Monday, December 28, 2009

New Year 2010 Resolution

I'm not a greedy guy. But I think my resolutions are bold and a little greedy. Judge it for yourself.

1) I hope the exchange rates between AU$ and SGD$ keeps dropping.
2) I want to train harder to keep myself more fit physically & visually.
3) I want to achieve good results in university.

I don't think they are really resolutions but more of wishes. Best is all 3 will come true. If something else other than the 3 named wishes come true, I'm more than happy. But I will not be putting too much hope on anything. One thing I definitely need to do for the upcoming year is to put in more effort in everything I do.

Point to ponder: Have I been underestimating myself?

busy & eventful festive weekend

The way these few days past by, made me realise how time really flies. I thought i had enjoyed more days of holidays and i don't mind more of these activities!!

Here's the breakdown of what I did during the X'mas period.

Worked half day. Went to vivo for dinner with my poly hao peng you for dinner. Next on the agenda was night out at St. James. It was quite an eye opener. After all, its just my 2nd time to club. I liked the ambience in the room we were in. Just the kind of music to relax & chill. Not to forget, we have a 'freelance' cheongsam dancer. What a performance!
*My first try at hard liquor, didn't turn out bad.*

This was a more plain day. Just a day out with parents.

Went over to lil's place to bake a cake for yx. The process was a fun one. That is only possible if you have the right company. Rushed back home to meet huat & kit at kit's house. Kit drove & we soon reached Leisure Park to buy food for the sumptuous dinner in the night. Bert turned out to be on time & we had to make sure we don't spend too much time over at the mall.
Dinner items for the day were roasted chicken, pizzas, log cake, spicy drumlets. Not to forget, we had alcohol as well. We couldn't finish the log cake, we had too much food to finish. Once again, it was a session with the right people & it made the session even better.

Woke up early to have brunch with parents. Came back home to grab my Xbox controllers before heading out to meet wai n lil at yx's house. We certainly gave her a pleasant surprise with our presense, and certainly the main character for the day- the birthday cake. Next up was lunch at Aston's @ The Cathay. The food was good and that's the only thing that is good. The peeps continue with singing session next. (I wanna sing too!!)

And, I moved on to my next location - big KC's house. It turned out to be I'm the 2nd last to reach. Opps. It was a great FIFA experience even though i lost more games than I won. It was during the bbq session that I got some updates about a friend and the guys' trip to taiwan. It seemed like more unpleasant things occur during the trip, as compared to memorable ones. I was nominated to be the main chef of the day. And I was asked to wear an apron while bbq-ing. It was so embarassing. Hopefully, i didn't bbq raw food. Haha. To finish up all the food, kc's sis suggested to play "Indian Poker". It was fun and we all had laughter along the way.

That's all for the past weekend. It was eventful enough. And I like every single bit that has happened.

And the start of the new work week begins with some monday blues. And it was not the most ideal way to kick off a week. Hoping for the next 2 and half work days to be better.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

nothing special..

Nothing really interesting has been going on since my last post till now. But my weekends has been more interesting now that the guys are having breaks from university. But as usual, its hard to get a friend out on a saturday. Maybe really need to book him early then can be able to get to see him.

Anyway, Avatar was a good movie. I'm not sure if i was really tired or wearing the 3D goggles really made me giddy. I couldn't take the discomfort and I slept for a short while. And I just have to choose the part where it showed the main actor & actress were developing their relationship. Lucky, the show was a 160 mins one and it made my 10 mins nap felt like nothing.

After the show, we were looking around for Wii games. And I saw a game which instantly made me have the idea of owning a Nintendo DS, regardless of which version. And that game is none other than Nintendo's most popular character, Super Mario. I can't really remember the title of the game but the gameplay is said to be exactly like the old-school Mario which was on GameBoy. But its extremely crazy if i were to go for a DS just for a Mario game. Especially since I'm not in the position to spend without thinking.

Weather has been gloomy for the past one week or so. I had to drag my feet to work everyday. And when I jog, the sky can change from clear to having dark clouds. And next, it drizzles. Just as I stopped jogging, the drizzling stops. And I haven't been able to complete 2 laps for quite some time.

My hair is getting long after just 1 month or so. And I can't think of a new hairstyle yet. If the designer can't come out with something nice, I will know what to do to my fringe le. Snap it away!!

I'm totally hooked to this song 唯一的唯一 by 小宇. I think I have listened to this song at least 100 times in 2 days.
Next post....New Year Resolution.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

growing spiderweb lo..

i only realise i haven't been blogged for weeks. Well, the only reason being i'm lazy. Lazy to switch on the computer. Been using my phone to surf facebook & read emails. That's how i stay away from using com. And that's why photos are uploaded late. Haven't been updating myself with new songs either.

been having alot of fun recently. Haven't tried badminton for a long time. So to try it again was nice. And i think i enjoyed the session with 2 close friends even though i'm poor at sports. Talking about sports, i haven't been jogging for weeks. Time to get my lazy legs going. The only form of exercise that I have done recently are just lifting weights & doing the tummy 'wheel' thing.

Going to k-singing session has also become my most frequent activity. Just last week, I've been to sing twice in 3 days. But i will not get sick of it though.

I haven't seen her for quite some time. Who to blame but myself leh? When fate comes and you don't grab hold, it will not come back and wait for you to get it. And so i missed my chance, bringing my self-confidence to a lower level. Haiz...

Last but not least, the issue which has been hovering in my mind for a long time. Studying overseas. As the day gets nearer, my mixed feeling grew stronger. I'm excited, worried and sad. My vocabulary is really poor, can't think of a better word than 'sad'.

Excited 'coz its a whole new experience and a chance to prove myself to......myself. Hah.
Worried 'coz of the exchange rate. This new experience is going to be an expensive one. And with the exchange rate increasing, the pressure on them will increase. I can only try to control the budget as tight as possible, to try to minimise the finance. I don't wanna depend on them at this age. If not for studies, i won't be asking them for $$, i rather they keep it for their own usage. Lastly, i'm starting to feel sad 'coz i don't bear to leave this place and the friends i have here.
Even though, i don't really show it and i can't bring myself to say it. I'll definitely miss the people here. But time to grow is time to grow. So...*i'm lost for words*

Anyway, enough of ranting. I don't know what i've been writing all along. Must have lots of errors throughout the looong post. :p

Monday, November 16, 2009


actually i thought of what i wanna post but haven't thought of the title for the post. But on my way home, something happened and the title naturally came to my mind. Haha.

How else can you explain meeting somebody for the 2nd time in 3 days? And i need to mention how it happened today. I was dumbfolded by how it happened today. I was walking back home, listening to my mp3, like any other day. Suddenly, i just thought of her, AND she just appeared! Whoa! This is way too coincidental le. Is this called fate? But anyway, i dunno how to grab hold of fate de so let me just stay happy after all these incidents that happened.

Did i mention i met her on saturday as well? Yeah, we saw each other on saturday as well. It lifted my spirits upon seeing her. I didn't know we live in the same block. So it came as a surprise to me. This has overwrite the 2 good movies that I watched over the weekends. Astroboy & 2012. Astroboy, because it was a 'new' thing to me. I don't quite know the whole story of Astroboy except for who this character was. And 2012, how do i start. It was a long show. 2 hours and 30 mins at least. But, it sure don't feel like such a long show. I never once looked at my watch and it was only after the movie that I know i spent such a long time in the theatre. It showed different sides of people. It tells people to treasure all people among ourselves. Apart from the computer graphics which looks too unrealistic, it was a nice show after a long while.

For the past weeks, weekends has been quite simple except for last sunday. New Balance Real Run in the morning, and an eventful afternoon, evening & night with poly buddies. The run was a disappointment. I was too slow. No excuse should be given though. I just wasn't doing enough. It wasn't easy but I should do better. But wii in the afternoon was followed by a japanese dinner and a partyworld session. It ended as a good day. =)

Cousin's getting married this saturday. My hair's pretty sh*t. I haven't thought of what to wear. And why must you hold it at such a posh place!! The journey of growing up with him, though not very close, till him getting married now made me felt strange. Nervertheless, I'm extremely happy for him and grandma. Her favourite grandson is getting married!

Anyway, i'm totally hooked on these 2 songs. 我爱他" & "你为什么说谎" by 丁当. I dunno how many hundreds of times I've listened to the 2 songs. But i'm not sicked of them at all!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

good weekend ahead

Yesterday was a busy day. Both at work and when having fun. Work was pretty tiring. Simply don't understand why there can be days when so little people come to make pass, for example, less than 50 people came. And all of a sudden, the numbers shoot to close to 200 on another day. Absolutely crazy!

But the activities after work was good. First, it was high-tea with ORD peeps at Ah Yat Abalone Restaurant @ Orchard Central. The baked rice is delicious. The soup is good. Even the milk tea wasn't bad. Then comes the looonngg trip to Woodlands. All because of a certain someone. Haha. We loitered around Causeway Point while waiting for rabbit. And guess what. We saw LTC Victor. LOL. Just ORD-ed still have to see superiors. Next is dinner at Botak Jones. I ate so much till I'm totally bloated. Just to mention, I had MacChicken for lunch. Abalone & Chicken baked rice for high-tea. And Cajun Chicken for dinner. What a chicky day!

The Nike+ Human Race today wasn't good. I didn't complete the run without stopping. And as usual, the moment i stopped, i can't really continue le. Practice wasn't enough. Mentality wasn't strong enough. Need to train more in order to last the whole 10km. But nevertheless, it was an improvement yet a disappointment. Gotta do better in 2 weeks' time. And oh yah, timing wasn't that bad. I think i completed in about 1 hr 20 mins.

