Saturday, May 30, 2009

roundup of last weekend & this week

last saturday's sentosa was a pretty nice outing. Sea breeze, coupled with good weather with no sunlight suits me best. Learnt how to play touch rugby & had a good time out with the unit guys & yi san, a first meet-up with him after he ord. 

dragged my mum for company to some "Licensed to Play" fair last sunday. Well, i was hoping for some good offers for D5000! But i was made to feel disappointed as the price & the gifts given weren't any better than that at Harvey Norman's fair. 

I went to a presentation workshop for my WITS project on monday. Its a pretty good workshop with a good speaker who prepares herself well. Its a lecture cum role-play workshop. I was asked by my project mates to represent the team for role-play. Maybe i was shy, maybe i was nervous, i felt i didn't do a good job for the role-play. But nevertheless, i was given a morale boost by my unit buddy, kenny. Thanks, dude! Anyway, next up for the project will be a MINDEF Pride Day roadshow @ Toa Payoh Hub next week from 2-4th June. Gotta prepare myself well, n give it my best shot. Even though, its my project, due to the sensitivity of issues in the office, i myself, as a team member is not pretty sure of the whole project, except for playing a part in the write-up of report. To anyone reading this post, support my team at HDB Hub if you're free ya. 

The rest of the week turned out to be as typical as what my life has been for the past 1 year 8 months in the office. And, to round up the week, friday definitely has to be a climax to end it. And what better way to end it to draw blood!! Was pricked twice by the medic. I heard his conversation between himself & another medic, where he's saying the needle nearly broke. Phew! lucky he stopped! And drew blood from another hand, if not...the consequences should be worse. Anyway, i don't blame him la, he's afterall medic thanks to NS. So I can't be expecting him to be professional rite. But if it was me, i think i will be worse off bah. Ask me to look at blood drawing, still ok. But to look at the needle pricking into the skin, and drawing blood for patients all the time...that's definitely not going for me. 

Relationship can be vulnerable. It can take ages to build up one. And just take minimal effort to blew it. 

Thursday, May 21, 2009

a pretty good week

The past week has once again been an easy week. There's a fair amount of work to be completed but nevertheless, as ORD is approaching, the mentality of giving hard work into the job has become weaker. Hence, self-proclaimed break is getting longer even with the possibility of scolding glooming over my head. Well, I did sufficient amount of work, conscience's clear, did produce sufficient quality in job, n that's enough for me. 

It definitely helps with the office having several big shots away from the confined space. And they'll be away for about 7 days. Incredible piece of news!

Tomorrow's E-Prep @ Kranji Camp. I can get to fulfil my wish of having to wear no. 4 before i ORD thanks to the minor matters when wearing no. 3. Anyway, its another day away from the office n away from the computer! Hooray! Not to mention, I need to attend a course next monday regarding some presentation skills so once again, I don't need to stay in the office for the whole day. 

I just completed reading my 2nd book in my entire life. It's no surprise that its another book by Torey Hayden which I had finished reading. But, after I read it before sleep this tuesday. I had a bad dream after that. I didn't have a dream for quite some time and after such a long time, to think the dream I will have is a bad one. Why can't it be a good & nice one!! Anyway, its funny to have read a psychology-based non-fiction book & have a bad dream bah. 

In less than 2 weeks time, I'll be 22. Once again, its the time of the year where I'll ask myself whether I've made myself useful & recall what I've done over the past year. 
Have I been doing anything to make my parents/family proud of me? Nope. 
Have I been doing anything to make friends/colleagues/mates proud of me? Hmm...don't think so. 
Have I made myself proud of myself either? Definitely..not!
Hah! Simply show that its another wasteful year, more to buck up in the coming year! This leaves me with thoughts to ponder on. But before anything is to be done, I should be thinking of wat to give to myself as a gift. Haha!

Anyway, anyway, its Sentosa trip for this saturday. Haven't been to sentosa for too-many-to-count years! With the plan in place, it should be a fun day bah. Hope so bah. Should be a good weekend ahead.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

new nickname &...farewell...

Iceman! That's right! That's my new nickname given to me by friends in the unit. The theme for new nicks are based on superheroes. And I'm given this nick because of my lame jokes which are 'cold'.  Telling lame jokes is not something that I should be proud of, but I think Iceman's a pretty cool nick. Ok. Enough of that. Totally random. 

