Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Long Time No Blog..

*Hoo* *Hoo* *Hoo* wah..what a thick amount of dust it has accumulated over here. I've vacated this space for months! To be exact, I haven't had a single post ever since I'm back in Singapore. Now that I have 6 days of break (including 2 days of work on weekends), I'm back here to give some energy to this ignored space.

Been back in Singapore for 4 months plus le. I've been keeping myself busy with school work and a little bit of work over the weekends at Kinokuniya. Life has been busy in school in Curtin Singapore. The first 1 or 2 months was quite a breeze with not much assignments due and haven't started work yet and also I did not allow myself to go out much to control my own expenses. But the next 2 months plus from September all the way till now has been a new challenge.

Schoolwork starts to pile up. Due dates for assignments are coming thick and fast. Several tests are coming at the same time. Moreover, I've got myself a part-time job in Books Kinokuniya as bookstore assistant. I chose to give myself this challenge of balancing studies with work, so I can have no complaints. So far, the planning of my time has been okay, and the balancing act is still working well. True enough, this new challenge hasn't been easy but at least i didn't achieve my aim of not making my parents to support my expenses. The monthly installments of the flat is enough for the father.

Work. I'm still learning the rope and still picking up skills. Perhaps, I haven't been able to be a useful help at the moment. But I'll try hard not to be a burden to the full-timers. School work has been decent so far. It started well. Grades were decent and it gave me confidence to keep going. Not forgetting, someone's encouragement in the past has been an inspiration to keep having faith in myself.

Recently, Radio 1003 has been playing clips of Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston's When You Believe. This is one of the songs I ever understand its lyrics due to it being one of the song which I performed while I was in choir in the primary school days. Lyrics from this song is an inspiration.

Next semester will have no mid-semester break at all, because of the 2 weeks break we had for this semester. Therefore, better time management is needed for next semester. Time to take each challenge in its stride and learn to conquer them! =)

There can be miracles, when you believe. Though hope is frail, it's hard to fear!

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