Thursday, October 2, 2008


hmm, FINALLY! made some changes to my blog again, slight ones though, coz really dun like the tagbaord that i have, keep having pop-ups, irritating! so i go for cbox. wat i want to do is to have a customize tagboard, and since cbox has tat function, im fine with it.

going into my 4th day of MC le, havent really been doing anything really useful other than creating a blog and other stuffs i do include watching dramas and watching champions league till early hours in the morning. crap! im not making full use of my MC period. cant go swimming yet, my gum still bleed a little when i spit, haiz..recover quickly plz, my dear gum!! nevertheless, i shall do some chin-ups and sits-up later.

after i had my lunch juz now, i saw this kid asking this chinese young couple to help him buy some cigarettes, and after he got his sticks from the man, he went into the shop to get a lighter after he kept the cigarettes in his pockets. And wat happen next is tat i saw the emotions on his face and he look anxious and was looking around frantically. (wahahaha, scared then dun buy lah :p) however, the shop sold all their lighters away, so the kid had to go to 7-eleven to get the lighter instead, so as soon as he get his lighter, tuh-duh! he became 'brave'. Out came his cigarette, n he began his smoking therapy. No idea why i paid attention to random situation like this, maybe im too bored le bah.

should have go out more often so that i can relax and get some fresh air(the air's not that fresh actually) but im not really feeling tat great, been feeling abit nauseous, dunno if its becoz of the medicine, dunno if its my mentality coz i HATED medicines VERY MUCH! So, i decided not to take my medicines le, and my parents supported my decision. feeling slightly better after doing so, but not fully recovered yet, and after going to lil's blog, saw some nice-looking food! but i guess if i have these food in front of me, i'll have difficulty eating it la, im chewing on food on the left side of my jaw coz im trying to treat my right side of jaw to be paralysed as i dun want food particles to drop into the hole on my gum, it would be troublesome to remove it.

weekend's coming!! havent plan of wat to do yet, but right now, time to go for some exercise!!

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