Monday, April 27, 2009

reaching the finishing line..

its less than 3 months to ORD now. Well, to be exact, its actually 87 days. Haha, there's a countdown timer in the office for the NSFs to view their remaining days to ORD. The feeling of separation grew stronger day by day. I always hated this kind of feeling. Its a sad & uncomfortable feeling but people grow, people matures. People moves on & need to look ahead in life. I must say, its quite a same old story for me. The cycle of emotions always works the same for me. From uncertainty in getting into the unit to seeing a buddy being posted out to slowly blending in with people. 

I remembered I used to keep counting down to my number of days to ORD when I first got into the office after my training. Its as many as 600 plus days...till it reached a point in time when its too tedious to keep track of these numbers. And now, its down to 2 digits of numbers of days left. I'm not sure if there's enough time to do the things planned before the time is up. Like getting of gifts for regulars. There's 20 plus regulars, so it sure will take a long time to get all the gifts planned. Dental appointment also not booked. Haven't went for one for about a year le. 

Anyway, when I reach the finishing line, where I'll be is not decided. The start for a job has not started. The place to study. Not decided as well. So many queries forming up in my head & I need to solve it swiftly & make a good decision to all. We can have a one wrong move but can we afford to have too many wrong moves? Can't.

A quote that caught my attention from yesterday's average Star Awards 2009 - Pornsak says : "Someone once told me, Don't be mediocre."

mediocre. a description which fits myself perfectly. A description which i always am contented with. A description that I should shrug off. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

my game's gone..

wah sian! really sian...i was 'saved' once but when it happened the 2nd time. My game died. This is what actually happened. I start my Football Manager game. It loaded. I select my "Arsenal FC" game. However, an error message pop out! The game shringe into a window screen. Instantly, I felt my game's gone. I tried & tried to restart the game, but it failed. Haiz. Its my 1 & only game of the new FM2009 eh. I played over 3/4 days & several hours in the game. I'm supposed to be in year 2012 in the game eh. My squad's unbeatable. My coaching staffs consist of former great players. Urgh!! My AARRSSSEEEENNNAAALLLL......

A good weekend break ends up with a poor start to the week. 

Not to say, tomorrow's my 'favourite' activity in army - IPPT. I think tomorrow's going to rain around 4pm bah. Hmm. IPPT shall be postponed then. Not bad. 

Saturday, April 18, 2009

feeling a little emo

been acting emo for the past week, just feeling down for no particular reasons. mind wandered away & had been thinking alot as well. Help! I'm killing my limited numbers of brain cells by thinking about unnecessary stuffs. I just gotta clear all these unnecessary thoughts out of my head. Its pointless. Its in my head. It doesn't make me happy so I should try not to think about these things. 

Anyway, 2 good things to share. 
One. I met Phyllis on bus on one of the weekdays on bus. I don't normally take that bus home unless I'm going to deposit $$ in Aljunied Central. Wasn't expecting to see an old coursemate on bus as the probability is so low. To know someone you know on a bus which carries not alot of people. A small world eh.

Second. The Gunners got into the Champions League Semi-Final!! Woo~~Hoo~~! Its not always that Arsenal are still in with a shout to challenge for any trophy. So, its really good to see that this time round, they even got a chance to challenge for the Champions League. Nevertheless, they got in through an easier Quarter-Final tie as compared to Chelsea, who had to get past Liverpool - the team that ALWAYS never give up easily. However, Arsenal are growing in confidence & the quality of the football is getting better as they play. Hopefully, they can try to maintain this standard till the season ends. Jia you! 

Look at how time can change a person. I used to hate to run or jog. Just used to dislike jogging for it being an individual sports & also because I'm not good in it. :P But now, I think I quite like jogging even though I'm not good at it still. I can feel myself getting fitter with jogging three times a week. Need to get this good hobby go on. 

Anyway, I'm just wondering how can I contact a friend who's overseas. Who doesn't come to msn anymore. Who don't use Facebook. Don't log in to Friendster anymore either. How? It just seems he suddenly vanish into thin air. Just hope he's still alright. 

Thursday, April 9, 2009

a random post

dunno why but somehow today i just don't seem to be good mood. Not to the extend of unhappy, but just feeling moody. Because of THAT colleague? Because of the stress of job's dateline? Perhaps a combination of both bah. Seriously i don't understand why i'm affected by that particular colleague. I don't understand why what he says can affect my mood. Always can make my blood boils. Urgh! Gonna treat him like a piece of glass and ignore him liao. I find him very 烦,and annoying. Ok. Enough of him. Not going to make him take up so much space on my post. 

