Saturday, September 5, 2009

never ending...

Problems just never fail to stop coming. Just when I was having a happy time not to think unnecessarily. Problems just has to arise and kill some brain cells of mine.

Two problems accompanied me this past week. I think one of these 2 things that caught my attention is due to my unnecessary pondering. There was once where someone talked to me. That person approached and started the chat. But somehow that person's replies are short. It seems to me that someone wasn't very interested about the chat. But on second thoughts while I'm typing this, i start to think its really over-reacting on my part. Never mind.

The 2nd issue was more problematic. I'm glad this problem is solved this morning. Then again, maybe it looked to be solved on the surface and maybe he is still hurt. Somehow this reminds me of the shingo scenario which happened in poly year 1. Tomorrow's the meet up for the birthday celebration. Whether it will be one where all 4 of us will enjoy, i dunno. I would rather the worst scenario that surface in my mind will not be happening. Its the last day of weekend tomorrow and hopefully it will have a good ending.

Met up with yx and wai on thursday for movie on thursday. The cove is an educational documentary. It showed the cruel acts of killing dolphins and it wasn't until I watched the show that I know of such act happening on such a large scale. Killing 30,000 dolphins every single year! Woah! It hurts to see how these dolphins are killed. Simply can't stand the way these dolphins were killed. But, I slept for part of the show. Wasn't showing the show respect but I couldn't help it! Feel tired even when I have 7 hours of sleep, don't understand why sia. And it was a nice 3 hours of chat after the show. Haven't had such a long one for a long while.

I went to watched The Final Destination 3D yesterday with Ter. I don't like how the gruesome events are showed in the show. How the show made them happened looked so unrealistic. But it was a good 3D film. The best one I've ever watched. Objects looked like they are flying around just right in front of you. So cool yet disturbing because its Final Destination. I didn't know Ter's such a green person. Its good to learn to be green. Save the world!! Somehow, I can find similar points in our lives. Is it due to both of us being Gemini?

Anyway, one particular incident pissed me off when I crossed the roads today. I don't understand why Singaporeans hate to press the button for traffic lights. They like to wait for each other to press and no one pressed at all. And when the turn to cross the road comes, the 'Green Man' didn't light up and you can see the people looks fuming. Who can you blame other than yourself? Press a button so difficult meh? Is this a result of a busy and bustling city? Where people just care about themselves?

Till then. Adios!

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