Friday, September 18, 2009

an average week..

Wasn't having the best of mood for this week. And an average week was concluded today with poor control of temper today. I don't understand how some people think but maybe I wasn't doing a good enough job in his opinion. He told me off. I think I showed my emotions and he saw it as well. And after that he ask me not to take it to heart and said he reacted because of his high blood pressure. This really left me clueless. First you tell a person off, and you apologise. I don't mind you telling me off 'coz it gave me a chance to reflect on my customer service skills and improve. But why apologise after that?

Anyway, maybe I should always carry a smile when I work. I think i was just having an expression-less face and it seemed like I gave people the idea that I'm angry. Haiz.

I think I'm going for some retail therapy over the weekend. I'm going to get at least 2 things over the weekend. A tuner for my guitar and a CD. Maybe will be buying more. But lets see how much I can control myself.

I need to spend more time on jogging too. Need to improve to perform well in the Nike+ Human Race. I'm really looking forward to it.

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