Saturday, April 18, 2009

feeling a little emo

been acting emo for the past week, just feeling down for no particular reasons. mind wandered away & had been thinking alot as well. Help! I'm killing my limited numbers of brain cells by thinking about unnecessary stuffs. I just gotta clear all these unnecessary thoughts out of my head. Its pointless. Its in my head. It doesn't make me happy so I should try not to think about these things. 

Anyway, 2 good things to share. 
One. I met Phyllis on bus on one of the weekdays on bus. I don't normally take that bus home unless I'm going to deposit $$ in Aljunied Central. Wasn't expecting to see an old coursemate on bus as the probability is so low. To know someone you know on a bus which carries not alot of people. A small world eh.

Second. The Gunners got into the Champions League Semi-Final!! Woo~~Hoo~~! Its not always that Arsenal are still in with a shout to challenge for any trophy. So, its really good to see that this time round, they even got a chance to challenge for the Champions League. Nevertheless, they got in through an easier Quarter-Final tie as compared to Chelsea, who had to get past Liverpool - the team that ALWAYS never give up easily. However, Arsenal are growing in confidence & the quality of the football is getting better as they play. Hopefully, they can try to maintain this standard till the season ends. Jia you! 

Look at how time can change a person. I used to hate to run or jog. Just used to dislike jogging for it being an individual sports & also because I'm not good in it. :P But now, I think I quite like jogging even though I'm not good at it still. I can feel myself getting fitter with jogging three times a week. Need to get this good hobby go on. 

Anyway, I'm just wondering how can I contact a friend who's overseas. Who doesn't come to msn anymore. Who don't use Facebook. Don't log in to Friendster anymore either. How? It just seems he suddenly vanish into thin air. Just hope he's still alright. 

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