Thursday, October 30, 2008

U Had A Bad Day

Morning's the start for THE bad day of the week. First of all, I forgot to bring pass which is necessary for me to enter the base for my dental appointment. So I have to wake up earlier to get my pass in the unit (I'm having a half day OFF, so I don't really have to be back in the unit) and then make my way to the base.

Next, the 2nd bad event occurred. The bag which I'm carrying today always has a camera. I knew I'm not supposed to bring any camera device into army territory so when I was packing my bag, I was having 2nd thoughts as to whether I should remove the camera from my bag. My final decision was to just leave the camera inside the bag. And that's where I created the opening for the bad event to occur. On my way to the medical centre, I need to pass by a guard post. So, I declared my prohibited items(PSP, MP3, camera). And upon hearing something by the name of the camera, the people in the guard post wanted to confiscate it. My pleads of suggesting that my bag to be kept at the guard post was rejected. I told them it was for my D&D which was later on in the day. But they had none of it. So I abided their instructions. So after the painful experience of doing filling for my teeth (which is too grose for me to describe), I went to HQ to ask for instructions regards to the camera. And the personnel in there allowed me to take back my camera after hearing my version of the incident (I did not twist any truth of the incident as I described). So I went back to the guard post and they re-confirmed with the HQ after that. However, what happened next was what made me pissed. I had to wait for 30 mins as my camera was 'on the move' (better not to explain too detailed information in here, haha). First of all, apart from my dumbness of bringing a camera to the base, I don't think I did any thing wrong. I suggested for them to safe-keep but they rather confiscate. I mean I did not try to force my way in with a camera. I did not fail to declare. So why should my camera be confiscated and 30 mins was wasted just like that. I was actually in a rush to meet the guys for lunch and make our way to HortPark after it. And I was late for the meeting, I dropped my drinks on the floor which delayed abit of time and we need to take cab down to the place as we're running late. So bad events snowballed and I'm the cause of it. Haiz. But I'm glad my friends felt that I wasn't really in the wrong for the camera incident.

Lastly, during the D&D, we finally managed to finish our line dance, well I wouldn't say perfectly but its really a pretty good one where we did not make any mistakes and the crowd was feeling high! (Part of the high-feeling crowd is from my unit though, haha!) However, the team only got a 3rd. I mean, we seriously weren't that bad. The whole team was great lah! Best performance ever loh! First time it went perfectly without any single major mistake. I'm quite alright with losing to the 2nd place team because the female singer was great! Never thought that lady can sing that well! But to lose to the 1st place team made me felt our result wasn't what we deserved. They had a good package when presenting themselves while our introduction speech was more of a casual and relaxed one. That could be the decisive factor?? I don't know. I guess I sound like such a sore loser. Laughs. But after weeks of practices, changes made, tonight's performance is one to be remembered but the end result wasn't fantastic.

Anyway, that's the day for today. What an eventful day it has been!

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