Friday, June 26, 2009

its less than 1 month now..

after a few days of MC, the office suddenly seems an unfamiliar environment. Except the people there, of course. They're definitely still the crazy peeps i know.

Juz planned all my remaining days of leave. I've got 6 in total. I need to do my wisdom tooth extraction as well. And I still have my 1 day of GPO as well. The GPO came as a surprise la. I mean my work is decent, with occasional errors commited. So I wasn't expected myself to be given GPO. But, definitely out of the 3 NSFs in my sub-department, I'm not the worst. So maybe that's why I got mine. Anyway, its my 2nd GPO in 2 weeks. Woohoo~! Nothing else is ever better than having GPO from my department. Its the best achievement in work that u can ever get.

And what a good way to end the week off. That is to start shift work. Its because of H1N1 de. To try to minimise the spread mah. And what's so sian today is that my shift needs to be in office today whereas the 2nd shift don't need to be in office today! Coz today is movie outing for the formation's regulars of 3SG & above. So there's OFF for all NSFs. And being in 2nd shift, no need to come office at all lo. But they need to be back in office tomorrow to do some shifting of equiptments. Heng ah! At first the recall was for all NSFs. Lucky now its just for the 2nd shift. If not, life's really unfair!

So after the shift ends today, it was a lunch outing for YK, kenny, rabbit & myself at Tampines SAFRA's Sakura. However, it didn't ended too well for myself. While playing foosball, I was suan by rabbit. And I got rather angry. I think it should be pretty obvious bah. But after I reached home, I recalled the incident. It seemed silly and I was rather angry with myself. But after having a chat with hz, i felt better.

Oh yah! I saw bokai in the bowling alley at SAFRA Tampines while I was about to leave. Its great meeting him after a long time.

And that's the start to the last month of my NS life. I'm coming to terms with parting & is starting to look to the future.

A new gadget that just caught my attention. If only...the price is cheaper...

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