Gonna meet the guys again for movie and the ma'ams will be coming as well. Movie then supper for today. Whoa! A very expensive weekend. But absolutely happening.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

finally got my lazy fingers to move

It has been weeks since I last blogged. Basically, there's nothing much to highlight. For the past few weeks, it has been just work, home & jogging. Seldom go out to chill. Suddenly, I start to feel the need to have more friends so that u can find more people to go out with.

I don't want my weekends to be just like what happened last weekend. Left my house at 5 plus and end up getting back home on a Saturday nite at 8pm!! Such a bored weekend. Luckily, this week was much better. Apart from my usual evening jog, I watched movie on tuesday with 2 buddies. And just went for karaoke session yesterday. And as weekend approaches, my insomnia is going away. Finally!! Been having sleepless nites for the past week.

Not to mention, a long lost primary school best friend just added me on facebook. It was a nice primary school memory and the friendship bond built with him was definitely a pleasant one. So looking forward to meeting him after his exams period.

At least, positive changes were made for this week. How can weekends be boring?? Anyway, which should I get? A cool Blackberry Bold or a multi-functions Omnia II? Both OS seems to be upgrading, its going to be a tough choice. Gonna have 2 new gadgets by the end of the year, sooo happy!

Friday, September 18, 2009

an average week..

Wasn't having the best of mood for this week. And an average week was concluded today with poor control of temper today. I don't understand how some people think but maybe I wasn't doing a good enough job in his opinion. He told me off. I think I showed my emotions and he saw it as well. And after that he ask me not to take it to heart and said he reacted because of his high blood pressure. This really left me clueless. First you tell a person off, and you apologise. I don't mind you telling me off 'coz it gave me a chance to reflect on my customer service skills and improve. But why apologise after that?

Anyway, maybe I should always carry a smile when I work. I think i was just having an expression-less face and it seemed like I gave people the idea that I'm angry. Haiz.

I think I'm going for some retail therapy over the weekend. I'm going to get at least 2 things over the weekend. A tuner for my guitar and a CD. Maybe will be buying more. But lets see how much I can control myself.

I need to spend more time on jogging too. Need to improve to perform well in the Nike+ Human Race. I'm really looking forward to it.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

round up of weekend

The supposedly busy weekend turns out not to be as busy as I expected. Here's the summary of what I did over the past few days.

Thursday - Meet up with the unit guys for Charles' farewell dinner. Its going to be a long while till I see him next time.

Friday - I mixed up the date for my guitar make up class. How nice! Either I wasn't listening to the instructions by my teacher or his english is really that hard to understand. Actually, half of the time i don't understand what he's saying 'coz his english got the indonesian slang. So I end up looking at IT stuffs at Funan alone..

Saturday - Had a 'war' with the tuition boy. Had guitar class. Went to Comex. Celebrated rabbit's birthday. It was an awkward gathering. Just imagine 10 people eating. 4 people are of 1 clique. 6 people are of one clique. Both groups are gathering at a restaurant for a common friend's birthday. And both groups are seeing each other for the first time. There was absolutely minimal contact between us. Just doesn't feel nice.

Something extremely pleasant happened yesterday. But I didn't take the initiative and I lost the chance. What a waste ah!! On the other hand, maybe I read too much into the situation. But it was a nice memory though. Just let me stay in that moment for a while longer. =)

Sunday, today - Supposed to be going out with huat & kit. But kit needs to study for his test again. So, the outing was cancelled.

So, my supposedly busy weekends turned out to be ordinary. But nevertheless, that 1 incident still lingers in my mind. It wasn't that bad after all.

Friday, September 11, 2009

the start to a busy weekend..

This weekend is going to be a busy weekend. Never had such a long one for such a long time. Today was a farewell dinner meet-up for Charles, who will be leaving for London at the end of the month. There's guitar make-up lessons for friday & sunday. And I'll need to go Comex as well as celebrate rabbit's birthday on saturday. Lastly, it will be an outing with kit & huat on Sunday.

The dinner gathering with the unit guys today was a pretty enjoyable one. Rarely see charles & wei jie for most of the meet-ups. So it was good to see them after a long time. In fact, it was about 8 months since I last saw them when they ORD. It's good to see all of us are either ORD or going to ORD. Hopefully their Day will come soon 'coz the environment is getting bad over there.

Anyway, i'm quite grateful to these friends. Somehow, i think they influenced me to improve in a good way. They're down-to-earth and somehow they are super determined to do what they want. I feel pretty ashamed to be next to them.

Actually...have I changed this past 2 years? I hope I did change for the better. But if I haven't, I better do some serious soul-searching.

Dunno why but emo-ness just struck me....

Monday, September 7, 2009

i just learned a lesson

The weekend which has just ended has been a smooth-sailing one. A pleasant weekend.
Normally, I will treat my tuition session with my tuitee, a war. 'Coz usually he can end up doing what he wants, refusing to listen to what I've said during the whole session. Usually, by the end of the tuition, I'll be mentally tired and blood is usually boiling at above 100 degrees. But, to my surprise, he was quite obedient as compared to other sessions. What more can I ask for from a 10 year old kid?

Next, I had a enriching guitar lesson. Learnt a few tricks to play guitar chords. Once, I'm getting better with it, I shall learn some Chinese songs to play. And that's all for Saturday.

Sunday was a busy day. Was out with mum to get some daily necessities. Ended up home at 4pm. Went out by 5pm to meet huat, kit & bert for dinner. And it was a good outing for us, i guess. I was pretty happy and it has been a long time since all 4 of us get together. Hmm, I think its close to 2 months? Or even longer..Haha. And its good to hear from kit that he's taking studies better liao. No longer stressing himself too much. But hopefully, he still can get to achieve his Harvard dream. After that I met with wai & yx for a chat.

But all these happy incidents that had happened were eclipsed by one single remark or joke which a friend cracked. It wasn't a joke to begin with, and with that joke a sensitive topic, he asked me whether I'm scared by what he said. Oh, did I mention what topic is that joke about? It was about suicidal, by the way.

Haiz. One friendship issue solved over the weekend, here comes another. How nice...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

never ending...

Problems just never fail to stop coming. Just when I was having a happy time not to think unnecessarily. Problems just has to arise and kill some brain cells of mine.

Two problems accompanied me this past week. I think one of these 2 things that caught my attention is due to my unnecessary pondering. There was once where someone talked to me. That person approached and started the chat. But somehow that person's replies are short. It seems to me that someone wasn't very interested about the chat. But on second thoughts while I'm typing this, i start to think its really over-reacting on my part. Never mind.

The 2nd issue was more problematic. I'm glad this problem is solved this morning. Then again, maybe it looked to be solved on the surface and maybe he is still hurt. Somehow this reminds me of the shingo scenario which happened in poly year 1. Tomorrow's the meet up for the birthday celebration. Whether it will be one where all 4 of us will enjoy, i dunno. I would rather the worst scenario that surface in my mind will not be happening. Its the last day of weekend tomorrow and hopefully it will have a good ending.

Met up with yx and wai on thursday for movie on thursday. The cove is an educational documentary. It showed the cruel acts of killing dolphins and it wasn't until I watched the show that I know of such act happening on such a large scale. Killing 30,000 dolphins every single year! Woah! It hurts to see how these dolphins are killed. Simply can't stand the way these dolphins were killed. But, I slept for part of the show. Wasn't showing the show respect but I couldn't help it! Feel tired even when I have 7 hours of sleep, don't understand why sia. And it was a nice 3 hours of chat after the show. Haven't had such a long one for a long while.

I went to watched The Final Destination 3D yesterday with Ter. I don't like how the gruesome events are showed in the show. How the show made them happened looked so unrealistic. But it was a good 3D film. The best one I've ever watched. Objects looked like they are flying around just right in front of you. So cool yet disturbing because its Final Destination. I didn't know Ter's such a green person. Its good to learn to be green. Save the world!! Somehow, I can find similar points in our lives. Is it due to both of us being Gemini?

Anyway, one particular incident pissed me off when I crossed the roads today. I don't understand why Singaporeans hate to press the button for traffic lights. They like to wait for each other to press and no one pressed at all. And when the turn to cross the road comes, the 'Green Man' didn't light up and you can see the people looks fuming. Who can you blame other than yourself? Press a button so difficult meh? Is this a result of a busy and bustling city? Where people just care about themselves?

Till then. Adios!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

a day to learn..

Learned 2 valuable lessons today at work. Firstly, today is the first time a wheelchair-bound security officer came for the pass making. He was allowed to cut queue and luckily no one was unhappy with the arrangements.

The partition needs to be moved and adjustments need to be done to accomodate him. The man was apologetic as he felt he caused us problems. But i assured him its not his fault. After his card is done, I learned something from him. Down but not Out. Lessons can be learned from his attitude towards life and this is also a lesson to learn how to deal with the less-fortunate ones.

Next. There's a super irritating customer today. The man was totally demanding about having us answering to his questions. And he made it look like he's smart and he's the type of customer that customer service personnels dread to face everday. Luckily, Kelly came to our rescue. I think our dealing with him wasn't up to standard. I tried my best to answer him but maybe I wasn't polite enough. See, my first step of shedding the nice guy image is working well.

This is a lesson learnt to being a good customer service personnel. And now I can fully understand that this is a job which has been overlooked. It's not that a simple job.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

the highs...the lows...

