Saturday, July 2, 2011

if only every day is holi-day!

Dunno how i shall start this post. Let's start it this way. It's 3 weeks into holidays. 2 more weeks and it's back to school! Excited? Not a single bit! I can't wish to complete the course when next may comes! But for now, i'll try to put in my best in the remaining 11 modules and hopefully get good grades.

Holidays has been nice. Well, not splendid. But it's not too bad. Enjoyed myself during outings with friends. Had a good rest. Sleeping in for around 8 hours is the best thing you can wish for. It just makes you feels good.

I've been catching lots of movies. Spent quite a bit of $$ but i've no idea what i spent on. I know i spent a lot on food but my wallet looks poorer than what it should be. Shucks!

I've been exercising a lot also. That's because i really need to cut down on my weight after all the extra burden i gained from snacking during exam period and from all the high-calorie food i ate. So, after being sinful, it's time to make up for it.

And oh, while at AMK Hub yesterday, i saw catherine, whom i know from the NTUC days. I was contemplating whether to go up to her and say hi. Seriously, don't know what i'm thinking loh, i was actually wondering if she still remember me and that's why i hold back. Why can't i just stop thinking so much and just do whatever it comes to mind. I will kill less brain cells and it should be better, i guess.

The assignments results for last semester were released 1 week plus back. I'm quite happy with most but there's one assignment which really made me very happy. I think i was writing really bad for the Retail Marketing & Distribution assignment and it was off-track, and it's until i made the changes and with a huge slice of luck, i managed to get 24 marks out of 30. A lucky high-distinction paper, lucky me!

Few days back, I received an email from my TP lecturer, Mr. Tan Kian Beng, regarding QA/QC vacancies in Nestle. I was so happy to see the email and this is a position i've always wanted. But this opportunity came knocking at the wrong time. Still got 1 more year to go in Curtin, so i will need to forego any good opportunities that comes knocking my door between now and next May.
I hope i get to encounter when i'm graduating. Food science jobs are hard to come by. And to have available QA/QC jobs is not easy too. Let's see if i have the fate to meet any nice jobs when i'm graduating. For now, i shall forget about the Nestle position. But once again, what a waste! It's just not something that always comes by. Not that i will get in know, it's just such a good opportunity.

2 more weeks of holidays and a new semester will begin. And it is just the start of a tough 3 semesters. Let's hope time passes by quick and before i realise, it will be May 2012 already....

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