Sunday, October 12, 2008

weekdays are coming..

Went to SGH for medical appointment on friday, woohoo! Simply love it! No need to go to the unit in the morning, just need to go to SGH for the medical and return to the unit at 2.20pm and left unit at about 3pm for Games Day. Best weekday as an NSF ever. 2 more medical appointments coming up. Met jing nan up to get chun wai's present in the night. Too bad i didnt get both the gifts i wanna get. In the end, i manage to get only 1 out of the 2 presents.

Went to chun wai's birthday celebration on saturday evening. Sorry for staying only for about an hour and didnt give 'face' when u offered the food. Dunno lah, i just felt rather awkward and didnt help at all. So, i left rather quite early. Anyway, hope u like the present that we got for u.

Today, i went to play wii with kit and huat at cineleisure. Haha, both kit n me cant even get into the Sonic racing game that we wanted to play. Even needed help of a kid that is maybe 6 years old. (really felt pai seh loh) Anyway, we cant play that sonic game because we found out that we used the controller the wrong way(controller should be held perpendicularly rather than vertically when playing racing game). At least, now we have better knowledge of playing wii. We rented the wii console for 1 hour so the playing time was quite short but its nice playing it though. Next, we went to Isetan in Shaw Towers because i wanna get some models to place in my display cabinet. The cabinet's still empty, and is waiting for me to put some companions so it won't be so lonely lah. In the end, i got 4 models, thanks to the 20% sale that isetan is having.

I need to take some time during weekdays to practice my guitar and to fix the models that i have in hand. Still having difficulty at playing guitar thanks to myself being lazy to practice often. I need time management badly! As for the models, i've 6 at home right now, none are fixed. So, i should set myself a target of fixing 2 models by this coming week. Hopefully, 1 model will be done bah (provided i stop being lazy).

For people wondering why i STOPPED going to msn, its because i wanna avoid a particular someone. I don't really wanna see her nick pop up when i go online. (could've just block her actually,haha) My actions is childish but i just felt like doing so. Haiz, im such a contradicting person. Now that she's busy with studies, work n relationship, i guess lesser time to go online bah. Anyway, i figured out my thinking le so i don't see a point in avoiding u anymore. Furthermore, FM2009's coming out soon and that means i will be using com more often and playing it will be more important than to avoid you.

Tomorrow's the audition for the Dinner & Dance. I really hope we can get through with our line dance performance. Its for the possible 1 day-off as well as a challenge for myself to see if i can learn a new activity in a short while (started picking up line-dancing 2 months back, my reason back then was actually purely for the 1 day-off). I was kind of shocked and delighted when mdm sabrina (our dance teacher and the pro) decided to put me in the 1st row. I was quite slow in picking up the dance at first but i practiced at home and managed to keep up with the group. It's nice to see that my effort of practicing at home paid off but i still feel im not that gd to be standing at the 1st row for the dance.

Hope this week can be a smooth sailing week and...LESS WORK PLEASE!!

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