Last week was a pretty eventful week. Monday was movie get-together with 2 buddies. The meal at Ichiban was good but UP was even better. Absolutely a good plot.

And last Wednesday was a happy outing too. Saw Ms Chong while looking around at Ion. So soo So0o happy to be able to see her after about 4/5 years since secondary school days! The 1/2 occasions when i returned back to the hill, i can't get to see her. She spotted me first and looks excited to be seeing me after such a long time. Need to keep in contact with her more often. And 'cher, u looked thinner than last time le. Must take care! So nice of her to still remember me despite me giving her problems in secondary school. And thanks for remembering me as someone nice but i shall shed away this image.

Dinner was pretty good on wednesday. My singing that day was bad but the session was good.

This weekend was purely outings with parents. Hasn't been doing that for quite a long while. It was a great weekend but I should stop driving for some time. Not doing the safety checks and I'm getting reckless. Time to stop myself from being a nuisance to the traffic.

The 'highs' are over. Here comes the 'low'. Arsenal lost an important match despite playing pretty well. But their performance was good enough for my liking. So right now I'm contented after ranting about those poor decisions and errors over the past 2 days.

Anyway, I need lots of m$ney!! Let me list down the items i wished to get.

1. Ipod Touch
2. LG Viewty Smart
3. Sleeveless Vest
4. A pair of shades
5. Laptop
6. Gunners new white jersey
7. Crumpler camera bag
8. Camcorder

I might end up only able to get half of my wishlist. Haha!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I think this week has to be a week filled with daring decisions. Why leh? 'Coz firstly, i decided to go for a shopping spree and spent $100+ on 4 pieces of clothes. And, i've ended up eating words which i've said before. I used to tell myself i'll not buy a piece of pink shirt but after trying the pink polo t-shirt on, I loved that shade of pink now! And so, i bought the shirt.

Shopping has not ended for me, lots of items that i want to get but i can't get all right now. I'm in need of $$. Shades, laptop, handphone, mp4 & earpiece! Urgh! I think the list can just get longer & longer.

And another daring thing i've done, i practically reject opportunities to earn $$. Up till today, i've rejected 3 new tuition cases. 'Coz i'm tired & scared of having another uncooperative kid. 1 is enough, 2 makes a crowd. And, i don't think i'm a good tutor. Need a little cooling period and time to rest.

Anyway, after the shopping spree yesterday, i'm on pretty good mood today. I was happily singing while at work today. A little overboard though! I think retail therapy is good but too much hurts!

李圣杰 - 我可以
如果我可以 真的我可以..

纵贯线乐队 - 亡命之徒
出发啦 不要问那路在哪
迎风向前 是唯一的方法

Friday, August 7, 2009

there's a balance to all things

For the past 4 days of the week, it has been a pretty good week. After a 'push' to make me pluck up the courage to face a problem which i created out of nothing, i felt happy & relieved. Like some burden is removed off my shoulders. Very happy.

But today, suddenly work is so busy in the morning. So many people just chose to come in the morning to make their pass, and the queue is so long that it is only cleared by 12.30pm & i only managed to find breathing space to buy lunch by then. It has taken longer than usual by 1 hour or so. But the thought of meeting unit friends for basketball & dinner just brighten up my day. It was a good bonding session. Had good laugh while playing. Although I'm bad at ball games, i'm starting to like playing basketball le.

It just has been 2 weeks after I left the unit, but so much has happened after I left. A friend's problem with a particular Mdm just keep getting worse & its now worsen until the head of department gets to know about it. She even interviewed all regulars, and that friend & the 2 friends of the same batch. Can't she just stop picking on him & make it a more relaxed environment to work at. But in the end, she's the one who suffered after she blown up the matter 'coz the 3 of them are going to ORD in 2 months' time & she's still gonna stay and continue to work. So who's at the losing end?

And apart from this forever ongoing problem, i just heard a saddening news about a particular Mdm. Mdm, you must jia you k!! I hope the seriousness of your situation is not as bad as what I've heard. You're such a nice Mdm. So friendly, so cheerful, so easy-going. You just make the whole working environment so relaxed. Although, my interaction with you is not alot because of different job scope, i won't forget your best wishes when i ORD. I was dumbfolded when i heard of this piece of news. Life is fragile & unpredictable.

I decided to walked back after dinner as i wanna save some $$ and i thought the distance from Boon Keng/Bendemeer to my house is not too long, a 15 mins walk should be good enough. But, the stroll back home took me 30 minutes!As i stroll, my mind was just filled with the seriousness of the Mdm's situation, when cm told me about it with that super serious expression, i never sensed its something so drastic. But its not like i can do anything to the situation. Oh well...

A message i received from a friend says i failed as a person. Maybe i do? I dunno. Someone tell me please. Maybe i'm reading too much into messages...Maybe its just a random comment...

When there's nice things happening in a week, there's not so nice things happening as well, life's so fair! =)

Monday, August 3, 2009

its you again...

Everytime I hear news about YOU, I felt vexed. And after 2 days, I'm still feeling vexed. I heard about YOU being angry about my actions. Why bother to be angry about me? Don't bother, just forget me. I'm not worth having YOU to be angry with. Forget this so-called former 'close friend'.

But, I can't help to hear about YOUR news. Its super contradicting of my actions.

The last-minute post-birthday dinner didn't turn out as I would have like. Kit was unable to come for the dinner due to his commitment with the dance performance in NUS. The mini dinner celebration turns out to be myself & huat having a simple dinner. Throughout this 2 years of army, somehow huat has grown alot mature. Just don't slack too much & I'm sure your grades will be so so much better.

And as next week commence, kit will be back to his old emo self in the poly years. Hopefully his OCD won't be haunting him and he'll be able to mug and get his desired grades. And after next week, huat will be going to NTU, kit will be going to NUS, and I'll be left alone for weekends. Hahaha...

Playing in my head now..Super Junior-Sorry, sorry

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Never have i look forward so much to weekends. The reason being I need to be more alert in order to stop those silly errors that I commit day after day at work. And after half a saturday is gone, I'm starting to feel tired le. Teaching a naughty kid is tough. Or maybe I'm just not good enough to be a tutor. Its so hard to keep a 9 year-old kid sit still at a place & be attentive to 1 hr 30 mins of lesson. Maybe I should just quit after 1 month of tutoring him.

Anyway, I just bought the 'Nikon D5000 Digital Field Guide'. Need to explore my camera more so that I will not end up just setting it to auto & use it like a digital camera. In the evening will be meeting up with kit & huat for a mini last-minute birthday celebration for huat. I kind of get used to bert not being able to join us for most activities liao. But he's on duty today, so no choice bah.

And finally, Kolo has left Arsenal, ending his 7 year of loyal & dedicated service. All the best in your City career. And Wenger, if Clichy leaves as well, thats gonna be the end of my support to Arsenal as well!

Tomorrow's Sunday. Hopefully I will have a good day to recharge for the upcoming week.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

i trade 2 days of urban lifestyle for sub-urban experience

Came back from a short 2-day Malacca trip. The weather somehow seems a little better over there. It was a good experience to get to see the city, which is celebrating its 1 year as a historical heritage-protected place. The old, rugged buildings that they have will be kept for long & old as they can be, these structures carry with them history from ancient times till now and its good to be able to catch a glimpse of it.

To sum up, the trip was a pleasant one. I had a good time eating chendol. I had very good time taking pictures of places I toured. Just like the feel of the old, rugged but extremely nice structures. But the lodgings I had over there was not too good. I spent a night where I didn't sleep well. Facilities was pretty average. And the only positive signs of the lodgings was that the building try to create the 'Peranakan' atmosphere by having Peranakan-style objects in the motel-that-call-themselves-hotel.

But instead of turning recharged after a short holiday away from the hectic life of Singapore, I ended up being more tired when I wake up this morning for work. I'm hoping for a better tomorrow but I need my 10am break. My sleeping break is gone!!


Yes! I've finally ORD-ed! I've made it. 2 years. A coster-ride journey. A deserving piece of memories will irked in my heart.

I mean, how to forget this past week?? To put it simply, Alan, my senior-friend-colleague, says my batch has the best ORD treatment. Well, its the BEST treatment that I've seen in the 5 batches of seniors that ORD-ed before me & I'm so fortunate to be part of it. For the past week, my buddy & I had 3 meal treats from the regulars. We also had a treat by fellow poor NSFs on ORD Day. On the last meal treat from the regulars on thursday, the head of department even went down to have lunch with us. This IS her 1st time attending ORD celebration outside the unit with the NSFs. Oh, and she even drove us, along with 2 other ma'ams, there.

Meal treats apart, the regulars came up with gifts for the 2 of us. They got us a wallet & coin pouch. Instead of wrapping up the items, they decided to decorate the box with hearts & good wishes. At the moment when they gave us the presents, had handshakes with us & wish us well for the future. I was extremely touched to the point where....tears welled in my eyes. Kenny was touched by the actions by Mdm Indrani (head of department) when she decided to came along for the lunch. Its a touching move by the most superior personnel.

And last but not least, must thank the NSFs lah. Treated us to sushi on friday. Even got kenny & me a basketball & soccer ball respectively. One word. Touched. See, I so easily get touched, too easy to bribe me liao.

Hmm. And the last thing I wanna say about my series of posts on ORD is I'm so happy that my work for the past 1 year 10 months is appreciated by Mdm Quek (my direct superior). And I'm glad she like the book I got for her. I got it specially for her after I got the idea from a certain chat we had, quite long ago. I hesitated to tell her the reason I got her that book when she was asking me about my plans for future. Well, in the end, I hesitated too long & didn't tell her. So what I heard from KC is that she wanted to get me something back in return. Even if she didn't get me the wallet, a combined gift from all regulars, I'm still very happy. All the suan-ing for the time I worked under her, to get recognition is all I asked for.

