Friday, September 18, 2009

an average week..

Wasn't having the best of mood for this week. And an average week was concluded today with poor control of temper today. I don't understand how some people think but maybe I wasn't doing a good enough job in his opinion. He told me off. I think I showed my emotions and he saw it as well. And after that he ask me not to take it to heart and said he reacted because of his high blood pressure. This really left me clueless. First you tell a person off, and you apologise. I don't mind you telling me off 'coz it gave me a chance to reflect on my customer service skills and improve. But why apologise after that?

Anyway, maybe I should always carry a smile when I work. I think i was just having an expression-less face and it seemed like I gave people the idea that I'm angry. Haiz.

I think I'm going for some retail therapy over the weekend. I'm going to get at least 2 things over the weekend. A tuner for my guitar and a CD. Maybe will be buying more. But lets see how much I can control myself.

I need to spend more time on jogging too. Need to improve to perform well in the Nike+ Human Race. I'm really looking forward to it.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

round up of weekend

The supposedly busy weekend turns out not to be as busy as I expected. Here's the summary of what I did over the past few days.

Thursday - Meet up with the unit guys for Charles' farewell dinner. Its going to be a long while till I see him next time.

Friday - I mixed up the date for my guitar make up class. How nice! Either I wasn't listening to the instructions by my teacher or his english is really that hard to understand. Actually, half of the time i don't understand what he's saying 'coz his english got the indonesian slang. So I end up looking at IT stuffs at Funan alone..

Saturday - Had a 'war' with the tuition boy. Had guitar class. Went to Comex. Celebrated rabbit's birthday. It was an awkward gathering. Just imagine 10 people eating. 4 people are of 1 clique. 6 people are of one clique. Both groups are gathering at a restaurant for a common friend's birthday. And both groups are seeing each other for the first time. There was absolutely minimal contact between us. Just doesn't feel nice.

Something extremely pleasant happened yesterday. But I didn't take the initiative and I lost the chance. What a waste ah!! On the other hand, maybe I read too much into the situation. But it was a nice memory though. Just let me stay in that moment for a while longer. =)

Sunday, today - Supposed to be going out with huat & kit. But kit needs to study for his test again. So, the outing was cancelled.

So, my supposedly busy weekends turned out to be ordinary. But nevertheless, that 1 incident still lingers in my mind. It wasn't that bad after all.

Friday, September 11, 2009

the start to a busy weekend..

This weekend is going to be a busy weekend. Never had such a long one for such a long time. Today was a farewell dinner meet-up for Charles, who will be leaving for London at the end of the month. There's guitar make-up lessons for friday & sunday. And I'll need to go Comex as well as celebrate rabbit's birthday on saturday. Lastly, it will be an outing with kit & huat on Sunday.

The dinner gathering with the unit guys today was a pretty enjoyable one. Rarely see charles & wei jie for most of the meet-ups. So it was good to see them after a long time. In fact, it was about 8 months since I last saw them when they ORD. It's good to see all of us are either ORD or going to ORD. Hopefully their Day will come soon 'coz the environment is getting bad over there.

Anyway, i'm quite grateful to these friends. Somehow, i think they influenced me to improve in a good way. They're down-to-earth and somehow they are super determined to do what they want. I feel pretty ashamed to be next to them.

Actually...have I changed this past 2 years? I hope I did change for the better. But if I haven't, I better do some serious soul-searching.

Dunno why but emo-ness just struck me....

Monday, September 7, 2009

i just learned a lesson

The weekend which has just ended has been a smooth-sailing one. A pleasant weekend.
Normally, I will treat my tuition session with my tuitee, a war. 'Coz usually he can end up doing what he wants, refusing to listen to what I've said during the whole session. Usually, by the end of the tuition, I'll be mentally tired and blood is usually boiling at above 100 degrees. But, to my surprise, he was quite obedient as compared to other sessions. What more can I ask for from a 10 year old kid?

Next, I had a enriching guitar lesson. Learnt a few tricks to play guitar chords. Once, I'm getting better with it, I shall learn some Chinese songs to play. And that's all for Saturday.

Sunday was a busy day. Was out with mum to get some daily necessities. Ended up home at 4pm. Went out by 5pm to meet huat, kit & bert for dinner. And it was a good outing for us, i guess. I was pretty happy and it has been a long time since all 4 of us get together. Hmm, I think its close to 2 months? Or even longer..Haha. And its good to hear from kit that he's taking studies better liao. No longer stressing himself too much. But hopefully, he still can get to achieve his Harvard dream. After that I met with wai & yx for a chat.

But all these happy incidents that had happened were eclipsed by one single remark or joke which a friend cracked. It wasn't a joke to begin with, and with that joke a sensitive topic, he asked me whether I'm scared by what he said. Oh, did I mention what topic is that joke about? It was about suicidal, by the way.

