Tuesday, February 2, 2010

juz look at how lazy i am...

Haven't touched my com since my last post. This show how lazy & reluctant i am, to use my com. Got Ipod Touch mah, so can surf net on it, hence giving me fewer reasons to use the com.

So, I shall categorise what my activities for the past few 2 weeks.

Had a happening time 2 Saturdays ago. Firstly, I went out with huat & kit for a movie. So touched that kit managed to squeeze some time out from his insanely tight studying schedule for a meet-up. It was 'coz I'm leaving for studies soon, and thus he's willing to make the sacrifice. I came home after the movie, and not soon later, I was out again. This time, with cw, lil & yx to Party World for some singing session. Sang from midnite to the wee hours of Sunday morning. And I end up feeling satisfied from the 2 activities for the day.

Finally into the last day of work. And it is going to be a half day. Getting really tired from all the work le. I haven't have a good break since ORD 6 months ago. It's about time I get a little bit of rest before going for studies. Talking about work, the colleagues at NTUC have been very nice & kind. They have been nice towards me, even though there's hiccups once in a while. And they even treated me & my buddy for a meal last week as a farewell celebrations. I'm quite lucky for the past 2 & half years. Be it army or in NTUC, I've met pleasant people along the way.

I've been a very egg-y person for a week or more. In fact, i think its until today then I stop having eggs DAILY. It's a record for me! But what's there to be proud of?!?! LOL...

Couldn't do any bit of jogging for the past 1 week after doing OT for the past 4 days. I will be so tired after work, but I'm going to compensate the lack of jogging with some badminton this week.
Another bit of exercising which I've been crazy about is doing weights. Terence was telling me my arms are very big already. Is it really that big? I can't judge it. If it is really big enough, I'm going to put a stop to this exercise. It's not my aim to become a gorilla.

Huh? What rings, I'm talking about, you may ask? Cheese rings!! Duh!! Nah...that's not what I'm refering to. I'm talking about the rings people wear on their fingers. I bought 3 rings recently. I'm crazy over rings as accessories. I may not wear rings often. But I actually have SIX rings at home. But I will not wear 1 special ring that I have. It was a gift I received, and this gift is meant to be a gift to a special one....
Haiz, no $$ already, still willing to spend $$ on these. Crazy.

And that shall sum up my life for the 2 weeks. Don't have a lot of $$ to spend, thus I'm keeping my life to be simple. Nothing spectacular. Nothing happening.
When fate comes, I don't take initiative. When fate don't arrive, I becomes emo....i don't wish to say this, but I really deserve it.
I've been thinking alot about whether I can adapt to my new phase of life after CNY. Keep thinking this, thinking that. I think I haven't study ah, I start killing brain cells loh.

Enough of all these emo-ness...

Song-Of-The-Moment -匿名的好友....
不能握的手 从此匿名的朋友
其实我的执着 依然执着
不能握的手 却比爱人更长久
当所有如果 都没有如果
只有失去的拥有 最永久

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