Monday, November 3, 2008

a bad headache for the coming week

Argh!! What's with me today!! First, I realised my work in the unit went wrong after an error which happened at the early step of the procedure. So I had to re-do it and at the same time HOPEFULLY meet my target. Phew! That's a really tough task to accomplish but hopefully i'll improve with this mistake. With determination, I believe I CAN DO IT..albeit with the help of my teammates. :)

Well, I'm kinda disappointed at myself because not only did I made an error. But I made one which needed the help of my co-workers to help me solve the mess I created! I don't like to trouble others whenever its possible for myself to handle the situation. But right now, without the helps of my co-workers, I DEFINITELY can't finish before the deadline. Hence, I'm feeling guilty for pulling them into the act. To lessen their load, I shall work harder so that they can do less work. 

To make things worse, I actually thought of a nice title for this post on my way back home! BUT I forgot the name just when I start this post. Haha. 

Currently watching this Channel 8 show which shows the less fortunate people living in Singapore. Every single episode is so touching and it should make people feel fortunate enough compared to the people aired in the show. Those people on the show are either less educated, having low-IQ or having some form of physical or psychological disability. But really, it felt good to be normal and its good to stay contented and be grateful for what we have and our surroundings.

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