Thursday, October 30, 2008

U Had A Bad Day

Morning's the start for THE bad day of the week. First of all, I forgot to bring pass which is necessary for me to enter the base for my dental appointment. So I have to wake up earlier to get my pass in the unit (I'm having a half day OFF, so I don't really have to be back in the unit) and then make my way to the base.

Next, the 2nd bad event occurred. The bag which I'm carrying today always has a camera. I knew I'm not supposed to bring any camera device into army territory so when I was packing my bag, I was having 2nd thoughts as to whether I should remove the camera from my bag. My final decision was to just leave the camera inside the bag. And that's where I created the opening for the bad event to occur. On my way to the medical centre, I need to pass by a guard post. So, I declared my prohibited items(PSP, MP3, camera). And upon hearing something by the name of the camera, the people in the guard post wanted to confiscate it. My pleads of suggesting that my bag to be kept at the guard post was rejected. I told them it was for my D&D which was later on in the day. But they had none of it. So I abided their instructions. So after the painful experience of doing filling for my teeth (which is too grose for me to describe), I went to HQ to ask for instructions regards to the camera. And the personnel in there allowed me to take back my camera after hearing my version of the incident (I did not twist any truth of the incident as I described). So I went back to the guard post and they re-confirmed with the HQ after that. However, what happened next was what made me pissed. I had to wait for 30 mins as my camera was 'on the move' (better not to explain too detailed information in here, haha). First of all, apart from my dumbness of bringing a camera to the base, I don't think I did any thing wrong. I suggested for them to safe-keep but they rather confiscate. I mean I did not try to force my way in with a camera. I did not fail to declare. So why should my camera be confiscated and 30 mins was wasted just like that. I was actually in a rush to meet the guys for lunch and make our way to HortPark after it. And I was late for the meeting, I dropped my drinks on the floor which delayed abit of time and we need to take cab down to the place as we're running late. So bad events snowballed and I'm the cause of it. Haiz. But I'm glad my friends felt that I wasn't really in the wrong for the camera incident.

Lastly, during the D&D, we finally managed to finish our line dance, well I wouldn't say perfectly but its really a pretty good one where we did not make any mistakes and the crowd was feeling high! (Part of the high-feeling crowd is from my unit though, haha!) However, the team only got a 3rd. I mean, we seriously weren't that bad. The whole team was great lah! Best performance ever loh! First time it went perfectly without any single major mistake. I'm quite alright with losing to the 2nd place team because the female singer was great! Never thought that lady can sing that well! But to lose to the 1st place team made me felt our result wasn't what we deserved. They had a good package when presenting themselves while our introduction speech was more of a casual and relaxed one. That could be the decisive factor?? I don't know. I guess I sound like such a sore loser. Laughs. But after weeks of practices, changes made, tonight's performance is one to be remembered but the end result wasn't fantastic.

Anyway, that's the day for today. What an eventful day it has been!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Quite PISSED with myself today...i didn't prepare myself well enough for the guitar lesson today. Haiz, i need to plan my time better so that i can have enough time to practice guitar, relax by watching tv & get to rest enough so i won't be too tired for work in the unit. 

I'm not practicing enough everyday and i'm still not getting used to plucking the strings well to produce a nice & clear sound. Oh well, i'm sure with more practice i sure can play guitar well de. I need better coordination with my 2 hands. I guess its because of myself starting to play guitar too late bah. But I can do it!! Can de! 

Friday, October 24, 2008

time passes by rather fast

Today's the ORD day for 2 seniors! so happy for them, finally they can move on to their next step of their lives. But on the other hand, i'm kinda sad yesterday because i dun like parting & separation, just hate that kind of feeling. 

Good comments were given for their performance appraisal in the office, glad that they've good comments so that the appraisal can aid them in getting a job in the society. Hopefully i can get equally good comments. Not easy but i shall give in my best. 

To think its almost a year since i came to my unit, and i'm left with 9 more months to go to my ORD. I'm having mixed feelings about ORD. On 1 hand, i'm happy because i won't need to do stuffs that i don't like anymore. But on the other hand, i'm still not quite sure of what i decided to do after ORD. I hope i don't need to work straight after army because this is my last chance of being able to study. I mean, i don't think i will have the motivation or determination to study after getting into the working world. 

Oh well, 1 step at a time bah, no point thinking so much right now. Now's the time to figure out my future a step at a time. Any wrong move right now definitely will be suicidal. 

Yesterday, most of the madams & the NSFs went for a lunch outing at Cafe Cartel to celebrate the seniors' ORD. Hmm, i wonder where will my ORD celebration be held at. Crystal Jade lah, Billy Bombers lah, and even Ajisen also can lah. Just nice food will do. 