To sum up my 1 year 10 months of service in the unit, my first half of the year was a good one. I think my work is of pretty good quality but as ORD draws nearer & nearer, my work starts to deprove. But luckily the starting quality of my work is not too bad, so when my work deprove, it wasn't that obvious. And that's all for army. Unless, reservist is coming any sooner, I won't need to touch this part anymore!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I'm super happy about my superiors' response after they received our token of gratitude from myself & my buddy. They were shocked, excited & happy. Wah, I'm so happy that they like it lah. Anyway, we got them each a book. Each book is chosen with special care to attend to each of their personalities.

The superiors treated us to pizza as well. And we were even asked to signed on the books we got for them. LOL. Make us look like some big star signing for the fans.

And apart from all that I said above, Mr Khoo (a highly experience & respected regular) offered to treat us to lunch. Whether that happens or not, it doesn't matter. The thought counts alot! And the ma'ams wants to get us a gift. We were given 5 choices to choose from. The choices are sweater, a bag, a wallet, a soccer/basketball jersey, a watch. Wah, still can choose a present some more. BUT, we rejected. But we failed as well, the ma'ams insisted on getting us a gift after all.

From the events that happened today, it really made me felt great. I dunno how to explain that feeling. Happy? Excited? I think its a combination of both. I never thought the response will be so overwhelming.

A good end to the 22 months of care & love & memories...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Rational vs perceptual

my 18 days vacation has finally ended! Well, i didn't my no. of days of leave, off & MCs. A friend did that for me in the office. He even made an update as to when i'll be back.

Its a good break nevertheless. Had enough of rest. Had enough of fun. Even tried clubbing for the 1st time. I was telling kenny about the experience in the office today. Told him about 2 incidents which caught my attention. But his reply was since its my first time, just have a look & don't look too much into things happening.

I had been thinking about this as well. Maybe I did read too much into the events. I think its down to myself being too rational (理性). Its time to be more perceptual (感性) le. But i think i've been too rational for too long. Everytime I tried to be less of it, more of being perceptual. It seemed I need to open up many doors before I can be perceptual. And everytime, it takes a long time for me to open up the doors, hence that side of me never ever surfaced.

Anyway, there's always a first time to trying out anything. And since I've tried clubbing once. I think the floodgate will open. Just like how I was hooked to bowling for a short period of time.

Last nite, somehow I can't seem to sleep well. Too excited to be returning back to unit? Maybe. After all, I've not seen the guys for quite a long while eh. 18 days break eh...
4 more days awaits till I'm out of army. Suddenly, I feel pretty excited about going to ORD. And 2 years has gone just like that. A memories folder named "Army" is just about to be remembered.

Till then, this coming friday awaits..Afternoon will be lunch with kenny, rabbit & yin ki. A mini 6th batch celebration & bday celebration for yin ki. And in the evening will be a dinner gathering with the office guys. =)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Not up to expectations

I had a jog around the area. I think the distance should be close to 5km. Jogged from Upp Boon Keng to Kallang Bahru, to Boon Keng to Kallang Industrial estate. Jogged twice. Well, somehow hmm came to my mind for no reason. How ah, really so hard for me to put it down meh? Just as I thought I did it. Just as I thought jogging has another meaning to me. Still need time? I don't need lah..I want instant results.

Anyway, tomorrow's the day my 2 wisdom tooth say goodbye to my gum le. I hoped I get a good dentist & not a seemingly quite experienced but average skills one. I want it to be quickly over. The previous experience still leave a deep impression on me lo.

That leaves me with 3-5 days of MC. Well, I hope my MC last till friday can le. I don't want my weekends to be on MC status. I got a to-do list for the coming few days le.

These are things I want/need to do:
1. Finish up my camera's instruction booklet
2. Watch the 蜡笔小新 DVDs
3. Finish Subash Anandan's auto-biography
4. Find songs for myself & yx

Monday, July 13, 2009

a weekend to remember..

It was a last minute plan to watch fireworks & go for the night festival on saturday. I was happy at the chance to play around with my camera. And to have a weekend meet-up with wai & lil.

We walked up the pedestrian bridge & arrived at Benjamin Sheares Bridge where we took pics while waiting for the fireworks. Time passed. And finally, the fireworks starts. And the sky starts to drizzle. The rain starts to pour as the fireworks scenes gets more spectacular. Several pictures were taken before the chance was gone. People were running down the Bridge, trying to get to the nearest shelter point. After the long wait for fireworks, it was at the last moment where the chance to view the fireworks was gone.

All 3 of us were drenched. With myself looking the most obvious one of all. And after taking shelter till the rain gets lighter, we ran to Millenia Walk. Once again, we got drenched. It was not a nice enocunter, running under a heavy downpour but its an experience to remember.

Next up, we planned to take train to Dhoby Ghaut for the night festival at National Museum. As we walked along City Link to the train station, we saw a long queue forming in front of us, in the direction to the train station. We took a detour & head to Suntec City bus stop. It was the start of our BIG walk. Oh! I saw Bert near Suntec City as well, I guess he was with his dragon-boat friends bah. Should have hit him harder sia, never reply my message for 1 whole day. Good lah!!

We ended up alighting at Bugis area due to a road closure for the night festival. Argh! Hence, we end up walking to National Musuem for the festival. We decided to look around at National Musuem since we need to wait for the concert to start. It ended up being the right choice 'coz the rain came again! And it was an eye-opener, looking around in the musuem. However, we didn't have time to tour the whole building but nevertheless it was great! Anyway, I saw si kai there and that guy ah, juz had to shout "Yo, Pak!!" so loud that all people on the escalator can hear him. I was sooo pai seh lah.

After the museum tour was the concert. I think if I were to be more 'artistic', I would have like the concert more. Last stop was a supper at Rochor Beancurd. AND we walked there as well. That's the end of our BIG walk though.


Went to orchard alone today to head to Borders. I think its my first serious shopping in it. I needed to look for a guitar book mah. But i didn't end up getting the one, my teacher asked for. I spent like 2 hrs plus in there and during the time, I read some comics on National Service, it was quite hilarious.

Anyway, I'm looking for MJ's You're Not Alone. I heard this song before but it never come across my mind that its by MJ 'coz it doesn't sound like his type of song.

Two quotes I saw from TV Mobile:
1. If you want your dreams to come true, the first thing to do is to wake up.
2. Things are only impossible until they're not.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

night out at T3

a meet up for 2 unit buddies today at t3 for dinner & a send-off for zhehao a.k.a chong (i'm still used to calling him chong since the bmt days) & wei jian. Both of them are off to brisbane for further studies. All the best guys!

Seriously, I dunno how the 3 of us managed to kill time from 7 plus to 10 plus before sending zhehao & wei jian off. Its like the time passed by so naturally that i felt 3 hours is a very short time spent. Anyway, as events unfold, ORD draws closer. It was in bmt that i know chong, even though we were from the same bunk, we weren't close. He's more of section 3.5 while i'm purely in section 3! And it was in unit that i know wei jian, even though we were from the same company (Leopard!!). And it seemed so recent that I had news of them going to aussie and now they're on their way there.

Wei jian was saying about how excited he has been this morning when he head to CMPB for collection of THE pink IC. He was unable to sleep and even woke up early at 6 in the morning. After hearing his experience, I thought about how I will feel when I'm in his shoes in 2 weeks time. But somehow I didn't get excited leh. Maybe I'm already in the ORD mood after being 1 week plus away from the unit & another week of 'holiday' awaits me. Maybe, I don't want to ORD?? Nah! I must be out of my mind if I want to stay on as NSF. Hah! Well, it should be a natural thing when it comes lah, no point thinking about such thing.

I think I'm loving my camera more & more. And I'm taking pictures seriously for fun. Yet another 30/40 plus pics taken at T3 & the train station. Took a few pics after getting the green-light from the control station officer. Phew! He nearly didn't allow me to take pics!

Friday, July 10, 2009

a lazy week's been gone & the lazy bones gets moving

alritez, the pics of last week's outing is finally up on facebook. I finally decided to stop being lazy & upload the pics.

apparently, got friends bother to read my tiny words in my last post. So, using smaller fonts doesn't works and putting a note doesn't works.

Anyway, i think i should really wake myself up after a near-serious encounter this week. I think it was a tuesday that I was out with mum to bugis. We went to the temple, shopped around there a while and went off to sim lim towers to get a screen protector for my DSLR screen. And on my way to the bus stop from the building, I was happily taking pics of buildings & sceneries out there. Seems like there's nothing wrong right? But, BUT I was doing it at the expense of the traffic conditions. One of my shots were taken while the 'green man' turns 'red'. Erm, I only realised the situation when the lorry starts to move. If not, I'll continue happily taking pics like I'm the king of the road. Hahaha.

Anyway, after shopping at OG that day, made me missed the jacket I saw at Springfield last weekend. Its like Kappa having a sporty jacket at $90+, and Springfield having a better looking one at $90+ as well. I always have the mindset that sporty jacket doesn't worth that much. But anyway, I think the jacket will be waiting for me bah. I hope so. =)

Monday, July 6, 2009

entertainment & shopping galore!!

Yesterday was a day of filled with entertainment! Was out with poly frens for Ice Age 3, shopping in town & vocal training at ktv!!

