Thursday, February 25, 2010

5th Day in Brisbane..

How's it going, mate? Time passes quite fast, & before I know it, orientation is ending & school is going to start soon.

Well, I wasn't that excited about starting school before I came over. And on the first day I'm over in Brisbane, I wasn't feeling that fantastic about living in a new environment. But up till today, I'm getting used to life here. Just that, I think my chatting with friends in the balcony is pissing the neighbours off! I even got a notice from the manager of the apartments.

Friends have been great. Know a few Malaysians, 1 Hong Konger & several Singaporeans. The feeling of going back to school is coming back & knowing some new friends certainly helps.

Been going to different friend's unit to cook dinner for yesterday & today. And today after dinner & a comedy session, we decided to take a stroll around the suburb, Taringa. We walked down King's Rd, which was a very very steep road. Going down was fun. Jogging back was even better. Next up, we went to Princess St, which was like a 'W' shape road. And we did all these at about midnight. Fun!
But but but, school hasn't been nice so far. First, it was the academic transcript issue. Next, its with the my diploma certificate. That guy just likes to find new stuffs to deal with me. And after yesterday's 1 hr 30 mins of meeting that advisor, the courses he arranged for me have clashes for my timetable. I went to school to ask him about the clashes, he refused to change the courses & he asked me to make sacrifice loh. Thanks ah! Good one! I'm sure to miss 1 lecture per week for the course, which is a biology-based one. And the sacrifice I have to make is sure to miss the bio course. The other 2 courses, only has 1/2 lecture slots whereas the bio course has 3 slots. But missing a lecture certainly is not helping me since its my weakest subject.

Anyway, having a dilemma now. Been wondering whether I've made the right decision...too adventurous? We shall see. Right now, I'm keeping my options open & I shall take things one step at a time. =)

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