Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I think this week has to be a week filled with daring decisions. Why leh? 'Coz firstly, i decided to go for a shopping spree and spent $100+ on 4 pieces of clothes. And, i've ended up eating words which i've said before. I used to tell myself i'll not buy a piece of pink shirt but after trying the pink polo t-shirt on, I loved that shade of pink now! And so, i bought the shirt.

Shopping has not ended for me, lots of items that i want to get but i can't get all right now. I'm in need of $$. Shades, laptop, handphone, mp4 & earpiece! Urgh! I think the list can just get longer & longer.

And another daring thing i've done, i practically reject opportunities to earn $$. Up till today, i've rejected 3 new tuition cases. 'Coz i'm tired & scared of having another uncooperative kid. 1 is enough, 2 makes a crowd. And, i don't think i'm a good tutor. Need a little cooling period and time to rest.

Anyway, after the shopping spree yesterday, i'm on pretty good mood today. I was happily singing while at work today. A little overboard though! I think retail therapy is good but too much hurts!

李圣杰 - 我可以
如果我可以 真的我可以..

纵贯线乐队 - 亡命之徒
出发啦 不要问那路在哪
迎风向前 是唯一的方法

Friday, August 7, 2009

there's a balance to all things

For the past 4 days of the week, it has been a pretty good week. After a 'push' to make me pluck up the courage to face a problem which i created out of nothing, i felt happy & relieved. Like some burden is removed off my shoulders. Very happy.

But today, suddenly work is so busy in the morning. So many people just chose to come in the morning to make their pass, and the queue is so long that it is only cleared by 12.30pm & i only managed to find breathing space to buy lunch by then. It has taken longer than usual by 1 hour or so. But the thought of meeting unit friends for basketball & dinner just brighten up my day. It was a good bonding session. Had good laugh while playing. Although I'm bad at ball games, i'm starting to like playing basketball le.

It just has been 2 weeks after I left the unit, but so much has happened after I left. A friend's problem with a particular Mdm just keep getting worse & its now worsen until the head of department gets to know about it. She even interviewed all regulars, and that friend & the 2 friends of the same batch. Can't she just stop picking on him & make it a more relaxed environment to work at. But in the end, she's the one who suffered after she blown up the matter 'coz the 3 of them are going to ORD in 2 months' time & she's still gonna stay and continue to work. So who's at the losing end?

And apart from this forever ongoing problem, i just heard a saddening news about a particular Mdm. Mdm, you must jia you k!! I hope the seriousness of your situation is not as bad as what I've heard. You're such a nice Mdm. So friendly, so cheerful, so easy-going. You just make the whole working environment so relaxed. Although, my interaction with you is not alot because of different job scope, i won't forget your best wishes when i ORD. I was dumbfolded when i heard of this piece of news. Life is fragile & unpredictable.

I decided to walked back after dinner as i wanna save some $$ and i thought the distance from Boon Keng/Bendemeer to my house is not too long, a 15 mins walk should be good enough. But, the stroll back home took me 30 minutes!As i stroll, my mind was just filled with the seriousness of the Mdm's situation, when cm told me about it with that super serious expression, i never sensed its something so drastic. But its not like i can do anything to the situation. Oh well...

A message i received from a friend says i failed as a person. Maybe i do? I dunno. Someone tell me please. Maybe i'm reading too much into messages...Maybe its just a random comment...

When there's nice things happening in a week, there's not so nice things happening as well, life's so fair! =)

Monday, August 3, 2009

its you again...

Everytime I hear news about YOU, I felt vexed. And after 2 days, I'm still feeling vexed. I heard about YOU being angry about my actions. Why bother to be angry about me? Don't bother, just forget me. I'm not worth having YOU to be angry with. Forget this so-called former 'close friend'.

But, I can't help to hear about YOUR news. Its super contradicting of my actions.

The last-minute post-birthday dinner didn't turn out as I would have like. Kit was unable to come for the dinner due to his commitment with the dance performance in NUS. The mini dinner celebration turns out to be myself & huat having a simple dinner. Throughout this 2 years of army, somehow huat has grown alot mature. Just don't slack too much & I'm sure your grades will be so so much better.

And as next week commence, kit will be back to his old emo self in the poly years. Hopefully his OCD won't be haunting him and he'll be able to mug and get his desired grades. And after next week, huat will be going to NTU, kit will be going to NUS, and I'll be left alone for weekends. Hahaha...

Playing in my head now..Super Junior-Sorry, sorry

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Never have i look forward so much to weekends. The reason being I need to be more alert in order to stop those silly errors that I commit day after day at work. And after half a saturday is gone, I'm starting to feel tired le. Teaching a naughty kid is tough. Or maybe I'm just not good enough to be a tutor. Its so hard to keep a 9 year-old kid sit still at a place & be attentive to 1 hr 30 mins of lesson. Maybe I should just quit after 1 month of tutoring him.

Anyway, I just bought the 'Nikon D5000 Digital Field Guide'. Need to explore my camera more so that I will not end up just setting it to auto & use it like a digital camera. In the evening will be meeting up with kit & huat for a mini last-minute birthday celebration for huat. I kind of get used to bert not being able to join us for most activities liao. But he's on duty today, so no choice bah.

And finally, Kolo has left Arsenal, ending his 7 year of loyal & dedicated service. All the best in your City career. And Wenger, if Clichy leaves as well, thats gonna be the end of my support to Arsenal as well!

Tomorrow's Sunday. Hopefully I will have a good day to recharge for the upcoming week.