Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I think this week has to be a week filled with daring decisions. Why leh? 'Coz firstly, i decided to go for a shopping spree and spent $100+ on 4 pieces of clothes. And, i've ended up eating words which i've said before. I used to tell myself i'll not buy a piece of pink shirt but after trying the pink polo t-shirt on, I loved that shade of pink now! And so, i bought the shirt.

Shopping has not ended for me, lots of items that i want to get but i can't get all right now. I'm in need of $$. Shades, laptop, handphone, mp4 & earpiece! Urgh! I think the list can just get longer & longer.

And another daring thing i've done, i practically reject opportunities to earn $$. Up till today, i've rejected 3 new tuition cases. 'Coz i'm tired & scared of having another uncooperative kid. 1 is enough, 2 makes a crowd. And, i don't think i'm a good tutor. Need a little cooling period and time to rest.

Anyway, after the shopping spree yesterday, i'm on pretty good mood today. I was happily singing while at work today. A little overboard though! I think retail therapy is good but too much hurts!

李圣杰 - 我可以
如果我可以 真的我可以..

纵贯线乐队 - 亡命之徒
出发啦 不要问那路在哪
迎风向前 是唯一的方法

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