Monday, July 20, 2009

Rational vs perceptual

my 18 days vacation has finally ended! Well, i didn't my no. of days of leave, off & MCs. A friend did that for me in the office. He even made an update as to when i'll be back.

Its a good break nevertheless. Had enough of rest. Had enough of fun. Even tried clubbing for the 1st time. I was telling kenny about the experience in the office today. Told him about 2 incidents which caught my attention. But his reply was since its my first time, just have a look & don't look too much into things happening.

I had been thinking about this as well. Maybe I did read too much into the events. I think its down to myself being too rational (理性). Its time to be more perceptual (感性) le. But i think i've been too rational for too long. Everytime I tried to be less of it, more of being perceptual. It seemed I need to open up many doors before I can be perceptual. And everytime, it takes a long time for me to open up the doors, hence that side of me never ever surfaced.

Anyway, there's always a first time to trying out anything. And since I've tried clubbing once. I think the floodgate will open. Just like how I was hooked to bowling for a short period of time.

Last nite, somehow I can't seem to sleep well. Too excited to be returning back to unit? Maybe. After all, I've not seen the guys for quite a long while eh. 18 days break eh...
4 more days awaits till I'm out of army. Suddenly, I feel pretty excited about going to ORD. And 2 years has gone just like that. A memories folder named "Army" is just about to be remembered.

Till then, this coming friday awaits..Afternoon will be lunch with kenny, rabbit & yin ki. A mini 6th batch celebration & bday celebration for yin ki. And in the evening will be a dinner gathering with the office guys. =)

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