Sunday, September 13, 2009

round up of weekend

The supposedly busy weekend turns out not to be as busy as I expected. Here's the summary of what I did over the past few days.

Thursday - Meet up with the unit guys for Charles' farewell dinner. Its going to be a long while till I see him next time.

Friday - I mixed up the date for my guitar make up class. How nice! Either I wasn't listening to the instructions by my teacher or his english is really that hard to understand. Actually, half of the time i don't understand what he's saying 'coz his english got the indonesian slang. So I end up looking at IT stuffs at Funan alone..

Saturday - Had a 'war' with the tuition boy. Had guitar class. Went to Comex. Celebrated rabbit's birthday. It was an awkward gathering. Just imagine 10 people eating. 4 people are of 1 clique. 6 people are of one clique. Both groups are gathering at a restaurant for a common friend's birthday. And both groups are seeing each other for the first time. There was absolutely minimal contact between us. Just doesn't feel nice.

Something extremely pleasant happened yesterday. But I didn't take the initiative and I lost the chance. What a waste ah!! On the other hand, maybe I read too much into the situation. But it was a nice memory though. Just let me stay in that moment for a while longer. =)

Sunday, today - Supposed to be going out with huat & kit. But kit needs to study for his test again. So, the outing was cancelled.

So, my supposedly busy weekends turned out to be ordinary. But nevertheless, that 1 incident still lingers in my mind. It wasn't that bad after all.

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