Saturday, May 2, 2009

Shopping.. Gaming.. Eating..

Catched up with sont after about 3 months since his previous semester break. Not been able to meet him since he's having a busy schedule in NTU. We went for shopping in our usual place, Queensway & had lunch at our usual place at ABC Market. Its a good return for him as he's happy about getting 2 shirts at reasonable price. And I got 1 for myself. I guess guys can't shop for long. We barely shop for 3 hours and we were both feeling tired. 

Heard from sont some news about things between me & her. So that was the impression my action gave and that was how she felt.
Was what I did previously wrong? Did I really made a wrong move? Perhaps. Maybe what I did really went overboard. Hmm...

Went to play lan today with huat & kit. Kit's 1st time playing lan. We played at The Cathay and to my surprise, they use Razor mouse & keyboard. That explains why it cost $3 per hour. So expensive!! 

I've been eating really alot nowadays. Just can't stop my eating spree. Take for example last thursday & today. Last thursday, this is what I ate for the whole day. Breakfast in the morning, lunch provided by cookhouse followed by 2 pieces of pizza. In the nite, I had dinner before meeting hz for movie where I had fries. And I had 6 pieces of nuggets instead of MacChicken thanks to hz. I think I ate even more today. Chicken rice for brunch. Yes, I'm crazy, such oily food so early in the day. Then I had beef noodles without beef, where I had beefballs, & other parts of cow. And followed by some japanese-bento-looking rice. Lastly, I just had beancurd, youtiao n 2 egg tarts for supper. What big appetite I have recently. Haha!

I went back to PLAB for flu injection today. To my surprise, the medic at the medical centre is not bad wor. I don't quite feel the pain eh. And he's quick. Seems to me he's quite skilled in it. Hopefully Influenza A don't last long. Economy's not doing well this year. And with a virus outbreak so serious, it doesn't make this a good year with less than half a year gone. 

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