Friday, October 24, 2008

time passes by rather fast

Today's the ORD day for 2 seniors! so happy for them, finally they can move on to their next step of their lives. But on the other hand, i'm kinda sad yesterday because i dun like parting & separation, just hate that kind of feeling. 

Good comments were given for their performance appraisal in the office, glad that they've good comments so that the appraisal can aid them in getting a job in the society. Hopefully i can get equally good comments. Not easy but i shall give in my best. 

To think its almost a year since i came to my unit, and i'm left with 9 more months to go to my ORD. I'm having mixed feelings about ORD. On 1 hand, i'm happy because i won't need to do stuffs that i don't like anymore. But on the other hand, i'm still not quite sure of what i decided to do after ORD. I hope i don't need to work straight after army because this is my last chance of being able to study. I mean, i don't think i will have the motivation or determination to study after getting into the working world. 

Oh well, 1 step at a time bah, no point thinking so much right now. Now's the time to figure out my future a step at a time. Any wrong move right now definitely will be suicidal. 

Yesterday, most of the madams & the NSFs went for a lunch outing at Cafe Cartel to celebrate the seniors' ORD. Hmm, i wonder where will my ORD celebration be held at. Crystal Jade lah, Billy Bombers lah, and even Ajisen also can lah. Just nice food will do. 

Anyway, during playing of basketball today, i acidentally got scratched on my arm, the scratch is 2-inch long & yet i don't feel any pain at all. It was only until i took a glimpse at my arm then i realise i got a scratch. It's been quite a while since i enjoy playing basketball but i need to improve my playing skills, its quite bad but i enjoy doing the defensive work like stealing the ball away from the opponents. Haha!

I'm abit unhappy because of an incident which happen today. Maybe I looked too much into that incident. Perhaps I should learn to stop thinking too much about minor stuffs and made myself miserable, unhappy. Haha, alright, back to game le, its weekend! Time to enjoy & relax!

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