Haiz. One friendship issue solved over the weekend, here comes another. How nice...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

never ending...

Problems just never fail to stop coming. Just when I was having a happy time not to think unnecessarily. Problems just has to arise and kill some brain cells of mine.

Two problems accompanied me this past week. I think one of these 2 things that caught my attention is due to my unnecessary pondering. There was once where someone talked to me. That person approached and started the chat. But somehow that person's replies are short. It seems to me that someone wasn't very interested about the chat. But on second thoughts while I'm typing this, i start to think its really over-reacting on my part. Never mind.

The 2nd issue was more problematic. I'm glad this problem is solved this morning. Then again, maybe it looked to be solved on the surface and maybe he is still hurt. Somehow this reminds me of the shingo scenario which happened in poly year 1. Tomorrow's the meet up for the birthday celebration. Whether it will be one where all 4 of us will enjoy, i dunno. I would rather the worst scenario that surface in my mind will not be happening. Its the last day of weekend tomorrow and hopefully it will have a good ending.

Met up with yx and wai on thursday for movie on thursday. The cove is an educational documentary. It showed the cruel acts of killing dolphins and it wasn't until I watched the show that I know of such act happening on such a large scale. Killing 30,000 dolphins every single year! Woah! It hurts to see how these dolphins are killed. Simply can't stand the way these dolphins were killed. But, I slept for part of the show. Wasn't showing the show respect but I couldn't help it! Feel tired even when I have 7 hours of sleep, don't understand why sia. And it was a nice 3 hours of chat after the show. Haven't had such a long one for a long while.

I went to watched The Final Destination 3D yesterday with Ter. I don't like how the gruesome events are showed in the show. How the show made them happened looked so unrealistic. But it was a good 3D film. The best one I've ever watched. Objects looked like they are flying around just right in front of you. So cool yet disturbing because its Final Destination. I didn't know Ter's such a green person. Its good to learn to be green. Save the world!! Somehow, I can find similar points in our lives. Is it due to both of us being Gemini?

Anyway, one particular incident pissed me off when I crossed the roads today. I don't understand why Singaporeans hate to press the button for traffic lights. They like to wait for each other to press and no one pressed at all. And when the turn to cross the road comes, the 'Green Man' didn't light up and you can see the people looks fuming. Who can you blame other than yourself? Press a button so difficult meh? Is this a result of a busy and bustling city? Where people just care about themselves?

Till then. Adios!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

a day to learn..

Learned 2 valuable lessons today at work. Firstly, today is the first time a wheelchair-bound security officer came for the pass making. He was allowed to cut queue and luckily no one was unhappy with the arrangements.

The partition needs to be moved and adjustments need to be done to accomodate him. The man was apologetic as he felt he caused us problems. But i assured him its not his fault. After his card is done, I learned something from him. Down but not Out. Lessons can be learned from his attitude towards life and this is also a lesson to learn how to deal with the less-fortunate ones.

Next. There's a super irritating customer today. The man was totally demanding about having us answering to his questions. And he made it look like he's smart and he's the type of customer that customer service personnels dread to face everday. Luckily, Kelly came to our rescue. I think our dealing with him wasn't up to standard. I tried my best to answer him but maybe I wasn't polite enough. See, my first step of shedding the nice guy image is working well.

This is a lesson learnt to being a good customer service personnel. And now I can fully understand that this is a job which has been overlooked. It's not that a simple job.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

the highs...the lows...

Last week was a pretty eventful week. Monday was movie get-together with 2 buddies. The meal at Ichiban was good but UP was even better. Absolutely a good plot.

And last Wednesday was a happy outing too. Saw Ms Chong while looking around at Ion. So soo So0o happy to be able to see her after about 4/5 years since secondary school days! The 1/2 occasions when i returned back to the hill, i can't get to see her. She spotted me first and looks excited to be seeing me after such a long time. Need to keep in contact with her more often. And 'cher, u looked thinner than last time le. Must take care! So nice of her to still remember me despite me giving her problems in secondary school. And thanks for remembering me as someone nice but i shall shed away this image.

Dinner was pretty good on wednesday. My singing that day was bad but the session was good.

This weekend was purely outings with parents. Hasn't been doing that for quite a long while. It was a great weekend but I should stop driving for some time. Not doing the safety checks and I'm getting reckless. Time to stop myself from being a nuisance to the traffic.

The 'highs' are over. Here comes the 'low'. Arsenal lost an important match despite playing pretty well. But their performance was good enough for my liking. So right now I'm contented after ranting about those poor decisions and errors over the past 2 days.

Anyway, I need lots of m$ney!! Let me list down the items i wished to get.

1. Ipod Touch
2. LG Viewty Smart
3. Sleeveless Vest
4. A pair of shades
5. Laptop
6. Gunners new white jersey
7. Crumpler camera bag
8. Camcorder

I might end up only able to get half of my wishlist. Haha!