Ice Age 3 is basically a movie where u watch, have fun laughing, and don't put too much emphasis on its plot and you'll enjoy it. There are no real main characters in the show but it will leave an impression some way or another. Like the silly squirrel in the show, I've no idea what's the relationship between a squirrel & a nut. But the way, the squirrel goes about chasing after the nut, just catches my attention. Pure determination by the little one.

Next up, after the movie ended, sky was dark and rain poured. However, the shopping mood was not dampened. Nice jackets and jeans were spotted while shopping. However, with my think-too-much character, I ended up conquering none of the items I liked. Well, I just got one item that i 'want'. Now I should just focus on my 'needs'. Maybe I should throw away the theory of 'wants' & 'needs' while shopping. Haha.

And after dinner & a little bit of shopping, we came to the last pit stop, ktv. I think its a pretty good session for all 4 of us. And time flies when it comes to singing. Before you knew it, the time slot has ended and night is calling for all of us. Photos will be available soon.

AND when I reached home, I managed to catch a glimpse of the Wimbledon men's singles finals between A.Roddick & the now 15-times Grand Slam champion R.Federer! Yesh, you're right. Its not a repeat telecast. Its a LIVE one. The match is still on after 4 looonggg hours. This is another great Wimbledon finals after a heck of a finals last year.

Saturday was a great day meeting up with the unit's frens. Great to see jian yong after a long while. But it didn't end up well thanks to myself. That's all for now. =)

*Note: Any passer-by reading this post, you can stop here. =)

This shall be a note to wake myself up. It is after what happened on kc's party that made me think about such things again. Dunno why I feel 'shy' when facing gals. Dunno why I feel 'shy' when facing strangers. Its like I will be tongue-tied when talking to gals. Dun dare to approach them. And when a game was played during the party, I was hoping I was not called up to play the game. Just have the inner fear of facing strangers which I seriously dunno why! I can be quiet with friends, but thats because I dunno what/how to start a topic. But I will feel at ease with them around. But with strangers, I just felt like escaping the situation.

Ok. After a couple of days of thinking why I acted this way. It should be due to my inferior nature. Its hard to explain how my inferior self developed. It is something I dunno how to explain with words. I guess, only people who were/are inferior can understand how I feel. But then, is it inferior or is it cowardness? Or a mix of both? *Takes a deep breath* Hmmph. Dunno. I'm still very blur. I need to get this inferior feeling out. But can I do it? Or it will be with me no matter what, and it can only be curbed? Questions and more questions left unattended. *Takes a deep breath*. URGH!!

Numb........你不是真正的快乐........Breaking The Habit.......

Monday, June 29, 2009

happy. happy. super happy!! =)

I've finally bought D5000 after aiming so long for it!! Woohoo~! After spending about 2 months of searching for the best deal & after giving it some thoughts about whether I should really be getting it. I've decided. And here I am with my new camera. It's expensive but I think it will be a worthwhile experience. I will bring it to kc's birthday party at his house on this coming saturday. Hopefully, I can be able to take pictures of him and his' potential companion.

With my leave & off planned. I can start to plan on places to go for taking pics. Anyway, I've just got another day of off after my day back at unit on saturday. Peeps from my shift were called back on saturday to shift workstations and equipments for the other shift and it took us half a day to get most of the shifting completed. It was tiring shifting heavy workstations down a winding stairway. And i can't imagine how it will be when shift work ends and the workstations need to be brought back up to the office at 2nd floor when there's going to be lesser NSFs by then. And to rub salt onto wound, there's little number of guys working there as well.

Today is an absolutely silly day. Most slack and most ridiculous day ever! I had dental appointment at National Dental Center regarding my wisdom tooth this morning. But due to my time-sheet stating a timing that is sufficient for me to get back to unit. I need to return to my unit. I switch on my workstation. Update my status with my 2IC. Ask permission for wisdom tooth extraction. And by the time i realised it. Its time for lunch. And because of shift work, after lunch will be home-sweet-home. So basically, i went back to my office, switched on computer. Chit-chat. Went home. ....Dumb. Anyway, i did a silly thing during my short stint at office today lah. Being duty clerk and the most senior NSF along with my buddy, I forgot to report strength with my peers. How nice. Haha.

More to explore my D5000 now. Games are out of my mind le. No time to start dragonica ah! Sian. =((

Friday, June 26, 2009

its less than 1 month now..

after a few days of MC, the office suddenly seems an unfamiliar environment. Except the people there, of course. They're definitely still the crazy peeps i know.

Juz planned all my remaining days of leave. I've got 6 in total. I need to do my wisdom tooth extraction as well. And I still have my 1 day of GPO as well. The GPO came as a surprise la. I mean my work is decent, with occasional errors commited. So I wasn't expected myself to be given GPO. But, definitely out of the 3 NSFs in my sub-department, I'm not the worst. So maybe that's why I got mine. Anyway, its my 2nd GPO in 2 weeks. Woohoo~! Nothing else is ever better than having GPO from my department. Its the best achievement in work that u can ever get.

And what a good way to end the week off. That is to start shift work. Its because of H1N1 de. To try to minimise the spread mah. And what's so sian today is that my shift needs to be in office today whereas the 2nd shift don't need to be in office today! Coz today is movie outing for the formation's regulars of 3SG & above. So there's OFF for all NSFs. And being in 2nd shift, no need to come office at all lo. But they need to be back in office tomorrow to do some shifting of equiptments. Heng ah! At first the recall was for all NSFs. Lucky now its just for the 2nd shift. If not, life's really unfair!

So after the shift ends today, it was a lunch outing for YK, kenny, rabbit & myself at Tampines SAFRA's Sakura. However, it didn't ended too well for myself. While playing foosball, I was suan by rabbit. And I got rather angry. I think it should be pretty obvious bah. But after I reached home, I recalled the incident. It seemed silly and I was rather angry with myself. But after having a chat with hz, i felt better.

Oh yah! I saw bokai in the bowling alley at SAFRA Tampines while I was about to leave. Its great meeting him after a long time.

And that's the start to the last month of my NS life. I'm coming to terms with parting & is starting to look to the future.

A new gadget that just caught my attention. If only...the price is cheaper...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

a dreadful weekend to forget..

it all started on last thursday. I had sore throat that morning and I was suspecting it to be due to the soya bean drink that I had the previous nite. Coz my throat is sensitive to certain food items which I can't be sure unless I tried that product. For example, I used to be sensitive against chocolate & green tea. I still don't know why I'm no longer sensitive to these food but that's just how it is. And I thought last thursday's case was the same thing, so I didn't cared much.

And, I tried making my precious 3rd day of OFF with having a haircut and getting gifts for the regulars with unit buddy, kenny. The gifts planned didn't turn out to be the ones we got. We planned to get all sorts of different gifts for the regulars but turned out, we got them books with of all kinds of titles, some meaningful ones, some cheeky ones. Haha. Definitely a fun day out at kinokuniya choosing books. Next stop. Taka basement level for lunch. We had german sausages there. And after that, on the way back home, the nightmare starts.

Body was feeling a little cold while at kino, but once again I ignored the hints my body was giving, as was the hint my sore throat gave. Never mind, once I reached home, had dinner, the fever starts to come. And it wasn't a slight one. It was in the 38.5 - 39 degrees range. As it was late, I refused to head to A&E. I went there once, and it wasn't a nice experience. Never mind, I waited for friday where I reported sick and went to polyclinic. I was quarantined with the rest of the flu-like symptoms patients. I was feeling terribly and being quarantined make me felt worse. I was diagnosed to be having flu and was assured by doctor not to worry about the possibility of me having H1N1 or dengue. I had 2 days MC.

But the fever never failed to subside and I went to see a private doctor on sunday again. This time round, I was diagnosed with tonsilitis. Some kind of inflammation around the throat area, and the doctor and I suspected that that was the cause for why my fever can't subside. Another 2 days MC awaits me. And as often, her pills just seem to work for me. I only took the pills twice to feel my body feeling better. Amazing! However, I found out that she gave me a wrong prescription of antibiotics which I'm allergic to. And I only realised after I had a 2nd one. Sian.

Anyway, this fever really cast fear upon me. 'Coz the previous time I had fever, it was dengue. That time i was ill for 8/9 days. Now its better, its 4 days this time round. And also, this time, I felt seriously terrible at my throat. Every mouthful of saliva is painful to swallow. Legs are whobbly. But I'm glad I'm fine and able to blog now. Woohoo~! But on friday, I was certainly touched by my father's actions. He applied half day leave to came back home to check how I was doing. Really touched. But to think he can't have his father's day celebration last sunday. Nvm, this sunday will be a make-up one!

But but because of this fever, I'm not sure I'd missed out on my D5000 deals yet!! I hope not ah! :p

Friday, June 5, 2009

older & wiser?

lets make it a quick one. this week has been a pleasant week. Managed to gain valuable experience while mending the group's booth at Mindef Pride Day. I get to meet public from all aspects of life. Apart from that, I get to train up on my presentation skills & confidence. Even though, my slot on thursday turned out to be a day of little crowds, I still get to earn some invalubale memories. Like for one instance, there's a little girl about 8-10 years old who wrote a post-on & asked me for a dollar. Shocked to see her doing it, I declined. Next up, I saw her at the food court while having my lunch. This time round, she has a $2 note and a few coins which I believed was achieved after she asked around. Round 3 with her occured a few hours after lunch. She asked me to bend over to her and she asked me a question. "Are you blind?", she asked. My mind went blank and my instant reply to her is "Huh?!" Upon hearing me, she laughed and ran off. DORTZ! What's with her? 

