Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Not a good start AT ALL after MC week..

Well, i guess i should have anticipated how much work will have piled up in the office waiting for me to do after a week away from the unit. The work that i need to do can be enough to keep me busy for the whole week (its not even wednesday yet!) and perhaps occupied for next week as well. Damn! Seriously hate that!

Not that i still hate the work that i'm doing like when i first came into the office. Now, i'm pretty neutral about my work and sometimes can be quite hardworking but still can be blur about certain jobs issued. Nevertheless, 1 thing i'm proud of myself is that i'm hardworking. So far, i havent heard any bad rumours about myself in an environment where rumours can kill!

Today's the 2nd time that i got so ANGRY about the new batch of juniors. News about them since the training period weren't good at all. But things never changed after they got into the office. Minor problems occured between the juniors occured. Just today alone, 2 incidents happened between myself and a junior and it happened to my friend as well.

During our lunch, the junior happened to say something nasty to my friend. Normally, that friend of mine is actually gd-tempered, a joker and a ultra-friendly guy. So happen today, that junior stepped on my friend's toes that he couldn't take it and he decided to have a talk with the junior.

As for my case, partly due to my short-temper that got over me, partly becoz i couldn't stand my junior's working attitude. This is how it happened. This particular junior is supposed to be my understudy for my job. So today, i let him do a bit of work (he complains that its alot though!) with the help of SOP. That job he's handling is 1/4 of what i'm doing for today. I don't blame him for popping alot of questions, since its his 1st time doing it, Don't blame him either for doing it slow, coz i'm not that fast at my job anyway(i'm not as fast as my senior that taught me the job). BUT, what i can't stand is that he make himself sound stressed and make himself sound hardworking and goes slacking way before its time for us to book out. I'm not expecting him to be like me, as in, in terms of work rate and hardworking. But at least be like his fellow batchmate.

When the juniors first came in, i was asked to teach that junior some work as well. Well, I wasn't happy with his attitude as well, so i said some harsh words to him just to make him realise its important to prioritise the work allocated with time to slack(thats always the problem with this batch of juniors). Now, i'm impressed with this junior, coz his work looks good, and he's efficient. Very happy that he changed for the better. I'm not really sure this junior, that made me pissed today, will change for the better, cause if he don't, i'd rather suffer more with all the jobs given than to give myself more headache with him at the turtle pace he's working at.

Urgh! Actually this isn't the 1st time that i'm pissed with him, but he can't be bothered with my complaint at all. I noe, with the allowance we're given, there's no motivation to work hard BUT seeing people around u working hard is still a good form of motivation bah. Alrite, felt better after venting my anger out. Anyway, a good news to brighten up today. Rumour is that the tyrant cleaning auntie is SACKED! WOO HOO! Time for celebration! Its party time!

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