Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Yes! I've finally ORD-ed! I've made it. 2 years. A coster-ride journey. A deserving piece of memories will irked in my heart.

I mean, how to forget this past week?? To put it simply, Alan, my senior-friend-colleague, says my batch has the best ORD treatment. Well, its the BEST treatment that I've seen in the 5 batches of seniors that ORD-ed before me & I'm so fortunate to be part of it. For the past week, my buddy & I had 3 meal treats from the regulars. We also had a treat by fellow poor NSFs on ORD Day. On the last meal treat from the regulars on thursday, the head of department even went down to have lunch with us. This IS her 1st time attending ORD celebration outside the unit with the NSFs. Oh, and she even drove us, along with 2 other ma'ams, there.

Meal treats apart, the regulars came up with gifts for the 2 of us. They got us a wallet & coin pouch. Instead of wrapping up the items, they decided to decorate the box with hearts & good wishes. At the moment when they gave us the presents, had handshakes with us & wish us well for the future. I was extremely touched to the point where....tears welled in my eyes. Kenny was touched by the actions by Mdm Indrani (head of department) when she decided to came along for the lunch. Its a touching move by the most superior personnel.

And last but not least, must thank the NSFs lah. Treated us to sushi on friday. Even got kenny & me a basketball & soccer ball respectively. One word. Touched. See, I so easily get touched, too easy to bribe me liao.

Hmm. And the last thing I wanna say about my series of posts on ORD is I'm so happy that my work for the past 1 year 10 months is appreciated by Mdm Quek (my direct superior). And I'm glad she like the book I got for her. I got it specially for her after I got the idea from a certain chat we had, quite long ago. I hesitated to tell her the reason I got her that book when she was asking me about my plans for future. Well, in the end, I hesitated too long & didn't tell her. So what I heard from KC is that she wanted to get me something back in return. Even if she didn't get me the wallet, a combined gift from all regulars, I'm still very happy. All the suan-ing for the time I worked under her, to get recognition is all I asked for.

To sum up my 1 year 10 months of service in the unit, my first half of the year was a good one. I think my work is of pretty good quality but as ORD draws nearer & nearer, my work starts to deprove. But luckily the starting quality of my work is not too bad, so when my work deprove, it wasn't that obvious. And that's all for army. Unless, reservist is coming any sooner, I won't need to touch this part anymore!

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