Monday, December 28, 2009

New Year 2010 Resolution

I'm not a greedy guy. But I think my resolutions are bold and a little greedy. Judge it for yourself.

1) I hope the exchange rates between AU$ and SGD$ keeps dropping.
2) I want to train harder to keep myself more fit physically & visually.
3) I want to achieve good results in university.

I don't think they are really resolutions but more of wishes. Best is all 3 will come true. If something else other than the 3 named wishes come true, I'm more than happy. But I will not be putting too much hope on anything. One thing I definitely need to do for the upcoming year is to put in more effort in everything I do.

Point to ponder: Have I been underestimating myself?

busy & eventful festive weekend

The way these few days past by, made me realise how time really flies. I thought i had enjoyed more days of holidays and i don't mind more of these activities!!

Here's the breakdown of what I did during the X'mas period.

Worked half day. Went to vivo for dinner with my poly hao peng you for dinner. Next on the agenda was night out at St. James. It was quite an eye opener. After all, its just my 2nd time to club. I liked the ambience in the room we were in. Just the kind of music to relax & chill. Not to forget, we have a 'freelance' cheongsam dancer. What a performance!
*My first try at hard liquor, didn't turn out bad.*

This was a more plain day. Just a day out with parents.

Went over to lil's place to bake a cake for yx. The process was a fun one. That is only possible if you have the right company. Rushed back home to meet huat & kit at kit's house. Kit drove & we soon reached Leisure Park to buy food for the sumptuous dinner in the night. Bert turned out to be on time & we had to make sure we don't spend too much time over at the mall.
Dinner items for the day were roasted chicken, pizzas, log cake, spicy drumlets. Not to forget, we had alcohol as well. We couldn't finish the log cake, we had too much food to finish. Once again, it was a session with the right people & it made the session even better.

Woke up early to have brunch with parents. Came back home to grab my Xbox controllers before heading out to meet wai n lil at yx's house. We certainly gave her a pleasant surprise with our presense, and certainly the main character for the day- the birthday cake. Next up was lunch at Aston's @ The Cathay. The food was good and that's the only thing that is good. The peeps continue with singing session next. (I wanna sing too!!)

And, I moved on to my next location - big KC's house. It turned out to be I'm the 2nd last to reach. Opps. It was a great FIFA experience even though i lost more games than I won. It was during the bbq session that I got some updates about a friend and the guys' trip to taiwan. It seemed like more unpleasant things occur during the trip, as compared to memorable ones. I was nominated to be the main chef of the day. And I was asked to wear an apron while bbq-ing. It was so embarassing. Hopefully, i didn't bbq raw food. Haha. To finish up all the food, kc's sis suggested to play "Indian Poker". It was fun and we all had laughter along the way.

That's all for the past weekend. It was eventful enough. And I like every single bit that has happened.

And the start of the new work week begins with some monday blues. And it was not the most ideal way to kick off a week. Hoping for the next 2 and half work days to be better.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

nothing special..

Nothing really interesting has been going on since my last post till now. But my weekends has been more interesting now that the guys are having breaks from university. But as usual, its hard to get a friend out on a saturday. Maybe really need to book him early then can be able to get to see him.

Anyway, Avatar was a good movie. I'm not sure if i was really tired or wearing the 3D goggles really made me giddy. I couldn't take the discomfort and I slept for a short while. And I just have to choose the part where it showed the main actor & actress were developing their relationship. Lucky, the show was a 160 mins one and it made my 10 mins nap felt like nothing.

After the show, we were looking around for Wii games. And I saw a game which instantly made me have the idea of owning a Nintendo DS, regardless of which version. And that game is none other than Nintendo's most popular character, Super Mario. I can't really remember the title of the game but the gameplay is said to be exactly like the old-school Mario which was on GameBoy. But its extremely crazy if i were to go for a DS just for a Mario game. Especially since I'm not in the position to spend without thinking.

Weather has been gloomy for the past one week or so. I had to drag my feet to work everyday. And when I jog, the sky can change from clear to having dark clouds. And next, it drizzles. Just as I stopped jogging, the drizzling stops. And I haven't been able to complete 2 laps for quite some time.

My hair is getting long after just 1 month or so. And I can't think of a new hairstyle yet. If the designer can't come out with something nice, I will know what to do to my fringe le. Snap it away!!

I'm totally hooked to this song 唯一的唯一 by 小宇. I think I have listened to this song at least 100 times in 2 days.
Next post....New Year Resolution.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

growing spiderweb lo..

i only realise i haven't been blogged for weeks. Well, the only reason being i'm lazy. Lazy to switch on the computer. Been using my phone to surf facebook & read emails. That's how i stay away from using com. And that's why photos are uploaded late. Haven't been updating myself with new songs either.

been having alot of fun recently. Haven't tried badminton for a long time. So to try it again was nice. And i think i enjoyed the session with 2 close friends even though i'm poor at sports. Talking about sports, i haven't been jogging for weeks. Time to get my lazy legs going. The only form of exercise that I have done recently are just lifting weights & doing the tummy 'wheel' thing.

Going to k-singing session has also become my most frequent activity. Just last week, I've been to sing twice in 3 days. But i will not get sick of it though.

I haven't seen her for quite some time. Who to blame but myself leh? When fate comes and you don't grab hold, it will not come back and wait for you to get it. And so i missed my chance, bringing my self-confidence to a lower level. Haiz...

Last but not least, the issue which has been hovering in my mind for a long time. Studying overseas. As the day gets nearer, my mixed feeling grew stronger. I'm excited, worried and sad. My vocabulary is really poor, can't think of a better word than 'sad'.

Excited 'coz its a whole new experience and a chance to prove myself to......myself. Hah.
Worried 'coz of the exchange rate. This new experience is going to be an expensive one. And with the exchange rate increasing, the pressure on them will increase. I can only try to control the budget as tight as possible, to try to minimise the finance. I don't wanna depend on them at this age. If not for studies, i won't be asking them for $$, i rather they keep it for their own usage. Lastly, i'm starting to feel sad 'coz i don't bear to leave this place and the friends i have here.
Even though, i don't really show it and i can't bring myself to say it. I'll definitely miss the people here. But time to grow is time to grow. So...*i'm lost for words*

Anyway, enough of ranting. I don't know what i've been writing all along. Must have lots of errors throughout the looong post. :p