Monday, June 13, 2011

holiday starts!!

Finally! The day that i've looked forward to has come. Not that i have a lot of plans of things i intend to do during this period. But rather, it's a time when i can get to allow my mind to relax. Without the need to worry about my studies. The last paper for this semester, Retail Marketing & Distribution, felt just so hard to clear. Part of the mind and heart is thinking about holidays, about taking a break and this makes studying for this paper tougher than its already is.

But somehow, the paper turns out manageable. I don't think i'll score well. But at least, it's possible to get some kind of decent results which is pleasing, given that i felt i didn't put in enough effort for it. Tried and tried to revise for 3 times but when the information can't get into your mind. It just can't.

The ending of this paper marks the start of many other good things to happen on Friday. As for the paper, my seat number 167, had number 16 in it. My favourite number! Probably my favourite number decides to turns lucky to lend me a helping hand. Thanks!

So, after the paper, i went to gym. And on my way to take the train to tampines, i happen to see suan cher across the road! It's been a long while since my secondary school class had a class gathering. 3 years? 4 years? It'd been a long time since i see her. Happy to see a long-time-no-see friend. IT Fair, Hangover 2 and dinner were the other activities on the itinerary for Friday. Dinner at a japanese restaurant at suntec was good. The chat with kit was good. And yah, i saw bokai and ming xuan at suntec too. See! Isn't this a lucky day? 2 groups of friends that i didn't see for a long, long time. And incredibly, i get to see them on the SAME day. Bought a new mouse to replace my faulty mouse at IT Fair and Hangover 2 was a movie of crude jokes but nonetheless very funny!

The good things are happening. This spells a good start to this holidays. And true enough, it really is a good start. And so, on saturday, where i was least expecting to hear from her. She emailed me, telling me about how's she doing. Wasn't expecting to hear from her honestly, but nevertheless, i'm really happy to receive the email.

The heart starts to think again. Haiz.

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