Anyway, during playing of basketball today, i acidentally got scratched on my arm, the scratch is 2-inch long & yet i don't feel any pain at all. It was only until i took a glimpse at my arm then i realise i got a scratch. It's been quite a while since i enjoy playing basketball but i need to improve my playing skills, its quite bad but i enjoy doing the defensive work like stealing the ball away from the opponents. Haha!

I'm abit unhappy because of an incident which happen today. Maybe I looked too much into that incident. Perhaps I should learn to stop thinking too much about minor stuffs and made myself miserable, unhappy. Haha, alright, back to game le, its weekend! Time to enjoy & relax!

Monday, October 20, 2008

best ever day in army

I totally enjoyed today in the unit! Haha, how often will an NSF enjoy national service so much. Its because of a combination of being able to slack officially and less time spend at work. Plus I get to eat KFC and pizza in the office without paying for it!!  

Dunno why today one of the madams' so nice, willing to fork out $100 to treat the regulars & NSFs. Thz alot ma'am!

And because of the line-dance practice, lunch was indented and the guys had lunch after the dance practice. So our lunch has actually eaten into our normal working time, hence making it a longer break. That's a very good bonus le, I'm more than happy with this arrangement. 

I tried to stop myself from being tense up with work in the office and tried to chill. It felt alot carefree and really felt good. Its good to have a positive change. Previously, I was too caught up with the work, and seriously didn't try to interact much at all. I do chat in the office, but definitely I spent way too little time interacting. 

Definitely a good start for the week! 

Friday, October 17, 2008

juz unhappy

it takes me like 3 tries to decide what to put as a title for this post..well, the title says what i feel abt things that has happened this past week. 

lets should i start...alright..basically 2 things that really made me unhappy. First thing was abt the junior that i scolded last week. Somehow i always end up being very impatient with him. I tried putting myself in his shoes to try see what is going through him as he learns as he work ( there's no such thing as luxury of time to learn when u're in my office, haha). But once again its his attitude that pissed me off. I mean every single work-related problem he will ask for my help. And the more he ask, the more impatient i get. But its like, i'm not really a pro in what we're doing!! Yes, i definitely have more experience in our work than him BUT look for the madams there rather than me lah. Its not that i don't want to help, its about why he get my help than the madams'. He said "You got experience mah, thats why i ask you." And with that statement, he can always put the blame on me if what I told him turns out to be wrong. I thought to myself, i'm juz more experienced than you for a few months and as a NSF, how experienced can I get? 

Anyway, after a weekend where we don't need to work, he can forget where he stop previously for his work. He can also forget things he learnt easily. And he's not trying any ways to help him cope with his poor memory, like to write notes, etc. I just hope he don't always look for me when there's errors with the work, and I better change my tone when speaking to him (he's the only one in the office where my tone doesn't sound pleasant when i talk to him). 

There's this madam whom i think practice favouritism. Obviously i'm not one of the favourite workers thats why I'm unhappy, haha. But then again, when favouritism is practiced, I think there's the feel of un-fairness and unhappiness. Especially if the treatment given can become too biased. Anyway, I never thought favouritism will occur at this stage of my life in NS, because I thought favouritism will not happen after schooling years. AH! maybe i should stop looking into these minor things that make myself unhappy. This matter is not going to be important to me in anyway, I should've just ignore and forget about all the office politics when I'm outside the unit. 

I'm letting too much of small things that happened and eventually let it take over myself and made me kinda emo nowadays. Not sure how I can change it but I definitely must change so that my life will be a happy one than a sad one.

Recently, I chatted with the person whom I wanted to avoid on msn. I'm kinda surprused that I ended up chatting because before the person talk to me, I thought to myself that I will still avoid talking to that person but somehow I decided not to, and ended up talking to that person. It no longer feels like chatting with a good friend anymore, I felt like just having a normal hi-bye chat with an aquintance. Well, somehow I'm glad that I didn't avoid talking because it will make myself look petty and actually the action is childish. Haha. 

After 2 plus months of training pull-up, I'm finally sooo close to being able to do 1 standard pull-up. In fact, I managed to do 1 pull-up after playing basketball. Really felt so happy!! I proved to myself even with the restriction of motion by my right arm, I can still do pull-ups. However, I think I pushed myself too hard because my arms are aching badly now. I've been doing pull-up twice a day for the past week (once after 1st parade and once during tea-break), I hope I can be able to do at least 3 pull-ups by the end of the year. Jia you!!

Next week there's a batch there's going to ORD. All the best to you 2 when u go to the working society. 

Sunday, October 12, 2008

weekdays are coming..

Went to SGH for medical appointment on friday, woohoo! Simply love it! No need to go to the unit in the morning, just need to go to SGH for the medical and return to the unit at 2.20pm and left unit at about 3pm for Games Day. Best weekday as an NSF ever. 2 more medical appointments coming up. Met jing nan up to get chun wai's present in the night. Too bad i didnt get both the gifts i wanna get. In the end, i manage to get only 1 out of the 2 presents.

