Friday, March 27, 2009

1 down 3 to go...

was checking my email just now and I actually received a reply from AusEd with regards to my applications. My application to get into Deakin is rejected...I was pretty down after reading the letter but nevertheless I'll stay positive and hopeful that the other 3 applications will be going well. I'm starting to limit myself down to 2 choices though, namely RMIT & Curtin. I did applied for uni of Queensland but after lil told me about their course not really recognised locally, hence I'm not really interested if its the only one that accept me out of the 3 remaining applications. 

Haiz. The regret of getting poor results in the 1st & 2nd year is getting stronger. Feeling more remorseful about it. A late push in the 3rd year still prove useless if all my applications are rejected. Hmm, I need to take some time to look at the other available options I have. 
Well, I can only have myself to blame isn't it...

This week's been a good week le, so as my life always has been, something unpleasant must happen as well to 'balance' it out right..haha

totally random post

i dunno what has gotten into me but somehow i felt like typing something whenever i log on to internet. Haha. 
I was juz scanning through all my posts, just realise I typed alot for all my posts. I think if I were to have a better command of english, my posts should be shorter. Hmm. 
Nothing much to blog about today actually. Its just a sudden urge to type something. Haha! 

had a great day today!

this week has been a pretty good week so far. I enjoyed today very much. I was informed yesterday that I'll be having lunch outside with my WITS team. This meant 2 good news for me. Good news 1- No cookhouse food for me today=) This week's lunch is really pretty awful!! I'm never someone who doesn't like to finish his food. But ARGH! really can't stand the food. 
Good news 2- Today's dine-out is using the $$ we won through WITS awards. The lunch is a meal at a hotel. AND no need to start work straight after lunch!! Whee!!

Anyway, really had a lot of food during today's buffet. Who ask me to be big mouth and say I always don't like to waste food. So, I really ate all that I can. Haha. Felt really full after the meal though. I felt quite bloated. But perhaps because of my good mood today, my food was all digested by 3 hours. And I felt like eating again. Not forgeting the guys in the office for tempting me with hot & spicy chips while I'm still feeling bloated. Thanks ah! 

Received bert's message enquiring about meeting tonight. He planned to watch FanBoy. But eventually the plan was changed to eating zi char at a coffeeshop near my house. The food's really nice though. Love this dish called Coffee Pork Ribs. Yummy! Eventually, we met up in the end with kit as well. Had zi char. And went for a movie at Leisure Park after that. We watched The Unborn. It is a PG-rated film which I think should be rated as NC-16 for some scenes in the show. By the way, it's my 1st horror film at the cinema with the guys. We bought the tickets for the movie at 8.30pm when the show starts at 8.05pm. Missed quite a bit of the show, but its still a relatively nice show though. Got a few disturbing scenes. Never watch horror films with them 'coz huat don't quite like it but anyway, I learnt something today! Bert's quite scared with horror film 'coz he was grabbing kit's hand real hard!! But its funny lah. It's that kind of wanna see the disturbing scene yet got that bit of fear loh. Quite cute lah. Haha =) On the way out of Leisure Park, I saw this gal from my course. Dunno her name. Just know that she's from azuan's class. 

To people reading my blog, try searching for this video call 'Hotel 626' on youtube. Its an online game and its video is quite..erm...____ *fill in the space by watching it lo* =P 
*don't watch it with the speakers on if u think u're not really a 'brave' person. I was watching it as i type this post. At this late hour, I got a slight shock. 

I think i saw HER today after the 3 of us went to get concession at train station. Saw a really familiar back-view as we approach the traffic lights. She rushed to cross the road. We didn't. Part of me wanted to rush to cross as well, but part of me says don't. I told the guys after that. They were saying i think too much. Really? Perhaps. As we approach the bus terminal, I was searching if she was around. But, she wasn't. Maybe its just someone that look like her?! I thought i forgot about her? Or didn't I? Hmm...


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

soon-to-be hobby =)

like the title suggest..I'm interested in picking up a new hobby! It's about keeping a pet at home. Dogs?? Nope. Cats?! Nah. Hamsters?!?!? Not either. Aiya, its fishes. 

Last Saturday, after having nasi lemak at katong with my parents, I passed by an aquarium shop. My parents & I went in to take a look. I've always like marine fishes, but didn't rear them because of the implications of having them. You see. The salt content of the salt water that the fishes stay in, must be of right proportion. There's other factors to take care of as well. Like nitrogen and the cleanliness of the tank. But today I was having the aqua-fanatic Alan about this topic. And there's another issue to take care of. Marine fishes need air-con to survive, as they require low temperature to live. That chiller/air-con will cost a bomb. But, I really like marine fishes, fishes like clown fish a.k.a nemo looks real nice under neon lights. It's as if their bodies can glow. Really very nice. However, as my understanding of myself with my own short attention span on interest/hobby, I doubt this sudden burst of interest will last. But I'm trying to change. Really! Starting interest on guitar. Hopefully it will last really long. 

Anyway, I saw a rainbow after having my nasi lemak!! Wanted to take a shot of it with my dad's N95 BUT I forgot how to use a camera phone. Oh no!! I tried and tried until the rainbow decided enough's enough! It decided to fade away before i took a decent shot of it =((

*Clap hands clap hands* Its less than 4 months to my ORD le. Yay!! That means I DUN HAVE to face HIM after that. Hmm, HIM is a junior of mine. I dun like the way he brags about his 'knowledge'. I mean, don't make urself sounds so knowledgeable when u don't leh..he's always talking about how good he's with his programming knowledge. Like to say boastful stuffs and like to be a Lao Da (big brother). But then again, perhaps its just his case of insecurity or lack of self-confidence which is why he's using this way to 'protect' himself?? Maybe...I guess I gotta be more forgiving, and have more tolerance, which I don't have. Ok, I must try to accept others for what they are. Yes, I can!

