Tuesday, December 16, 2008

been abt a fortnight since i last blogged

yeah, its been quite a while since i last blogged. Since the week where I have my unexpected period of MC. Since I'm now called a chao keng kia. Quite hurt abt that new nick though. Wanted to be one but was never one and I'm sure I've did enough to showed I'm not one but gossips are always bad. And this is just one of many bad gossips. Well, I'm going to pay less attention on all these shit and I'll be FREE after 7 more months! Urgh!

Wanted to blog last week but due to my laziness and my indulgence in this new mmorpg called Dekaron and FM09, expected!, I didn't blogged until today!!

I remembered I had a short chat with bokai on msn 2 weeks back. It has been a really long while since I chatted with this poly fren of mine, haven't seen him since the end of poly, haha! We were talking about the future. Life after army. And he was saying about he wants to study and that he don't really see a future for himself at the moment. How true! Exactly what I was thinking about also. At the moment, I really don't know where my future lies. With ORD quite soon to be approaching, I haven't quite have a view of what my future will certainly be. I don't want to be job-hopping after ORD. I don't want to move on aimlessly again. Enough of that for me. Seriously need to look out for options out there and draw out what possibilities I can have. The financial crisis certainly didn't help. 

2 years of army is a LONG time and if after this 2 years, I'm still unsure of what I want to do in the years ahead. It will make the 2 years all the more useless. What I should be glad shall be that I still have 7 months to think through. Actually, I do know what I want to do after army. Its how I want to go doing it that's bothering me. Been planning to do studying. Because I'm very sure if I start working and not study after army, possibility of me going back to studies after a short period of working life is as good as 0. Hmm, shall take it a step at a time. *Haha, I think my sloppy attitude still hasn't change.*

The love-hate situation for me about my unit is just like a roller-coaster ride. Everytime the 'love' feeling comes, the hate feeling is just around the corner. At this present moment, its the hate feeling that I'm having. Which means the love feeling is coming soon! Things are not really nice at the moment, work's piling up, and I get to see different natures of people. One moment, he can seem really nice, the next moment, he can f*** you for no reason. 

I've got so many things that I want to buy! Let's name it. A laptop with better specs so I can play more games. A mini hi-fi set so I can enjoy music in my room. A new pair of specs because my current one has been with me for ages. And lastly, my urge to pierce my ear is back again!! I'm not sure if I really want to pierce my ear but I just want to try out. It will not be a permanent thing but what really prevented me from doing it is I'm uncertain if the hole will close up after some time when I don't put any studs or ring to it. Sometimes, my indecisiveness helps. Like for this case about piercing ear, I'm glad I haven't pierce, just in case I won't regret immediately after I've pierced. 

This friday got a half-day off. Woohoo! Given to most of the guys in the branch after our line-dance performance at the unit's D&D. Been thinking of what to do after we had lunch outside(we won $200 as consolation prize, so its going to be spent on lunch). And I've decided to go to gym! To my usual gym spot at tampines sports complex. Time to have a real good workout! 

It's a uber long post and most of it are grumbling. Super late le. Tomorrow's start of a new day of war. This war will go on till 27th july 2009 when I ORD.

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