Saturday, October 24, 2009

good weekend ahead

Yesterday was a busy day. Both at work and when having fun. Work was pretty tiring. Simply don't understand why there can be days when so little people come to make pass, for example, less than 50 people came. And all of a sudden, the numbers shoot to close to 200 on another day. Absolutely crazy!

But the activities after work was good. First, it was high-tea with ORD peeps at Ah Yat Abalone Restaurant @ Orchard Central. The baked rice is delicious. The soup is good. Even the milk tea wasn't bad. Then comes the looonngg trip to Woodlands. All because of a certain someone. Haha. We loitered around Causeway Point while waiting for rabbit. And guess what. We saw LTC Victor. LOL. Just ORD-ed still have to see superiors. Next is dinner at Botak Jones. I ate so much till I'm totally bloated. Just to mention, I had MacChicken for lunch. Abalone & Chicken baked rice for high-tea. And Cajun Chicken for dinner. What a chicky day!

The Nike+ Human Race today wasn't good. I didn't complete the run without stopping. And as usual, the moment i stopped, i can't really continue le. Practice wasn't enough. Mentality wasn't strong enough. Need to train more in order to last the whole 10km. But nevertheless, it was an improvement yet a disappointment. Gotta do better in 2 weeks' time. And oh yah, timing wasn't that bad. I think i completed in about 1 hr 20 mins.

Gonna meet the guys again for movie and the ma'ams will be coming as well. Movie then supper for today. Whoa! A very expensive weekend. But absolutely happening.

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