And lastly, one thing that made my day! My dad went home after work, telling me that he was worried that he had lost the coin pouch that I got for his birthday this year. Luckily, he just left it in the car. It didn't dropped on the road or elsewhere. Whoa! It came as a shock to me! Firstly, relationship between him and myself aren't that good. I'm closer to my mum. Secondly, he seldom talk more about his feelings to us de. He's a da nan ren. A male chauvernistic (i think i spelt wrongly). But nevertheless, he's a good dad. Anyway, I was touched and really happy with his 'anxiety' over the misplacement of the pouch. I always feel really glad and assured that I got a present for family or friends as long as they like it. My insecurity will be out haunting me, making me think alot of unnecessary stuffs and thus as long the result i get from people is positive. I'll be really happy. 

Dunno wat I've been typing oso..should've change the title to juz random post instead..LOL

Saturday, March 21, 2009

happiest day of the week =)

I'm NOT going to do operation on my arm le! YEAH!

YES! I'm absolutely overjoyed with the fact that I can cancel away the operation appointment for some correction surgery to my right arm. Well, after a long thought of considering to do the operation or not, and on Tuesday, I gave an answer to my specialist doctor on my decision to my right arm. The answer is YES. 'Coz he said after seeing him for 10+ years regarding my old injury which occured in primary school, its reached a time where I'm to decide whether to leave my arm as it is (which is, being able to bend to 90 degrees, no more no less), or to have an operation to try to correct the situation. 

However, what really caused me to ponder alot on my arm's situation is down to 4 reasons. 1 reason being, I go for the operation. Have a scar on my right arm (don't like my arm to have a scar, 'coz I dunno how big the scar can be, a very big scar looks ugly). Secondly, the doctor can't give me an answer to how much the operation can help in correcting my arm (improve a little bit, alot, he just can't promise me anything, doesn't have any definite answer, makes me unsure of the help I gain from the surgery). 2nd way to the situation will be, to go for the operation at a subsidised rate (operation cost to be covered fully) and be daring and just give it a go! So, it's up to me to decide which reason matters the most to me. 

But after agreeing to the operation, I thought about the operation and I'm just getting more uncertain about my decision as I go through the admin procedures required for the surgery and it got worst as soon as I saw the budget. It cost $7000+. It's too much to bear with the result of the surgery uncertain. Alot of 'what ifs' flew past my mind. Felt quite emo after the appointment. I need to double-check with unit's admin clerk whether the cost will be covered and whether my branch head allow me to go for the operation. 

So this afternoon, I went to check with the admin clerk, and her reply is because I'm a private patient, I will have to bear for the surgery cost. I'm not keen on having to pay for the operation because of uncertain result. And after knowing that I have to pay for the surgery if I were to go, made me more determined not to go for the surgery. After all, I can choose to correct my arm next time if I want, through referral from polyclinic rather than through my current doctor who charges me as private patient where it will cost a bomb. Anyway, this piece of news help me in making my decision. And so, I'm happy!

Had a good cycling exercise in gym during Games Day and went with the unit guys to the Adidas sale & Popular sale at the expo. Whoa! The Adidas sale is really quite an eye opener. We need to queue up in order to get into the hall. And the stuffs that were left when we went in were little. Its only the 1st day of the sale btw! It's either we're really slow, or that there wasn't alot of items on sale. But anyway, to be able to clear up most of their goods on the 1st day of supposedly 3 days sale is good news isn't it. 

I bought 2 models made of wooden plank at the Popular sale. 1 of which is Eiffel Tower. The other one comprises 1 guitar and a grand piano. I think I'm going to try paint it to make it lively as compared to the dull light-beige tone of the model. The display cabinet is going to be flooded when I really fix all the models I have on hand le. Gonna stop myself from buying any more models le. I've got no place in my room for another cabinet!! 

That's it for this week where it marks a mixture of good news for myself and a bad week for some guys in the unit. Hoping for next week to be a better one! =)

Friday, March 13, 2009

an interesting topic

I heard this interesting topic discussed on radio this morning while working in the office. The DJs were throwing this topic on "whether guys or gals are easier to understand" to the listeners. 

As the listeners poured in with their own opinions, both genders supported their own gender by saying they face more difficulties in understanding the other gender. And the evidence given for the shortcomings of both genders seems to me like its down to one general reason. For the guys, the gals listeners gave reason saying the guys don't like to express their true feelings, most of the topics are more to do with interests, hobbies, entertainment, news, etc. And for the gals, its more to do with saying one thing but meant another thing. 

Well, for the part said on guys, I can say that is the case for me. I don't quite show my true feelings all the time. Somehow, I'll hide it by saying lame things, keeping quiet. Why do I chose to hide in my own 'shell'. I don't know. Actually its not just that I don't really wanna say. It's more like the words sometimes come to my mind, but when I speak, I think twice, or thrice and decided not to say. Just don't have enough self-confidence in myself, don't quite know how to express. 

Anyway, what made me felt like blogging about a radio chat topic is because it brought me to think of her AGAIN..I thought I had put it behind me but somehow I didn't. Maybe I didn't approach this situation well enough. I mean, the sudden change of being good friends(not sure if its wishful thinking on my part, haha) to not contacting at all. Funny. How that incident can bring a change to our life, or rather just mine, haha!

At least, I learnt something out of the situation. To treasure friends even more. Just that I must learn to show that I treasure, because I can just kept it in my heart and looks 'cold', haha. Oh well, move on!

Anyway, enough of ranting le. Yet another long post. Hopefully no one will read this post. =)