Wednesday, March 3, 2010

no class today.. =)

There's no bio lab today. Woohoo~! Slept till 12pm then wake up. Feels fully recharged. Prepared my brunch, which is cheese & ham sandwich. A cheap & easy to prepare item.

Supposed to start working on my mini Major Project today. But i only did a little bit of research. Spent my time playing FM & going to Toowong to search for a cheap printer. Can't delay starting work anymore le. MUST do it tonight. And I met keith in Toowong while doing my shopping. He said I had slim down ALOT. Well, I don't really know why but I feel so much lighter than before, so I think that's a good thing?? But my interaction with him was only in year 1 or year 2 of poly, so I must have been fat or I had changed. Anyway, he was quite shocked to hear of me coming to study alone. Why ah? This is not the first time i see someone having this expression when I told them that I came alone.

Anyways...finally I saw some sunlight today after like 3 consecutive days of rain. But its not like today didn't rain, its just that today's slightly better than any of the previous 3 days. Hopefully, there won't be any rain for the next few days.

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