Monday, April 27, 2009

reaching the finishing line..

its less than 3 months to ORD now. Well, to be exact, its actually 87 days. Haha, there's a countdown timer in the office for the NSFs to view their remaining days to ORD. The feeling of separation grew stronger day by day. I always hated this kind of feeling. Its a sad & uncomfortable feeling but people grow, people matures. People moves on & need to look ahead in life. I must say, its quite a same old story for me. The cycle of emotions always works the same for me. From uncertainty in getting into the unit to seeing a buddy being posted out to slowly blending in with people. 

I remembered I used to keep counting down to my number of days to ORD when I first got into the office after my training. Its as many as 600 plus days...till it reached a point in time when its too tedious to keep track of these numbers. And now, its down to 2 digits of numbers of days left. I'm not sure if there's enough time to do the things planned before the time is up. Like getting of gifts for regulars. There's 20 plus regulars, so it sure will take a long time to get all the gifts planned. Dental appointment also not booked. Haven't went for one for about a year le. 

Anyway, when I reach the finishing line, where I'll be is not decided. The start for a job has not started. The place to study. Not decided as well. So many queries forming up in my head & I need to solve it swiftly & make a good decision to all. We can have a one wrong move but can we afford to have too many wrong moves? Can't.

A quote that caught my attention from yesterday's average Star Awards 2009 - Pornsak says : "Someone once told me, Don't be mediocre."

mediocre. a description which fits myself perfectly. A description which i always am contented with. A description that I should shrug off. 

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