Went to chun wai's birthday celebration on saturday evening. Sorry for staying only for about an hour and didnt give 'face' when u offered the food. Dunno lah, i just felt rather awkward and didnt help at all. So, i left rather quite early. Anyway, hope u like the present that we got for u.

Today, i went to play wii with kit and huat at cineleisure. Haha, both kit n me cant even get into the Sonic racing game that we wanted to play. Even needed help of a kid that is maybe 6 years old. (really felt pai seh loh) Anyway, we cant play that sonic game because we found out that we used the controller the wrong way(controller should be held perpendicularly rather than vertically when playing racing game). At least, now we have better knowledge of playing wii. We rented the wii console for 1 hour so the playing time was quite short but its nice playing it though. Next, we went to Isetan in Shaw Towers because i wanna get some models to place in my display cabinet. The cabinet's still empty, and is waiting for me to put some companions so it won't be so lonely lah. In the end, i got 4 models, thanks to the 20% sale that isetan is having.

I need to take some time during weekdays to practice my guitar and to fix the models that i have in hand. Still having difficulty at playing guitar thanks to myself being lazy to practice often. I need time management badly! As for the models, i've 6 at home right now, none are fixed. So, i should set myself a target of fixing 2 models by this coming week. Hopefully, 1 model will be done bah (provided i stop being lazy).

For people wondering why i STOPPED going to msn, its because i wanna avoid a particular someone. I don't really wanna see her nick pop up when i go online. (could've just block her actually,haha) My actions is childish but i just felt like doing so. Haiz, im such a contradicting person. Now that she's busy with studies, work n relationship, i guess lesser time to go online bah. Anyway, i figured out my thinking le so i don't see a point in avoiding u anymore. Furthermore, FM2009's coming out soon and that means i will be using com more often and playing it will be more important than to avoid you.

Tomorrow's the audition for the Dinner & Dance. I really hope we can get through with our line dance performance. Its for the possible 1 day-off as well as a challenge for myself to see if i can learn a new activity in a short while (started picking up line-dancing 2 months back, my reason back then was actually purely for the 1 day-off). I was kind of shocked and delighted when mdm sabrina (our dance teacher and the pro) decided to put me in the 1st row. I was quite slow in picking up the dance at first but i practiced at home and managed to keep up with the group. It's nice to see that my effort of practicing at home paid off but i still feel im not that gd to be standing at the 1st row for the dance.

Hope this week can be a smooth sailing week and...LESS WORK PLEASE!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Not a good start AT ALL after MC week..

Well, i guess i should have anticipated how much work will have piled up in the office waiting for me to do after a week away from the unit. The work that i need to do can be enough to keep me busy for the whole week (its not even wednesday yet!) and perhaps occupied for next week as well. Damn! Seriously hate that!

Not that i still hate the work that i'm doing like when i first came into the office. Now, i'm pretty neutral about my work and sometimes can be quite hardworking but still can be blur about certain jobs issued. Nevertheless, 1 thing i'm proud of myself is that i'm hardworking. So far, i havent heard any bad rumours about myself in an environment where rumours can kill!

Today's the 2nd time that i got so ANGRY about the new batch of juniors. News about them since the training period weren't good at all. But things never changed after they got into the office. Minor problems occured between the juniors occured. Just today alone, 2 incidents happened between myself and a junior and it happened to my friend as well.

During our lunch, the junior happened to say something nasty to my friend. Normally, that friend of mine is actually gd-tempered, a joker and a ultra-friendly guy. So happen today, that junior stepped on my friend's toes that he couldn't take it and he decided to have a talk with the junior.

As for my case, partly due to my short-temper that got over me, partly becoz i couldn't stand my junior's working attitude. This is how it happened. This particular junior is supposed to be my understudy for my job. So today, i let him do a bit of work (he complains that its alot though!) with the help of SOP. That job he's handling is 1/4 of what i'm doing for today. I don't blame him for popping alot of questions, since its his 1st time doing it, Don't blame him either for doing it slow, coz i'm not that fast at my job anyway(i'm not as fast as my senior that taught me the job). BUT, what i can't stand is that he make himself sound stressed and make himself sound hardworking and goes slacking way before its time for us to book out. I'm not expecting him to be like me, as in, in terms of work rate and hardworking. But at least be like his fellow batchmate.

When the juniors first came in, i was asked to teach that junior some work as well. Well, I wasn't happy with his attitude as well, so i said some harsh words to him just to make him realise its important to prioritise the work allocated with time to slack(thats always the problem with this batch of juniors). Now, i'm impressed with this junior, coz his work looks good, and he's efficient. Very happy that he changed for the better. I'm not really sure this junior, that made me pissed today, will change for the better, cause if he don't, i'd rather suffer more with all the jobs given than to give myself more headache with him at the turtle pace he's working at.