Apparently, I'm not the only person to have encounters with her. She disturbed one of the organisers as well as actor Nat Ho, who's there to perform. 

Another incident worth remembering is an encounter with this uncle. He caught my attention while he chatted on his phone. 'Coz he's walking around the exhibition and suddenly he stopped and leaned onto my booth and continue to chat until moments later, he left. He returned and I explained to him about my group's project - National Emergency Analysis application (NEA). After reading through the poster, he made some comments about a certain usage for the application. And he suggested the unit to comment to LTA for improvements in which our project can help as well as his opinions on certain issue. He happily supported his stand & all me & my ma'am did was to nod and smiled as he preached. This is exactly just like a role-play scenario during a presentation workshop which I attended! And here I am, with the ideal way to handle. Not giving any negative comments on what a visitor said, just go along with him not to make him angry or unhappy. 

To round things off for the day, I saw pei wen at the hub. I looking across the exhibition as I did for so many many times during the exhibition & the moment I saw her, my mind seemed to be sure that its her. However, she did not enter the exhibition, neither did I left my booth to approach her. Dunno why, but I'm quite happy to see her there. And I'm sure she seemed to have seen me there as well as she walked away.

This week is a transition period for me to turn from 21 year old to 22 year old. Thank all for remembering my birthday, and even to people from the unit as well. Really made me feel touched that most people send me their wishes. Even from my ma'am and sir. Definitely one moment to remember and made me think back at the days at the unit after I ORD in the near future.  

Seems like my promise for a short post turn out to be a long one again :p

Saturday, May 30, 2009

roundup of last weekend & this week

last saturday's sentosa was a pretty nice outing. Sea breeze, coupled with good weather with no sunlight suits me best. Learnt how to play touch rugby & had a good time out with the unit guys & yi san, a first meet-up with him after he ord. 

dragged my mum for company to some "Licensed to Play" fair last sunday. Well, i was hoping for some good offers for D5000! But i was made to feel disappointed as the price & the gifts given weren't any better than that at Harvey Norman's fair. 

I went to a presentation workshop for my WITS project on monday. Its a pretty good workshop with a good speaker who prepares herself well. Its a lecture cum role-play workshop. I was asked by my project mates to represent the team for role-play. Maybe i was shy, maybe i was nervous, i felt i didn't do a good job for the role-play. But nevertheless, i was given a morale boost by my unit buddy, kenny. Thanks, dude! Anyway, next up for the project will be a MINDEF Pride Day roadshow @ Toa Payoh Hub next week from 2-4th June. Gotta prepare myself well, n give it my best shot. Even though, its my project, due to the sensitivity of issues in the office, i myself, as a team member is not pretty sure of the whole project, except for playing a part in the write-up of report. To anyone reading this post, support my team at HDB Hub if you're free ya. 

The rest of the week turned out to be as typical as what my life has been for the past 1 year 8 months in the office. And, to round up the week, friday definitely has to be a climax to end it. And what better way to end it to draw blood!! Was pricked twice by the medic. I heard his conversation between himself & another medic, where he's saying the needle nearly broke. Phew! lucky he stopped! And drew blood from another hand, if not...the consequences should be worse. Anyway, i don't blame him la, he's afterall medic thanks to NS. So I can't be expecting him to be professional rite. But if it was me, i think i will be worse off bah. Ask me to look at blood drawing, still ok. But to look at the needle pricking into the skin, and drawing blood for patients all the time...that's definitely not going for me. 

Relationship can be vulnerable. It can take ages to build up one. And just take minimal effort to blew it. 

Thursday, May 21, 2009

a pretty good week

The past week has once again been an easy week. There's a fair amount of work to be completed but nevertheless, as ORD is approaching, the mentality of giving hard work into the job has become weaker. Hence, self-proclaimed break is getting longer even with the possibility of scolding glooming over my head. Well, I did sufficient amount of work, conscience's clear, did produce sufficient quality in job, n that's enough for me. 

It definitely helps with the office having several big shots away from the confined space. And they'll be away for about 7 days. Incredible piece of news!

Tomorrow's E-Prep @ Kranji Camp. I can get to fulfil my wish of having to wear no. 4 before i ORD thanks to the minor matters when wearing no. 3. Anyway, its another day away from the office n away from the computer! Hooray! Not to mention, I need to attend a course next monday regarding some presentation skills so once again, I don't need to stay in the office for the whole day. 

I just completed reading my 2nd book in my entire life. It's no surprise that its another book by Torey Hayden which I had finished reading. But, after I read it before sleep this tuesday. I had a bad dream after that. I didn't have a dream for quite some time and after such a long time, to think the dream I will have is a bad one. Why can't it be a good & nice one!! Anyway, its funny to have read a psychology-based non-fiction book & have a bad dream bah. 

In less than 2 weeks time, I'll be 22. Once again, its the time of the year where I'll ask myself whether I've made myself useful & recall what I've done over the past year. 
Have I been doing anything to make my parents/family proud of me? Nope. 
Have I been doing anything to make friends/colleagues/mates proud of me? Hmm...don't think so. 
Have I made myself proud of myself either? Definitely..not!
Hah! Simply show that its another wasteful year, more to buck up in the coming year! This leaves me with thoughts to ponder on. But before anything is to be done, I should be thinking of wat to give to myself as a gift. Haha!

Anyway, anyway, its Sentosa trip for this saturday. Haven't been to sentosa for too-many-to-count years! With the plan in place, it should be a fun day bah. Hope so bah. Should be a good weekend ahead.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

new nickname &...farewell...

Iceman! That's right! That's my new nickname given to me by friends in the unit. The theme for new nicks are based on superheroes. And I'm given this nick because of my lame jokes which are 'cold'.  Telling lame jokes is not something that I should be proud of, but I think Iceman's a pretty cool nick. Ok. Enough of that. Totally random. 

Anyway, today the office had a farewell & "All the best" mini-party for Mr Tan. Its actually better for him to be away and searching for a better job. But his leaving is a pretty hasty one. He's supposed to leave the unit 2 weeks from now but apparently he is required to do some stuffs and it ended up that today became the last day for him. Since he's away, i think my buffet treat is gone as well since he's my WITS leader & I think the $$ will be saved for other usage instead of having a feast outside. Somehow his resignation stimulate my brain cells to understand the different mentality that a worker can have. Yet another lesson on office politics learnt. He's someone worthy of looking up to. For this short stint in the unit, he was 'sabo' as my WITS leader, & he did a good job & earned himself an Outstanding Leader Award. How about that! Taking whichever thing that comes your way & give it a best shot. Anyway, all the best to whichever job you hold next time ya. =)

A question that is stuck in my head with a seemingly easy answer just seems so hard for me to get over it. Sometimes I just have the ability to confuse myself that I really end up finding myself to be a stranger. 
Is it really so hard for you to make the first move, JJ...

Friday, May 8, 2009

bad weather..

As I'm writing this post, I'm currently having a pretty bad headache after my swim in the air force school. Swimming's supposed to be the best exercise during a super hot weather like today but I actually ended up worse off after the swim. Anyway, can anyone reading this post tell me the difference between headache & migraine? Does migraine means severe headache?? Anyway, the headache is so bad that it's causing me to lose my sudden crave for donuts. Sian. 

This week has been quite a relaxed period for me in the office. It seems I can slack more openly in the office now. Even my work is cutting down. I was told by my ma'am that the current work shall be my last piece of work. Well, I'm really not used to this kind of life lah. I rather I have work that's not urgent than to have nothing to do. Just feel awkward about it but when it happens, lets see how I will approach it. 

I've been harbouring this thought that this 2 years of my life is more useless than most NSFs. What I do is not something that NSFs normally do. I learnt nothing else useful except office politics & some useful computer knowledge. When most NSFs are training under hot sun, I'm slacking in some office room. Well, I was hoping for some technician post initially after BMT, but what's good about this vocation is the 8-5pm work hours. To be exact, 8-5.30pm. I get alot of exposure to radiation from computers. And at the end of the day, what I do in there is useless for use in the outside world. Oh well, the only memories that I will have about this 2 years is the people that I've met. I should be lucky enough to find that the people I met are pretty nice. Its a memory that I'll keep with me as I move on. 

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Shopping.. Gaming.. Eating..

Catched up with sont after about 3 months since his previous semester break. Not been able to meet him since he's having a busy schedule in NTU. We went for shopping in our usual place, Queensway & had lunch at our usual place at ABC Market. Its a good return for him as he's happy about getting 2 shirts at reasonable price. And I got 1 for myself. I guess guys can't shop for long. We barely shop for 3 hours and we were both feeling tired. 

Heard from sont some news about things between me & her. So that was the impression my action gave and that was how she felt.
Was what I did previously wrong? Did I really made a wrong move? Perhaps. Maybe what I did really went overboard. Hmm...

Went to play lan today with huat & kit. Kit's 1st time playing lan. We played at The Cathay and to my surprise, they use Razor mouse & keyboard. That explains why it cost $3 per hour. So expensive!! 

I've been eating really alot nowadays. Just can't stop my eating spree. Take for example last thursday & today. Last thursday, this is what I ate for the whole day. Breakfast in the morning, lunch provided by cookhouse followed by 2 pieces of pizza. In the nite, I had dinner before meeting hz for movie where I had fries. And I had 6 pieces of nuggets instead of MacChicken thanks to hz. I think I ate even more today. Chicken rice for brunch. Yes, I'm crazy, such oily food so early in the day. Then I had beef noodles without beef, where I had beefballs, & other parts of cow. And followed by some japanese-bento-looking rice. Lastly, I just had beancurd, youtiao n 2 egg tarts for supper. What big appetite I have recently. Haha!

