Saturday, December 5, 2009

growing spiderweb lo..

i only realise i haven't been blogged for weeks. Well, the only reason being i'm lazy. Lazy to switch on the computer. Been using my phone to surf facebook & read emails. That's how i stay away from using com. And that's why photos are uploaded late. Haven't been updating myself with new songs either.

been having alot of fun recently. Haven't tried badminton for a long time. So to try it again was nice. And i think i enjoyed the session with 2 close friends even though i'm poor at sports. Talking about sports, i haven't been jogging for weeks. Time to get my lazy legs going. The only form of exercise that I have done recently are just lifting weights & doing the tummy 'wheel' thing.

Going to k-singing session has also become my most frequent activity. Just last week, I've been to sing twice in 3 days. But i will not get sick of it though.

I haven't seen her for quite some time. Who to blame but myself leh? When fate comes and you don't grab hold, it will not come back and wait for you to get it. And so i missed my chance, bringing my self-confidence to a lower level. Haiz...

Last but not least, the issue which has been hovering in my mind for a long time. Studying overseas. As the day gets nearer, my mixed feeling grew stronger. I'm excited, worried and sad. My vocabulary is really poor, can't think of a better word than 'sad'.

Excited 'coz its a whole new experience and a chance to prove myself to......myself. Hah.
Worried 'coz of the exchange rate. This new experience is going to be an expensive one. And with the exchange rate increasing, the pressure on them will increase. I can only try to control the budget as tight as possible, to try to minimise the finance. I don't wanna depend on them at this age. If not for studies, i won't be asking them for $$, i rather they keep it for their own usage. Lastly, i'm starting to feel sad 'coz i don't bear to leave this place and the friends i have here.
Even though, i don't really show it and i can't bring myself to say it. I'll definitely miss the people here. But time to grow is time to grow. So...*i'm lost for words*

Anyway, enough of ranting. I don't know what i've been writing all along. Must have lots of errors throughout the looong post. :p

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