Urgh! Actually this isn't the 1st time that i'm pissed with him, but he can't be bothered with my complaint at all. I noe, with the allowance we're given, there's no motivation to work hard BUT seeing people around u working hard is still a good form of motivation bah. Alrite, felt better after venting my anger out. Anyway, a good news to brighten up today. Rumour is that the tyrant cleaning auntie is SACKED! WOO HOO! Time for celebration! Its party time!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Happy turned disappointment

I went to watch Painted Skin with HanZhong n his fren (HZ did introduce her to me, but i didnt remember her name :p). Anyway, the presence of his fren is the disappointment that i felt yesterday. Becoz the person whom i tot i will be meeting is someone else, n that someone else is actually a gal whom i tot looks pretty on photo (juz imagine a bespectacled Dawn Yeoh, thats the impression i get from looking at her photo). So thats why i was happy with abit of excitement when i noe i might be seeing her but it turned out otherwise yesterday.

Anyway, apart from that, i realise i need to 'learn' how to communicate with gals again after being in army for a year plus and my time outside army is almost totally spent with either my parents or frens who are guys. Like for example, there was this short moment where HZ went to the toilet, leaving me and his fren waiting for him. Instead of trying to strike a conversation with her, i end up playing my psp. Shy?! Dao (snobbish)?! i dunno..but i juz noe it's not right doing so but i dunno why i end up acting that way still. No wonder bert says playing psp is an anti-social activity. Alrite, conclusion derived is that i should hang out more with gals, haha.

Anyway, Painted Skin's look like quite a gd movie from the casting, but apart from that, i dun think its a nice show. The plot's decent, a bit draggy actually, n nothing constructive can be obtained from the movie. Somehow, I managed to get a constructive view from Vicky Christina Barcelona. I went to watch that movie with my cousin and its a poor movie but wat i can take from the movie is that u can plan a perfect outcome for ur life, but as u move on in life, things changes, n as much as u wanna make that perfect outcome possible, ur life wun happen that way and by being stubborn and sticking to that plan for a perfect outcome can only make ur life miserable and tat was wat happen to one of the character in the show.

I finally got my hands on 1 album that I've waited for weeks. Can't wait to listen to the whole album on my mp3. Wanted to get monopoly and lego yesterday oso, but there's no lego series that made me eager to put them in my display cabinet and the price of those limited editions monopoly is $79.90! Seems quite expensive to me, but maybe after a few weeks, i dun mind paying for it.

Today's Saturday and that means its 2 more days to going back to unit...I DUN WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK!! Anyway HZ, gd luck to ya training in taiwan, take care!

Going to my grandma's place soon le, havent visited her for months le!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


hmm, FINALLY! made some changes to my blog again, slight ones though, coz really dun like the tagbaord that i have, keep having pop-ups, irritating! so i go for cbox. wat i want to do is to have a customize tagboard, and since cbox has tat function, im fine with it.

going into my 4th day of MC le, havent really been doing anything really useful other than creating a blog and other stuffs i do include watching dramas and watching champions league till early hours in the morning. crap! im not making full use of my MC period. cant go swimming yet, my gum still bleed a little when i spit, haiz..recover quickly plz, my dear gum!! nevertheless, i shall do some chin-ups and sits-up later.

after i had my lunch juz now, i saw this kid asking this chinese young couple to help him buy some cigarettes, and after he got his sticks from the man, he went into the shop to get a lighter after he kept the cigarettes in his pockets. And wat happen next is tat i saw the emotions on his face and he look anxious and was looking around frantically. (wahahaha, scared then dun buy lah :p) however, the shop sold all their lighters away, so the kid had to go to 7-eleven to get the lighter instead, so as soon as he get his lighter, tuh-duh! he became 'brave'. Out came his cigarette, n he began his smoking therapy. No idea why i paid attention to random situation like this, maybe im too bored le bah.

should have go out more often so that i can relax and get some fresh air(the air's not that fresh actually) but im not really feeling tat great, been feeling abit nauseous, dunno if its becoz of the medicine, dunno if its my mentality coz i HATED medicines VERY MUCH! So, i decided not to take my medicines le, and my parents supported my decision. feeling slightly better after doing so, but not fully recovered yet, and after going to lil's blog, saw some nice-looking food! but i guess if i have these food in front of me, i'll have difficulty eating it la, im chewing on food on the left side of my jaw coz im trying to treat my right side of jaw to be paralysed as i dun want food particles to drop into the hole on my gum, it would be troublesome to remove it.

weekend's coming!! havent plan of wat to do yet, but right now, time to go for some exercise!!