I went back to PLAB for flu injection today. To my surprise, the medic at the medical centre is not bad wor. I don't quite feel the pain eh. And he's quick. Seems to me he's quite skilled in it. Hopefully Influenza A don't last long. Economy's not doing well this year. And with a virus outbreak so serious, it doesn't make this a good year with less than half a year gone. 

Monday, April 27, 2009

reaching the finishing line..

its less than 3 months to ORD now. Well, to be exact, its actually 87 days. Haha, there's a countdown timer in the office for the NSFs to view their remaining days to ORD. The feeling of separation grew stronger day by day. I always hated this kind of feeling. Its a sad & uncomfortable feeling but people grow, people matures. People moves on & need to look ahead in life. I must say, its quite a same old story for me. The cycle of emotions always works the same for me. From uncertainty in getting into the unit to seeing a buddy being posted out to slowly blending in with people. 

I remembered I used to keep counting down to my number of days to ORD when I first got into the office after my training. Its as many as 600 plus days...till it reached a point in time when its too tedious to keep track of these numbers. And now, its down to 2 digits of numbers of days left. I'm not sure if there's enough time to do the things planned before the time is up. Like getting of gifts for regulars. There's 20 plus regulars, so it sure will take a long time to get all the gifts planned. Dental appointment also not booked. Haven't went for one for about a year le. 

Anyway, when I reach the finishing line, where I'll be is not decided. The start for a job has not started. The place to study. Not decided as well. So many queries forming up in my head & I need to solve it swiftly & make a good decision to all. We can have a one wrong move but can we afford to have too many wrong moves? Can't.

A quote that caught my attention from yesterday's average Star Awards 2009 - Pornsak says : "Someone once told me, Don't be mediocre."

mediocre. a description which fits myself perfectly. A description which i always am contented with. A description that I should shrug off. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

my game's gone..

wah sian! really sian...i was 'saved' once but when it happened the 2nd time. My game died. This is what actually happened. I start my Football Manager game. It loaded. I select my "Arsenal FC" game. However, an error message pop out! The game shringe into a window screen. Instantly, I felt my game's gone. I tried & tried to restart the game, but it failed. Haiz. Its my 1 & only game of the new FM2009 eh. I played over 3/4 days & several hours in the game. I'm supposed to be in year 2012 in the game eh. My squad's unbeatable. My coaching staffs consist of former great players. Urgh!! My AARRSSSEEEENNNAAALLLL......

A good weekend break ends up with a poor start to the week. 

Not to say, tomorrow's my 'favourite' activity in army - IPPT. I think tomorrow's going to rain around 4pm bah. Hmm. IPPT shall be postponed then. Not bad. 

Saturday, April 18, 2009

feeling a little emo

been acting emo for the past week, just feeling down for no particular reasons. mind wandered away & had been thinking alot as well. Help! I'm killing my limited numbers of brain cells by thinking about unnecessary stuffs. I just gotta clear all these unnecessary thoughts out of my head. Its pointless. Its in my head. It doesn't make me happy so I should try not to think about these things. 

Anyway, 2 good things to share. 
One. I met Phyllis on bus on one of the weekdays on bus. I don't normally take that bus home unless I'm going to deposit $$ in Aljunied Central. Wasn't expecting to see an old coursemate on bus as the probability is so low. To know someone you know on a bus which carries not alot of people. A small world eh.

Second. The Gunners got into the Champions League Semi-Final!! Woo~~Hoo~~! Its not always that Arsenal are still in with a shout to challenge for any trophy. So, its really good to see that this time round, they even got a chance to challenge for the Champions League. Nevertheless, they got in through an easier Quarter-Final tie as compared to Chelsea, who had to get past Liverpool - the team that ALWAYS never give up easily. However, Arsenal are growing in confidence & the quality of the football is getting better as they play. Hopefully, they can try to maintain this standard till the season ends. Jia you! 

Look at how time can change a person. I used to hate to run or jog. Just used to dislike jogging for it being an individual sports & also because I'm not good in it. :P But now, I think I quite like jogging even though I'm not good at it still. I can feel myself getting fitter with jogging three times a week. Need to get this good hobby go on. 

Anyway, I'm just wondering how can I contact a friend who's overseas. Who doesn't come to msn anymore. Who don't use Facebook. Don't log in to Friendster anymore either. How? It just seems he suddenly vanish into thin air. Just hope he's still alright. 

Thursday, April 9, 2009

a random post

dunno why but somehow today i just don't seem to be good mood. Not to the extend of unhappy, but just feeling moody. Because of THAT colleague? Because of the stress of job's dateline? Perhaps a combination of both bah. Seriously i don't understand why i'm affected by that particular colleague. I don't understand why what he says can affect my mood. Always can make my blood boils. Urgh! Gonna treat him like a piece of glass and ignore him liao. I find him very 烦,and annoying. Ok. Enough of him. Not going to make him take up so much space on my post. 

Work just seem to pile up all of a sudden and to make things worse, there's this job which I need to do and the deadline is thursday a.k.a tomorrow. And I haven't even started that assignment yet. DEFINITELY can't make the dateline because I was told of the dateline really late, like 2 days to complete that assignment with other jobs on hand to complete. Haiz. Well, if the work is really that urgent, given my character, OT will be necessary then. I nearly wanted to stay back for OT to complete my current jobs, so as to start on the Mission Impossible. It never helps to have a colleague who has alot of jobs on hand as well & another one who's always on the lookout for easier tasks to do. Being Mr. Anything, I never refuse any tasks issued. Just try my best to complete the task well. 

Came home to do a bit of toy modelling & watching my favourite "超级星光大道" series.I'm currently watching series 4. Wasn't having a good impression on the contestants for the series. Had a misconception that they weren't as tough mentally as the previous batches, and their singing are not as good as their seniors. But I was proven wrong!! The next round of competition that I'm going to watch show them having to face the comments(some of these comments are really hurtful)  that people post on the show's forum. I'm not sure they hear it after they sang their song for that round or before they sing. Because if they hear it before they sing, it will be a test of their mental strength to finish their song and sing it well. Of all the series I've watched, the way the contestants improve during the competition really impresses me. I think I'm too crazy over the show le. Alrights. That's all for my ranting. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

feeling super happy now!

was checking my mail just now and I've received another confirmation email from the agent in AusEd regarding my university applications. This time round, its good news!! I'm being offered a place for RMIT University le! And with a 1 year exemptions some more! Well, after receiving a rejection letter last week, I'm getting paranoid over my future. Wasn't having the best of mood this week, but after the most recent email, my mood has been lifted. At least, I can see a door about to open, and whether the door lead me into a brightly lit room or a dark, cold room, its up to me! 

Right now, its just about when I will receive the reply from the other 2 universities. Hopefully I receive a good reply from Curtin, budget wise and course wise, i'm slightly more in favour of Curtin. Hmm, we'll see...

how many masks do u wear?

I had a nice chat with kim poh & yin ki during tea-break this morning. It was a nice chat and a nice stroll as well! We walked around the unit at least 7/8 times while we had our chat. Haha! That actually adds up to around 3.2km of walking. Quite a good form of exercise. Perhaps we should do it more often for guys like us. Always facing coms daily, having unhealthy radiation emitted from the monitor, and having to sit and facing the square monitor for 8 hours. 

The first paragraph does not seem to show any link to my title of the post. Here it comes. We were chatting about our respective experience in our departments and we had some complaints over several guys. And a chat on this particular guy triggered my initative to write it here. That particular guy blew up once and suddenly just slapped another guy, causing all of the onlookers (including myself) to be in a shock. It really happened out of nowhere. Alright. After the incident, he did apologised to the guy he slapped. The peers of the guy being slapped is totally angry about him. But apparently, he was not sincere with his actions. As, he did it so that it looks nice to show he's apologetic about his actions. So, why apologise if there's insincerity about it. Why apologise just to show that u are sorry about ur actions when u're not. And anyway, the apologize was not accepted by the peers of the guy being slapped. Apart from the incident, a conclusion can be deduced that he's afraid of the mighty (which is why he apologised for the incident i mentioned) and he will 'bully' or, put it in another way, show his authority to those he felt is weaker than him. Well, this showed he wears masks. 

Masks. Something that people wear to show the 'self' that one want to show to certain group of people. Mostly worn by backstabbers. Nowadays, getting more common. LOL. The above description is totally something I thought of de. Its something I believe though. Its something which makes life torturing yet interesting. Office politics opens up the mask-eteers are everywhere. These people create rumours. Creates unwanted trouble, yet are creators of topics to be gossip. Hmm, cool. Personally, why not just be less complex. Makes things simpler. Why wear a mask to show one is being nice at a person, and back-stab another behind his/her back. Reason(s)? To sabotage a person, to create better opportunity to gain promotion?? Does it makes one happy that way? Maybe. Does the happiness last long? Well, only the mask-eteers know. Personally, I think it is a kind of superficial happiness. But then again, there's a need to have 'bad' people to show how nice the nice people are, right? 

It's tiring to be superficial to make the working environment nice. If only there's just one side of everybody and not wear a mask. But its difficult in this environment, huh. Anyway, enough of the grumblings. 

Happy April's Fools Day! Happy birthday to my dad. But he won't read this though. Haha. 