Anyway, today the office had a farewell & "All the best" mini-party for Mr Tan. Its actually better for him to be away and searching for a better job. But his leaving is a pretty hasty one. He's supposed to leave the unit 2 weeks from now but apparently he is required to do some stuffs and it ended up that today became the last day for him. Since he's away, i think my buffet treat is gone as well since he's my WITS leader & I think the $$ will be saved for other usage instead of having a feast outside. Somehow his resignation stimulate my brain cells to understand the different mentality that a worker can have. Yet another lesson on office politics learnt. He's someone worthy of looking up to. For this short stint in the unit, he was 'sabo' as my WITS leader, & he did a good job & earned himself an Outstanding Leader Award. How about that! Taking whichever thing that comes your way & give it a best shot. Anyway, all the best to whichever job you hold next time ya. =)

A question that is stuck in my head with a seemingly easy answer just seems so hard for me to get over it. Sometimes I just have the ability to confuse myself that I really end up finding myself to be a stranger. 
Is it really so hard for you to make the first move, JJ...

Friday, May 8, 2009

bad weather..

As I'm writing this post, I'm currently having a pretty bad headache after my swim in the air force school. Swimming's supposed to be the best exercise during a super hot weather like today but I actually ended up worse off after the swim. Anyway, can anyone reading this post tell me the difference between headache & migraine? Does migraine means severe headache?? Anyway, the headache is so bad that it's causing me to lose my sudden crave for donuts. Sian. 

This week has been quite a relaxed period for me in the office. It seems I can slack more openly in the office now. Even my work is cutting down. I was told by my ma'am that the current work shall be my last piece of work. Well, I'm really not used to this kind of life lah. I rather I have work that's not urgent than to have nothing to do. Just feel awkward about it but when it happens, lets see how I will approach it. 

I've been harbouring this thought that this 2 years of my life is more useless than most NSFs. What I do is not something that NSFs normally do. I learnt nothing else useful except office politics & some useful computer knowledge. When most NSFs are training under hot sun, I'm slacking in some office room. Well, I was hoping for some technician post initially after BMT, but what's good about this vocation is the 8-5pm work hours. To be exact, 8-5.30pm. I get alot of exposure to radiation from computers. And at the end of the day, what I do in there is useless for use in the outside world. Oh well, the only memories that I will have about this 2 years is the people that I've met. I should be lucky enough to find that the people I met are pretty nice. Its a memory that I'll keep with me as I move on. 

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Shopping.. Gaming.. Eating..

Catched up with sont after about 3 months since his previous semester break. Not been able to meet him since he's having a busy schedule in NTU. We went for shopping in our usual place, Queensway & had lunch at our usual place at ABC Market. Its a good return for him as he's happy about getting 2 shirts at reasonable price. And I got 1 for myself. I guess guys can't shop for long. We barely shop for 3 hours and we were both feeling tired. 

Heard from sont some news about things between me & her. So that was the impression my action gave and that was how she felt.
Was what I did previously wrong? Did I really made a wrong move? Perhaps. Maybe what I did really went overboard. Hmm...

Went to play lan today with huat & kit. Kit's 1st time playing lan. We played at The Cathay and to my surprise, they use Razor mouse & keyboard. That explains why it cost $3 per hour. So expensive!! 

I've been eating really alot nowadays. Just can't stop my eating spree. Take for example last thursday & today. Last thursday, this is what I ate for the whole day. Breakfast in the morning, lunch provided by cookhouse followed by 2 pieces of pizza. In the nite, I had dinner before meeting hz for movie where I had fries. And I had 6 pieces of nuggets instead of MacChicken thanks to hz. I think I ate even more today. Chicken rice for brunch. Yes, I'm crazy, such oily food so early in the day. Then I had beef noodles without beef, where I had beefballs, & other parts of cow. And followed by some japanese-bento-looking rice. Lastly, I just had beancurd, youtiao n 2 egg tarts for supper. What big appetite I have recently. Haha!

I went back to PLAB for flu injection today. To my surprise, the medic at the medical centre is not bad wor. I don't quite feel the pain eh. And he's quick. Seems to me he's quite skilled in it. Hopefully Influenza A don't last long. Economy's not doing well this year. And with a virus outbreak so serious, it doesn't make this a good year with less than half a year gone.