Friday, May 8, 2009

bad weather..

As I'm writing this post, I'm currently having a pretty bad headache after my swim in the air force school. Swimming's supposed to be the best exercise during a super hot weather like today but I actually ended up worse off after the swim. Anyway, can anyone reading this post tell me the difference between headache & migraine? Does migraine means severe headache?? Anyway, the headache is so bad that it's causing me to lose my sudden crave for donuts. Sian. 

This week has been quite a relaxed period for me in the office. It seems I can slack more openly in the office now. Even my work is cutting down. I was told by my ma'am that the current work shall be my last piece of work. Well, I'm really not used to this kind of life lah. I rather I have work that's not urgent than to have nothing to do. Just feel awkward about it but when it happens, lets see how I will approach it. 

I've been harbouring this thought that this 2 years of my life is more useless than most NSFs. What I do is not something that NSFs normally do. I learnt nothing else useful except office politics & some useful computer knowledge. When most NSFs are training under hot sun, I'm slacking in some office room. Well, I was hoping for some technician post initially after BMT, but what's good about this vocation is the 8-5pm work hours. To be exact, 8-5.30pm. I get alot of exposure to radiation from computers. And at the end of the day, what I do in there is useless for use in the outside world. Oh well, the only memories that I will have about this 2 years is the people that I've met. I should be lucky enough to find that the people I met are pretty nice. Its a memory that I'll keep with me as I move on. 

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