Friday, February 19, 2010

Chinese New Year celebrations & flying off to study

This CNY has not been the best of CNY for me. My mind wasn't on enjoying it. My body wasn't able to enjoy it either. How to enjoy when I had diarrhoea from CNY eve to late afternoon of CNY 1st day. I didn't have a good sleep thanks to my visiting of toilet throughout the night on CNY eve. So, I will make this my final warning to treat my body well.

Putting the diarrhoea aside, CNY has becoming repetitive to me. After doing the same sequence for so many years, I don't really feel the hype. Maybe because collecting hong bao don't mean the same to me anymore. When I was young, I so looked forward to CNY because getting hong bao = alot of $$. Nowadays, having hong bao means getting the good wishes from the seniors. In fact, I had the idea of stop receiving hong bao when I'm 25. I'm starting to feel embarassed receiving hong bao. Its like I'm able to support myself le & if any peers around my age gives me any hong bao, its got to be awkward to accept them. But having conversations with relatives are nice. But my cantonese is still sub-standard.

By the way, this year I received 'lai si' apart from hong bao. It was meant to be good wishes for my studies in Brisbane. It was a very nice gesture from relatives from my father's side. Truly appreciate it. With the wishes, it will spur me on to work doubly hard.

I met up with giap seng on the 2nd day of CNY. It was great to see him again. I was afraid topics can't flow naturally after not meeting him for 8 years. But it turned out well. We ended up chatting for hours. And if it wasn't for dinner time, I think we can continue for even longer. I will definitely meet him more often. The first true buddy that I met.

Kenny came over to Kallang this afternoon to meet me for lunch before my flight tomorrow. Both him & rabbit got me a headphone as a gift. It came as a surprise for me. But then again, knowing Kenny, that's his style of showing concern. This wasn't the first time he did that. And we were even together in getting gifts to our regulars as ORD gifts, stirring up a havoc that set all of them kaypo to know each other's gift. And if I don't have things to do, I think we can chat longer than we did before he goes back to NTU for his class. In fact, he make the trip to & fro NTU and Kallang just to meet me for lunch lah. Appreciated. =)

Tomorrow will be the day when I'll be away to some unfamiliar territory for studies. Uncertainties are growing, my thoughts are flying everywhere. However, at this point of time, what keeps me going is the thought of my life after these 2 years of studies. Its what made me came to this decision. I'm actually gave myself a huge load to carry on my shoulders. Not sure I'm doing the right thing. But this is currently spurring me on & this thought is diverting other unhappy thoughts.

I just heard this quotation not long ago. Something new that I learnt. Here's the quotation: Being overly humble is being hypocrite. Anyone reading this post, ponder over this. So this is how being too humble turns out in the eyes of others.

大嘴巴-喇舌....This song just stayed in my mind the moment I'm hooked to it! This song so catchy, just listen to 喇舌 can le, still need to 喇舌 meh? :p

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