Work just seem to pile up all of a sudden and to make things worse, there's this job which I need to do and the deadline is thursday a.k.a tomorrow. And I haven't even started that assignment yet. DEFINITELY can't make the dateline because I was told of the dateline really late, like 2 days to complete that assignment with other jobs on hand to complete. Haiz. Well, if the work is really that urgent, given my character, OT will be necessary then. I nearly wanted to stay back for OT to complete my current jobs, so as to start on the Mission Impossible. It never helps to have a colleague who has alot of jobs on hand as well & another one who's always on the lookout for easier tasks to do. Being Mr. Anything, I never refuse any tasks issued. Just try my best to complete the task well. 

Came home to do a bit of toy modelling & watching my favourite "超级星光大道" series.I'm currently watching series 4. Wasn't having a good impression on the contestants for the series. Had a misconception that they weren't as tough mentally as the previous batches, and their singing are not as good as their seniors. But I was proven wrong!! The next round of competition that I'm going to watch show them having to face the comments(some of these comments are really hurtful)  that people post on the show's forum. I'm not sure they hear it after they sang their song for that round or before they sing. Because if they hear it before they sing, it will be a test of their mental strength to finish their song and sing it well. Of all the series I've watched, the way the contestants improve during the competition really impresses me. I think I'm too crazy over the show le. Alrights. That's all for my ranting. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

feeling super happy now!

was checking my mail just now and I've received another confirmation email from the agent in AusEd regarding my university applications. This time round, its good news!! I'm being offered a place for RMIT University le! And with a 1 year exemptions some more! Well, after receiving a rejection letter last week, I'm getting paranoid over my future. Wasn't having the best of mood this week, but after the most recent email, my mood has been lifted. At least, I can see a door about to open, and whether the door lead me into a brightly lit room or a dark, cold room, its up to me! 

Right now, its just about when I will receive the reply from the other 2 universities. Hopefully I receive a good reply from Curtin, budget wise and course wise, i'm slightly more in favour of Curtin. Hmm, we'll see...

how many masks do u wear?

I had a nice chat with kim poh & yin ki during tea-break this morning. It was a nice chat and a nice stroll as well! We walked around the unit at least 7/8 times while we had our chat. Haha! That actually adds up to around 3.2km of walking. Quite a good form of exercise. Perhaps we should do it more often for guys like us. Always facing coms daily, having unhealthy radiation emitted from the monitor, and having to sit and facing the square monitor for 8 hours. 

The first paragraph does not seem to show any link to my title of the post. Here it comes. We were chatting about our respective experience in our departments and we had some complaints over several guys. And a chat on this particular guy triggered my initative to write it here. That particular guy blew up once and suddenly just slapped another guy, causing all of the onlookers (including myself) to be in a shock. It really happened out of nowhere. Alright. After the incident, he did apologised to the guy he slapped. The peers of the guy being slapped is totally angry about him. But apparently, he was not sincere with his actions. As, he did it so that it looks nice to show he's apologetic about his actions. So, why apologise if there's insincerity about it. Why apologise just to show that u are sorry about ur actions when u're not. And anyway, the apologize was not accepted by the peers of the guy being slapped. Apart from the incident, a conclusion can be deduced that he's afraid of the mighty (which is why he apologised for the incident i mentioned) and he will 'bully' or, put it in another way, show his authority to those he felt is weaker than him. Well, this showed he wears masks. 

Masks. Something that people wear to show the 'self' that one want to show to certain group of people. Mostly worn by backstabbers. Nowadays, getting more common. LOL. The above description is totally something I thought of de. Its something I believe though. Its something which makes life torturing yet interesting. Office politics opens up the mask-eteers are everywhere. These people create rumours. Creates unwanted trouble, yet are creators of topics to be gossip. Hmm, cool. Personally, why not just be less complex. Makes things simpler. Why wear a mask to show one is being nice at a person, and back-stab another behind his/her back. Reason(s)? To sabotage a person, to create better opportunity to gain promotion?? Does it makes one happy that way? Maybe. Does the happiness last long? Well, only the mask-eteers know. Personally, I think it is a kind of superficial happiness. But then again, there's a need to have 'bad' people to show how nice the nice people are, right? 

It's tiring to be superficial to make the working environment nice. If only there's just one side of everybody and not wear a mask. But its difficult in this environment, huh. Anyway, enough of the grumblings. 

Happy April's Fools Day! Happy birthday to my dad. But he won't read this though. Haha.