Tuesday, June 23, 2009

a dreadful weekend to forget..

it all started on last thursday. I had sore throat that morning and I was suspecting it to be due to the soya bean drink that I had the previous nite. Coz my throat is sensitive to certain food items which I can't be sure unless I tried that product. For example, I used to be sensitive against chocolate & green tea. I still don't know why I'm no longer sensitive to these food but that's just how it is. And I thought last thursday's case was the same thing, so I didn't cared much.

And, I tried making my precious 3rd day of OFF with having a haircut and getting gifts for the regulars with unit buddy, kenny. The gifts planned didn't turn out to be the ones we got. We planned to get all sorts of different gifts for the regulars but turned out, we got them books with of all kinds of titles, some meaningful ones, some cheeky ones. Haha. Definitely a fun day out at kinokuniya choosing books. Next stop. Taka basement level for lunch. We had german sausages there. And after that, on the way back home, the nightmare starts.

Body was feeling a little cold while at kino, but once again I ignored the hints my body was giving, as was the hint my sore throat gave. Never mind, once I reached home, had dinner, the fever starts to come. And it wasn't a slight one. It was in the 38.5 - 39 degrees range. As it was late, I refused to head to A&E. I went there once, and it wasn't a nice experience. Never mind, I waited for friday where I reported sick and went to polyclinic. I was quarantined with the rest of the flu-like symptoms patients. I was feeling terribly and being quarantined make me felt worse. I was diagnosed to be having flu and was assured by doctor not to worry about the possibility of me having H1N1 or dengue. I had 2 days MC.

But the fever never failed to subside and I went to see a private doctor on sunday again. This time round, I was diagnosed with tonsilitis. Some kind of inflammation around the throat area, and the doctor and I suspected that that was the cause for why my fever can't subside. Another 2 days MC awaits me. And as often, her pills just seem to work for me. I only took the pills twice to feel my body feeling better. Amazing! However, I found out that she gave me a wrong prescription of antibiotics which I'm allergic to. And I only realised after I had a 2nd one. Sian.

Anyway, this fever really cast fear upon me. 'Coz the previous time I had fever, it was dengue. That time i was ill for 8/9 days. Now its better, its 4 days this time round. And also, this time, I felt seriously terrible at my throat. Every mouthful of saliva is painful to swallow. Legs are whobbly. But I'm glad I'm fine and able to blog now. Woohoo~! But on friday, I was certainly touched by my father's actions. He applied half day leave to came back home to check how I was doing. Really touched. But to think he can't have his father's day celebration last sunday. Nvm, this sunday will be a make-up one!

But but because of this fever, I'm not sure I'd missed out on my D5000 deals yet!! I hope not ah! :p

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