Friday, March 27, 2009

1 down 3 to go...

was checking my email just now and I actually received a reply from AusEd with regards to my applications. My application to get into Deakin is rejected...I was pretty down after reading the letter but nevertheless I'll stay positive and hopeful that the other 3 applications will be going well. I'm starting to limit myself down to 2 choices though, namely RMIT & Curtin. I did applied for uni of Queensland but after lil told me about their course not really recognised locally, hence I'm not really interested if its the only one that accept me out of the 3 remaining applications. 

Haiz. The regret of getting poor results in the 1st & 2nd year is getting stronger. Feeling more remorseful about it. A late push in the 3rd year still prove useless if all my applications are rejected. Hmm, I need to take some time to look at the other available options I have. 
Well, I can only have myself to blame isn't it...

This week's been a good week le, so as my life always has been, something unpleasant must happen as well to 'balance' it out right..haha

totally random post

i dunno what has gotten into me but somehow i felt like typing something whenever i log on to internet. Haha. 
I was juz scanning through all my posts, just realise I typed alot for all my posts. I think if I were to have a better command of english, my posts should be shorter. Hmm. 
Nothing much to blog about today actually. Its just a sudden urge to type something. Haha! 

had a great day today!

this week has been a pretty good week so far. I enjoyed today very much. I was informed yesterday that I'll be having lunch outside with my WITS team. This meant 2 good news for me. Good news 1- No cookhouse food for me today=) This week's lunch is really pretty awful!! I'm never someone who doesn't like to finish his food. But ARGH! really can't stand the food. 
Good news 2- Today's dine-out is using the $$ we won through WITS awards. The lunch is a meal at a hotel. AND no need to start work straight after lunch!! Whee!!

Anyway, really had a lot of food during today's buffet. Who ask me to be big mouth and say I always don't like to waste food. So, I really ate all that I can. Haha. Felt really full after the meal though. I felt quite bloated. But perhaps because of my good mood today, my food was all digested by 3 hours. And I felt like eating again. Not forgeting the guys in the office for tempting me with hot & spicy chips while I'm still feeling bloated. Thanks ah! 

Received bert's message enquiring about meeting tonight. He planned to watch FanBoy. But eventually the plan was changed to eating zi char at a coffeeshop near my house. The food's really nice though. Love this dish called Coffee Pork Ribs. Yummy! Eventually, we met up in the end with kit as well. Had zi char. And went for a movie at Leisure Park after that. We watched The Unborn. It is a PG-rated film which I think should be rated as NC-16 for some scenes in the show. By the way, it's my 1st horror film at the cinema with the guys. We bought the tickets for the movie at 8.30pm when the show starts at 8.05pm. Missed quite a bit of the show, but its still a relatively nice show though. Got a few disturbing scenes. Never watch horror films with them 'coz huat don't quite like it but anyway, I learnt something today! Bert's quite scared with horror film 'coz he was grabbing kit's hand real hard!! But its funny lah. It's that kind of wanna see the disturbing scene yet got that bit of fear loh. Quite cute lah. Haha =) On the way out of Leisure Park, I saw this gal from my course. Dunno her name. Just know that she's from azuan's class. 

To people reading my blog, try searching for this video call 'Hotel 626' on youtube. Its an online game and its video is quite..erm...____ *fill in the space by watching it lo* =P 
*don't watch it with the speakers on if u think u're not really a 'brave' person. I was watching it as i type this post. At this late hour, I got a slight shock. 

I think i saw HER today after the 3 of us went to get concession at train station. Saw a really familiar back-view as we approach the traffic lights. She rushed to cross the road. We didn't. Part of me wanted to rush to cross as well, but part of me says don't. I told the guys after that. They were saying i think too much. Really? Perhaps. As we approach the bus terminal, I was searching if she was around. But, she wasn't. Maybe its just someone that look like her?! I thought i forgot about her? Or didn't I? Hmm...


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

soon-to-be hobby =)

like the title suggest..I'm interested in picking up a new hobby! It's about keeping a pet at home. Dogs?? Nope. Cats?! Nah. Hamsters?!?!? Not either. Aiya, its fishes. 

Last Saturday, after having nasi lemak at katong with my parents, I passed by an aquarium shop. My parents & I went in to take a look. I've always like marine fishes, but didn't rear them because of the implications of having them. You see. The salt content of the salt water that the fishes stay in, must be of right proportion. There's other factors to take care of as well. Like nitrogen and the cleanliness of the tank. But today I was having the aqua-fanatic Alan about this topic. And there's another issue to take care of. Marine fishes need air-con to survive, as they require low temperature to live. That chiller/air-con will cost a bomb. But, I really like marine fishes, fishes like clown fish a.k.a nemo looks real nice under neon lights. It's as if their bodies can glow. Really very nice. However, as my understanding of myself with my own short attention span on interest/hobby, I doubt this sudden burst of interest will last. But I'm trying to change. Really! Starting interest on guitar. Hopefully it will last really long. 

Anyway, I saw a rainbow after having my nasi lemak!! Wanted to take a shot of it with my dad's N95 BUT I forgot how to use a camera phone. Oh no!! I tried and tried until the rainbow decided enough's enough! It decided to fade away before i took a decent shot of it =((

*Clap hands clap hands* Its less than 4 months to my ORD le. Yay!! That means I DUN HAVE to face HIM after that. Hmm, HIM is a junior of mine. I dun like the way he brags about his 'knowledge'. I mean, don't make urself sounds so knowledgeable when u don't leh..he's always talking about how good he's with his programming knowledge. Like to say boastful stuffs and like to be a Lao Da (big brother). But then again, perhaps its just his case of insecurity or lack of self-confidence which is why he's using this way to 'protect' himself?? Maybe...I guess I gotta be more forgiving, and have more tolerance, which I don't have. Ok, I must try to accept others for what they are. Yes, I can!

And lastly, one thing that made my day! My dad went home after work, telling me that he was worried that he had lost the coin pouch that I got for his birthday this year. Luckily, he just left it in the car. It didn't dropped on the road or elsewhere. Whoa! It came as a shock to me! Firstly, relationship between him and myself aren't that good. I'm closer to my mum. Secondly, he seldom talk more about his feelings to us de. He's a da nan ren. A male chauvernistic (i think i spelt wrongly). But nevertheless, he's a good dad. Anyway, I was touched and really happy with his 'anxiety' over the misplacement of the pouch. I always feel really glad and assured that I got a present for family or friends as long as they like it. My insecurity will be out haunting me, making me think alot of unnecessary stuffs and thus as long the result i get from people is positive. I'll be really happy. 

Dunno wat I've been typing oso..should've change the title to juz random post instead..LOL

Saturday, March 21, 2009

happiest day of the week =)

I'm NOT going to do operation on my arm le! YEAH!

YES! I'm absolutely overjoyed with the fact that I can cancel away the operation appointment for some correction surgery to my right arm. Well, after a long thought of considering to do the operation or not, and on Tuesday, I gave an answer to my specialist doctor on my decision to my right arm. The answer is YES. 'Coz he said after seeing him for 10+ years regarding my old injury which occured in primary school, its reached a time where I'm to decide whether to leave my arm as it is (which is, being able to bend to 90 degrees, no more no less), or to have an operation to try to correct the situation. 

However, what really caused me to ponder alot on my arm's situation is down to 4 reasons. 1 reason being, I go for the operation. Have a scar on my right arm (don't like my arm to have a scar, 'coz I dunno how big the scar can be, a very big scar looks ugly). Secondly, the doctor can't give me an answer to how much the operation can help in correcting my arm (improve a little bit, alot, he just can't promise me anything, doesn't have any definite answer, makes me unsure of the help I gain from the surgery). 2nd way to the situation will be, to go for the operation at a subsidised rate (operation cost to be covered fully) and be daring and just give it a go! So, it's up to me to decide which reason matters the most to me. 

But after agreeing to the operation, I thought about the operation and I'm just getting more uncertain about my decision as I go through the admin procedures required for the surgery and it got worst as soon as I saw the budget. It cost $7000+. It's too much to bear with the result of the surgery uncertain. Alot of 'what ifs' flew past my mind. Felt quite emo after the appointment. I need to double-check with unit's admin clerk whether the cost will be covered and whether my branch head allow me to go for the operation. 

So this afternoon, I went to check with the admin clerk, and her reply is because I'm a private patient, I will have to bear for the surgery cost. I'm not keen on having to pay for the operation because of uncertain result. And after knowing that I have to pay for the surgery if I were to go, made me more determined not to go for the surgery. After all, I can choose to correct my arm next time if I want, through referral from polyclinic rather than through my current doctor who charges me as private patient where it will cost a bomb. Anyway, this piece of news help me in making my decision. And so, I'm happy!

Had a good cycling exercise in gym during Games Day and went with the unit guys to the Adidas sale & Popular sale at the expo. Whoa! The Adidas sale is really quite an eye opener. We need to queue up in order to get into the hall. And the stuffs that were left when we went in were little. Its only the 1st day of the sale btw! It's either we're really slow, or that there wasn't alot of items on sale. But anyway, to be able to clear up most of their goods on the 1st day of supposedly 3 days sale is good news isn't it. 

I bought 2 models made of wooden plank at the Popular sale. 1 of which is Eiffel Tower. The other one comprises 1 guitar and a grand piano. I think I'm going to try paint it to make it lively as compared to the dull light-beige tone of the model. The display cabinet is going to be flooded when I really fix all the models I have on hand le. Gonna stop myself from buying any more models le. I've got no place in my room for another cabinet!! 

That's it for this week where it marks a mixture of good news for myself and a bad week for some guys in the unit. Hoping for next week to be a better one! =)