Thursday, April 9, 2009

a random post

dunno why but somehow today i just don't seem to be good mood. Not to the extend of unhappy, but just feeling moody. Because of THAT colleague? Because of the stress of job's dateline? Perhaps a combination of both bah. Seriously i don't understand why i'm affected by that particular colleague. I don't understand why what he says can affect my mood. Always can make my blood boils. Urgh! Gonna treat him like a piece of glass and ignore him liao. I find him very 烦,and annoying. Ok. Enough of him. Not going to make him take up so much space on my post. 

Work just seem to pile up all of a sudden and to make things worse, there's this job which I need to do and the deadline is thursday a.k.a tomorrow. And I haven't even started that assignment yet. DEFINITELY can't make the dateline because I was told of the dateline really late, like 2 days to complete that assignment with other jobs on hand to complete. Haiz. Well, if the work is really that urgent, given my character, OT will be necessary then. I nearly wanted to stay back for OT to complete my current jobs, so as to start on the Mission Impossible. It never helps to have a colleague who has alot of jobs on hand as well & another one who's always on the lookout for easier tasks to do. Being Mr. Anything, I never refuse any tasks issued. Just try my best to complete the task well. 

Came home to do a bit of toy modelling & watching my favourite "超级星光大道" series.I'm currently watching series 4. Wasn't having a good impression on the contestants for the series. Had a misconception that they weren't as tough mentally as the previous batches, and their singing are not as good as their seniors. But I was proven wrong!! The next round of competition that I'm going to watch show them having to face the comments(some of these comments are really hurtful)  that people post on the show's forum. I'm not sure they hear it after they sang their song for that round or before they sing. Because if they hear it before they sing, it will be a test of their mental strength to finish their song and sing it well. Of all the series I've watched, the way the contestants improve during the competition really impresses me. I think I'm too crazy over the show le. Alrights. That's all for my ranting. 

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