only keep ploughing and keep working hard. When you aren't clever, you can only make up with absolute hard work. There's no other way to work this out. No way! 3 more semesters till the end of my Bachelor of Commerce (majoring in Management & Marketing). Can't wait to complete it. And get back to where i feel, i belong to. For my character, i will only struggle in a business environment. I will change to become better, learn to adapt better. But give me time. I will try. Hard.

Now, let's talk about some happy stuff. =) Thursday. Just another day of the week. But with a good companion and good activities, it will not be ordinary but memorable. A great dinner at Ma Maison @ The Central. A walk after dinner along Clarke Quay. Followed by a walk to Shaw Tower for ice-cream. Simple activities, it is. But worth remembering, nevertheless. I'm happy. But most importantly, it is to hear that she had a nice time. It's early days and more effort is needed to foster the relationship/friendship. But I just want to write over here that you are a good company and i know you slightly more le.

I keep saying i have changed. But, come to think about it, who is the real Jin Jun in the first place? What is my identity? I don't know how to answer this question. I'm not sure about my identity. But reading the letters from You will get me to do some soul searching. Think through about my life directions. I hope it's not too late! And then i can form bits of myself into a proper jigsaw puzzle. Then i can have an idea who am I!

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